

The Relation of Music and Other Art

【作者】 马嘉

【导师】 魏玲;

【作者基本信息】 河北师范大学 , 音乐学, 2010, 硕士

【摘要】 作为音乐工作者,我们应当更加深刻的理解和研究音乐这门艺术的特殊性,并且更好的区别音乐与其他姐妹艺术的差别,从而做好音乐教育与其宣传工作。要区别音乐与其他艺术的异同,不止是在表象上,我们要在本质上对其进行分析,多方面地,多角度地切入来阐述。本文通过音乐与文学艺术比较,即人们在欣赏音乐作品时,所产生的欣赏过程,首先文章先阐述两种不同的艺术门类的相同之处,即他们都是时间艺术,表现过程都是由时间来逐渐展丌的,并且两者具有相通性,可形成艺术联觉对应关系等;在分层阐述这两种艺术门类的本质差异,如音乐艺术不能像文学作品的鉴赏那样获得“一目了然”的审美体验,而需要先听到按照某种规律组合的一连段音乐,然后把它还原成思想感情、信息等等。也就是说,文学作品所具有的是直接性和概念性,所表达的对象富有具体性,但是音乐作品所表达的则是声音艺术,其表现的对象就更富有感性、情绪性,它比较起文学艺术具有着非语义性,阐述了二者在本质上的完全差异。文章的第二大部分是阐述音乐与绘画艺术的审美异同,以及音乐与雕塑艺术等几个章节将音乐艺术与绘画、文学、雕塑等姐妹艺术相结合分类举例来说明艺术之间的异同,深入探求音乐的审美本质。其中先分析两者的联系,既音乐的强弱与绘画的色彩对比,形成对应的审美通感;另一方面分析两种不同的艺术门类的本质区别,音乐是声音的艺术,通过音响诉诸于人们的听觉感官,以乐音的方式来表达人类的内心感受:绘画则是空间造型艺术,通过线条和色彩诉诸于人们的视觉感官,状物取胜,表现的是事物造型。音乐则不同,它是直接诉诸人的心灵世界,有着巨大的渗透力和亲和力。音乐艺术能够和绘画、文学等多种艺术形式相互渗透、感通,激起诗情画意的审美通感效应。而在人类对音乐的审美规律中,听觉与视觉的相互感通则最为活跃。音乐与绘画作为两种不同的艺术门类,能够视听相通,音画互感,使得欣赏者可以在音乐审美中充分感受画意的通感之美。音乐艺术感官的途径是听觉,造型艺术的感官通道是视觉,二者的美具有各自的特殊性。音乐没有类似于具象艺术那样的种类,因为对于音乐而言,没有什么现实的事物可以进行模仿或者再现。人们之所以认为音乐是抽象的,原因就是指的这种非模仿性。如果把自然中的音响真实录制下来就能成为优秀的音乐作品,那么录音机则成为了最好的作曲家,就像照相机成为了最好的画家一样.然而事实表明,正是由于自然音响不能满足人们的听觉审美需要,所以人们才创造了音乐这样的人工艺术,是由于其中融入了作者的想象以及内心感受,所以才成为一门艺术.文章在这部分阐述了音乐这种听觉艺术与视觉艺术的本质区别。我们身为音乐教育的实施者,研究音乐特殊性的最终目的是为了更好的实施音乐教育,因此笔者对研究成果进行了充分的实践,理论与实践相结合以达到教育目的,并且进行了详细的分析。文章在最后的结语部分总结了自己的观点和音乐未来的发展之路,以及在音乐教育中的一些弊端,使得我们在研究过音乐与其他姐妹艺术的本质区别及联系后,更加深入理解音乐艺术的特殊性,为我们音乐教育者在此之后探求出更好的音乐教育方向开拓出新的发展方向。

【Abstract】 As the music workers, we should be more profound understanding of music and the particularity of the art of music, and better with other differences between art and music education, thus well and propaganda work. Music and other art should be distinguished in the similarities and differences, not just on the image, we are essentially to analyze it, many, many cuts to. Based on literature and art. music and music appreciation that people in the works, and appreciate this article, firstly before two different kinds of art and the same time, they are art, performance process is to gradually spread by. and both have in interconnectedness. can form art synesthesia corresponding relation, etc. In these two kinds of layered between art and music, such as the essence of art appreciation of works of literature as a "as" the aesthetic experience, and need to hear certain regularity according to the combination of music, for it and then for reduction of thoughts and feelings, information, etc. Namely, literary works are direct and conceptual, expressed by the object, but music works concreteness rich expression is sound art. its performance object is more sensible, emotional, it is on literature and art with the semantic, expounds the completely in nature.This paper is the second most music and art, music, and the aesthetic differences with several chapters sculpture art and music to painting, literature, such as sculpture art classification and examples to explain the differences between art. music to the aesthetic essence. Among the first analysis of music, contact between the weak and painting color contrast, aesthetic synaesthesia. On the other hand analyzing two kinds of different arts, music is the essential difference between the art. through stereo sound resorting to people with hearing, music expression of human feelings. Painting is a plastic art space, through the line and color resorting to people’s visual sense, disc, performance is things modelling. Music is different, it is directly to the soul world, great penetration and affinity. Music and painting, literature and art to various forms of art, mutual penetration, arouse the poetic aesthetics synaesthesia effect. In musicaesthetic rules of human beings, hearing and visual sense of the most active rule. Music and painting as two different kinds of art creation, audio-visual, can analyze and make mutual inductance in music aesthetic appreciation can fully experience the beauty of synaesthesia poet. Music is the art of sensory approach, the modelling of sensory artistic audio channel is the visual beauty has its own particularity. Music art that no similar types of concrete, because for music, no real sample can imitate or reproduction. People think of music is abstract, this kind of means of imitation. If the true nature of audio recording down can become music works, then the recorder will is the best composer, like cameras will become the best painter, in fact because of natural sound can satisfy people’s needs, so people aesthetic hearing music created such artificial art. is because of the author in the imagination and feelings, so it becomes an art. This article expounded in this part of the hearing music art and visual arts essential distinction. Our music education as the executor, study music particularity is the ultimate goal of music education in order to better implement, based on the research results of the full practice, combining theory with practice in order to achieve education purpose, and carried on the detailed analysis. At last the article summarized their views and music for the future development of music education in the way, and in some drawbacks, so we studied music and other sisters essence of art after the differences and relation, more understanding of music art particularity, for our music educators in search of a better after the music education direction develop new development direction.

  • 【分类号】J60-05
  • 【被引频次】2
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