

The Choice of the United States Employment Promotion Policy Under the Financial Crisis and Its Enlightenment

【作者】 苑媛

【导师】 王秀玲;

【作者基本信息】 河北师范大学 , 政治经济学, 2010, 硕士

【摘要】 2007年,美国发生次级房贷危机,继而引发全球金融危机,随着金融危机向实体经济蔓延并导致全球经济减速,造成了大量经济实体破产,引发全球就业萎缩。面对严峻的就业形势,各国政府把促进就业提到战略高度,并采取了一系列相应的政策。其中,美国作为世界经济大国,在就业促进政策方面有着先进独到的理念和经验,它为各国出台积极的就业政策提供了素材和借鉴。由美国次贷危机引发的金融危机对我国就业造成较大冲击。当前我国就业的总体特点是“四大一突出”,即人口基数大、劳动年龄人口总量大、农村富余劳动力规模大、就业困难群体数量大,就业结构性矛盾突出。同时,还面临转轨就业、青年就业和农村转移就业同时出现、相互交织的“三碰头”局面。在这种背景下,国际金融危机的冲击不仅造成企业岗位大量流失,大批农民工失去工作岗位、薪酬降低的状态,而且使城镇新增劳动力的就业渠道部分堵塞,加剧了高校毕业生、灵活就业群体特别是困难群体的就业困难。面对这种情况,国务院和有关部门制定并实施了一系列“保增长、保稳定、保民生”和大规模投资拉动就业的4万亿投资计划等政策措施,虽然初显成效,但未来经济走势还不明确,需要进一步观望采取更有针对性、前瞻性的政策措施。虽然美国的就业政策不是万能的,但美国作为当今世界上最发达的国家之一,它在就业政策方面的探索,实际上也是任何一个发展中国家当前所面对和所要经历的。而就业促进政策对一个国家的经济和社会发展所产生的影响等很多问题还都没有深入研究,从而给未来的研究预留下很大空间。本文的研究目的在于,通过对当前金融危机下美国就业促进政策的分析和研究,并结合我国国情,提出解决我国就业难题的相关对策建议。本文分以下几个部分。首先分析了本次金融危机对美国就业产生的影响。介绍了本次金融危机所导致的失业危机的整体特征,阐述了由金融危机向失业的社会危机的逐层转变。其次分析了金融危机下美国就业促进政策的选择。其主要内容包括以复兴和再投资为主要内容的需求性就业政策;与促进就业相结合的失业救济政策;以绿色就业为主要内容的结构性就业促进政策;以援救美国中产阶级为主要内容的就业质量提升政策;以强化工会为主要内容的劳工政策。指出在严峻的经济形势下,奥巴马政府应对当前金融危机所采取的就业促进政策,意在通过经济的增长和新的投资项目来创造更多的就业机会。接着阐述了本研究的重要支撑理论,包括导致这场金融危机爆发根源的新自由主义经济政策的破灭;主张依靠国家干预、增加社会“有效需求”以实现充分就业的凯恩斯主义的回归;劳动就业和西方中产阶级理论;为解决金融危机这一难题而涌现出的各种新的观点、学说,包括西方低碳经济论理论、体面工作、绿色就业理论,为当前美国政府的就业促进政策的选择做理论铺垫。再次分析了金融危机下美国就业促进政策选择面临的挑战及对中国的影响。由于奥巴马政府采取一系列就业促进的政策,一方面使得当前美国经济有所改善,另一方面也缓解了社会矛盾,为其经济发展提供了一个良好的环境。但就业率是滞后指标,是否会出现无就业复苏还需进一步观望。在采取这些政策的同时,奥巴马政府同样还面临着巨大的挑战,如无就业的经济复苏、财政赤字等,同时还有新型的贸易保护对我国的影响,这些问题都是需要我们借鉴和注意的。最后总结美国就业促进政策对我国的启示。在总结美国就业政策的经验和教训的基础上,结合我国的国情和当前我国就业促进政策的现状,提出未来我国应采取的就业促进政策完善的措施。

【Abstract】 In 2007, the United States sub-prime crisis, sparking a global financial crisis; as the financial crisis spreading to the real economy and leading to the global economic slowdown, resulted in a large number of economic entities bankruptcy, and triggered global employment contraction. Faced with the grim employment situation, the governments should attach strategic importance to promotion of employment, and take a series of corresponding policies. Among them, the United States as a world economic power has advanced the unique ideas and experiences in employment promotion policies. It’s provided materials and reference for other countries to take active employment policy.The financial crisis caused by the U.S. subprime mortgage crisis brings great impact on our country’s labor market. At the current stage, the overall characters of our employment is the“big four a prominent”, that is a large population base, large working-age population, large rural surplus labor force, large employment difficulties population and prominent employment structural contradictions. At the same time, also face the“three meet again”situation of transition employment、youth employment and rural employment. In this background, the international financial crisis not only caused the state of a huge loss of corporate jobs, a large number of migrant workers to loss jobs and salary reduction, but also blocked the employment channel of town’s new labor, aggravated the employment difficulties of college graduates, flexible employment groups, specially the disadvantaged groups. Faced with this situation, The State Council and relevant departments to formulate and implement a series of policies and measures of "ensuring economic growth, ensuring stability and ensuring people’s livelihood”and large-scale 4 trillion investment plan, although beginning to achieve some results, the future economic trend is not clear, it need further wait and take more focused ,more forward-looking policy measures.The U.S. employment policy is not a panacea, but it’s as one of the world’s most developed countries, whose exploring in employment policy, also indeed a serious challenge in any developing country. And many other issues about the impact of the employment promotion policies on a country’s economic and social development haven’t been in-depth studies, so leave a lot of room to future research. The purpose of this research is to put forward the related countermeasures to resolve the current employment problems in China, through the analysis and research of the U.S. employment policy in the current financial crisis, and in accordance with China’s conditions. This research includes the following sections.At first, this paper describes the impact of the financial crisis on the United States employment, it from two aspects of analysis, one is introduced the overall characteristics of the unemployment crisis caused by the financial crisis, the other is expounded the change layer by layer from the financial crisis to the unemployment social crisis.Second, analyzed the choices of the U.S. employment promotion policy under the financial crisis .The main contents include: the American Recovery and Reinvestment plan as the main content of demand employment policy; unemployment relief policy of combining employment promotion policy; the structural employment promotion policy of green jobs; improve the quality of employment policy to rescue the American middle class as the main content; to strengthen the labor unions as the main content policy. It pointed out that in current economic situation, the Obama administration should have taken employment promotion policies against the current financial crisis, aimed at through economic growth and new investment projects to create more employment opportunities. Then explained the importance theory to support this study , including the demise of neo-liberal policy that led to the financial crisis ;the Keynesian theory that claim to rely on state intervention in the economy, increasing social“effective demand" in order to achieve full employment; Labor employment and the Western middle-class theory; other new ideas and doctrines about to resolve the financial crisis, including the West low-carbon economic theory, decent works, green employment theory, all those for the current U.S. government’s employment promotion policy choices to pave the way .Third, this research analyses the challenges of the United States employment promoting policy choice and implications for China. As the Obama government adopted a series of employment promotion policies, on the one hand make the current U.S. economy improving, on the other hand it also eased the social contradictions, it has provided a good environment to economic development. However, the employment rate was a lagging indicator, whether there will be a jobless economic recovery has needs a further wait. At the same time, Obama Government has faced enormous challenges, such as the jobless economic recovery, fiscal deficits and the impact of new type trade protection on China, these problems are needed to learning and attention.Last, concluded the revelation of the U.S. employment promotion policies on our country. On the basis of summary the experiences and lessons of the U.S. employment policy, and then combined with our country’s condition and current employment promotion policy to put forward our country should take measures to improve the employment promotion policy on the future.

  • 【分类号】F771.2;F249.712
  • 【被引频次】5
  • 【下载频次】805
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