

Comparative Study in the Use of Individual Defense Strategies of Women’s Soccer of China and World Top Teams

【作者】 李宁宁

【导师】 李德甫;

【作者基本信息】 河北师范大学 , 体育教育训练学, 2010, 硕士


【摘要】 近几年中国女足的成绩一直处于下坡状态,国际足联公布的2009年世界女足年终排名,中国下排至第十三位。商瑞华坦承:“现在的任务就是爬坡,但我们不会因为现在有很多困难而自暴自弃,只能一点点来。这支球队如今“冲出亚洲”的难度越来越大,以后奥运会、世界杯上很可能长期见不到中国女足的身影”。为了提高中国女足的技战术,本文采用文献资料法、观察统计法、调查法、数理统计法等研究方法,以中国女足的个人防守技术为出发点,对2007年的第5届女足世界杯和2008年的第29届奥运会女足比赛的中国和世界女足强队的比赛进行录像观察,对中国在比赛中运用的个人防守技术次数、区域、个人犯规次数和红黄牌等为指标与世界女足强队之间的对比,中国和世界部分强国同场竞技的队伍在个人防守运用的次数、区域、时间进行对比分析。并得出以下结论:1.中国女足防守场均次数高于美国、德国、巴西。但是在防守的成功率上低于世界强国。中国队员的个人防守技术运用积极性非常高。但是中国队员运用的成功次数和实效性与世界四强相比总体上还存在差距,个人防守技术的运用的效果还不是很理想。2中国女足的断球次数少于世界强国。抢球次数在中国实施防守方式次数中运用频数最多,但占防守总次数的比例均小于其他强国。封堵次数少于世界强队。在运用头顶球这一防守方式占有一定的优势。铲球防守技术与其他国家差距不大。3世界女足强队在总体的个人防守水平比较高。中国的前锋队员在个人防守能力上与世界女足强队存在一定的差距。缺乏实效性,没有有效的逼抢和配合行为,使中场大部分处于被动状态,难以组织进攻。4中国女足无论是前锋与前卫之间,还是前卫与后卫之间,或是前锋与后卫等处于各位置的队员之间配合不默契,协防意识有待于提高。5中国女足与世界女足强队在比赛中犯规较少,但获得红黄牌的比率大于其他强队,防守技术的技巧性和隐蔽行较差。建议如下:1.在防守上首先要抓好个人防守技术能力的培养与训练。在不同的情况下选择最恰当的防守方式,在训练中有针对性的防守方式进行训练。2.在今后的训练中,应该特别强调盯人到位,力争在第一时间用“抢断”防守方法破坏对方进攻,获得球权,变被动为主动。同时也珍惜每一次训练,来积累防守经验和防守意识的提高,从而提高防守的成功率。缩小与世界强队的差距。3.前锋队员在训练时不仅仅是要注意自己的进攻能力,个人防守能力也是不可忽视的。前锋队员应积极的回撤,保护的不仅仅是自己的前锋位置,要敢于根据对手的进攻情况进行防守,敢于空出自己的位置,让本队队员进行补防。4.前锋、前卫、后卫在防守时首先盯住自己的对手,盯住对手的目的就是延缓对方进攻或是破坏对方进攻,再者是如果对方得到球马上要采取相应的防守技术,若是防守失败对方突破了自己,一定要继续防守,不得半途而废,三条防线要互相协助,取长补短。5.中国应在比赛中打出自己的节奏,在比赛中做到有张有弛,有攻有守,在有限的时间里合理分配体能,在比赛中发挥出最高水平。6.中国女足应学会利用规则来提高个人防守能力,提高防守技术的成熟性,避免不必要的犯规与红黄牌。比赛不单单要靠技战术来赢取胜利,还要靠智慧。7.中国女足队员在比赛中还应加强体能的训练,强健的身体时比赛的基础,不仅仅要求速度和耐力,力量、灵敏、弹跳同样重要。同时在注意力,心理素质方面也有待于提高。

【Abstract】 In recent years Women’s soccer of China has been in a downhill state, announced the 2009 FIFA Women’s year-end world rankings, Chinese Women fall in ranking and ranked No. 13.Shang Ruihua admitted: "It is the task of climbing, but we will not give up on ourselves whatever difficulties we have. We’ll have to do it bit by bit. This team is now facing more and more difficulties for the aim of“out of Asia”. It is less likely to see Women’s soccer of China in the Olympisc and World Cup for a long period of time.”In order to improve the Chinese team’s tactics, this paper, empoying documents, observation and statistics, survey methods, statistics and other research methods, uses the Chinese Women’s individual defense technology as a starting point, and analyse the use of Chinese in the game the number of individual defensive technique, regional, personal fouls and red and yellow cards as the indexes of the World Women’s Teams comparison between China and the world to compete against some strong defensive team in the personal use of the frequency, area and time by using the vedio observation of the 5th Women’s World Cup in 2007 and 2008 In the 29th Olympic Games women’s football competitions in China and the World Women’s Teams competition. Conclusions are as fowllows: 1. The number of Chinese women’s football defense field are higher than the United States, Germany and Brazil. However, the success rate is lower than the defensive powers of the world. Chinese team’s use of personal defense technology initiative is very high. However, the number of successful Chinese players use and effectiveness of the world’s top four compared with the overall gap still exists, the use of personal defense technology is not very satisfactory. 2. Less than the number of Chinese Women’s steals a world power. The ball times the number in the implementation of China’s defensive approach in the use of frequencies up to, but the defense accounted for less than the proportion of the total number of other powers. Number of small and world powers closure. Head the ball in the use of the defensive approach holds certain advantages. Defensive tackle technology with other countries did not differ much. 3. World Women’s Teams, in general, have a relatively high level of personal defense. the world there is a certain gap between Women’s Teams and players in China’s defense capability in the individual. Lacking practicality, there is no effective closing down and with the behavior, the majority of midfield is in a passive state, thus making it difficult to organize attacks. 4. The co-operation of Chinese Teen is far from satisfactory, between both forward and avant-garde, or between the avant-garde and back, or forward and back and the defend awareness need to be improved. 5. Compared with world top tems, Women Chinese gets fewer fouls in the game, but get a higher ratio of red and yellow cards than other teams, using poor defense techniques and hidden lines.Recommendations are as follows: 1. First of all, do a good job on defense ability of individual defensive technique and training. In different situations, choose the most appropriate way of defense, in defense training and targeted approach to training. 2. In future training, special emphasis should be marked in place, strive to be the first time with "steal" means to sabotage the opponent’s defensive attack, get the ball right to regain the initiative. Also cherish every training, to accumulate experience and defensive awareness, so as to enhance the success rate of defense. Thus narrowing the gap with the World Championship. 3. Players should pay attention not only to training their offensive ability, but also to defensive ability of individuals. Players should be positive to retrace, to protect their forward position, and dare to attack under the opponent’s defense situation. They should also be couraged to empty out their positions, so the team members are up against. 4. Forward, avant-garde, back when the first peg in defending their opponents, pegging opponents attacking each other’s purpose is to slow down or damage the opponent’s attack, What if the opponent gets the ball immediately to take appropriate defensive technique? If the defense fails, we must continue to defend, rather than givie it up. Another three lines of defense should assist each other and co-opertate with each other. 5. China should play in the game at their own pace, in the race to do with Zhang relax, have attacked a keep, in the limited time, a reasonable allocation of physical play at the highest level of competition. 6. Chinese Women should learn to use the rules to increase the capacity of individual defense, defense technology to improve the maturity to avoid unnecessary fouls and red and yellow cards. Not just rely on technical and tactical game to win the victory, but also on wisdom. 7. China’s women football players in the game should also increase the physical training, a strong foundation for the body when the game, not just for speed and endurance, strength, agility, jumping just as important. The same time, attention, mental quality also need to be improved.

【关键词】 女足世界强队个人防守对比
【Key words】 women’s soccerworld top teamsindividual defensecontrast