

Study on Smokesuppresion Ogfc Technique of Tunnel Pavement Maintenance

【作者】 赵可

【导师】 凌天清;

【作者基本信息】 重庆交通大学 , 道路与铁道工程, 2010, 硕士

【摘要】 随着我国交通基础设施建设规模的逐步扩大和西部大开发战略的实施,在西部高原山区修建了大量的高速公路,为改善线形、降低纵坡、提高行车速度,公路隧道修建的数量也日益增多,隧道总里程占高速公路总里程的比例也相当大。公路隧道内是一个相对封闭、空间狭小的管状环境,隧道内空气流动性小,一般热拌沥青混凝土在隧道内施工时严重污染空气,造成施工机械故障甚至危害施工人员身体健康。学位论文探讨了沥青烟产生的机理及主要影响因素,并提出了减少沥青烟排放、改善施工环境的一些可行的方法。本研究对沥青烟的测定采用经简化的紫外分光光度法,主要采用两种方式减少沥青烟。一是采用降粘技术,通过降低沥青混合料的施工温度减少沥青烟的排放,沥青混合料所用降粘剂为ROADBIT-BPL和Sasobit;二是在沥青中添加抑烟剂Al(OH)3和Mg(OH)2来减少沥青烟的排放。经研究发现,采用降粘技术降低施工温度可明显减少沥青烟;抑烟剂的添加有一定的抑烟作用,但是不够显著,并且对沥青的性能有一定的不利影响。采用抑烟沥青的OGFC-13混合料路用性能能够满足《公路沥青路面施工技术规范》的技术要求。

【Abstract】 Along with the continuous expansion of our traffic construction and the implementation of develop-the-west strategy, a lot of freeways have been built in the west highland。In order to lower longitudinal slop、improve tracks and speed, the number of tunnels increases gradually, also the tunnel mileages accounts for many of the whole freeway mileages. The freeway tunnel is a kind of relatively closed and narrow tubular environment, in which the air flows slowly. Ordinary HMA will contaminate the air badly while constructed in the tunnel and cause the machine breakdown, even jeopardize the health of workers.The text studys the generating mechanism of pitch fume and its major influence factor, then puts forward some feasible methods of cutting pitch fume and improving construction environment. The study adopts simplified ultraviolet spectrophotometry to measure the pitch fume and two methods to cut it. One is viscosity breaker technique, the pitch fume is cut by lowering the application temperature with viscosity breaker ROADBIT-BPL and Sasobit; the other is addition of smoke suppressant Al(OH)3 and Mg(OH)2. The study finds that lowering the application temperature by viscosity breaker technique can cut the pitch fume observably; the addition of smoke suppressant has certain effect, but not markedly, and has certain adverse effect to the property of asphalt. The pavement performance of OGFC-13 with smokesuppressant asphalt can meet the technical requirements of specification.
