

Study of Pavement Structure for Rural Road in Wanzhou

【作者】 雷艳

【导师】 杨锡武; 吴永平;

【作者基本信息】 重庆交通大学 , 交通运输工程, 2009, 硕士

【摘要】 十一五期间万州区农村公路取得了较快的发展,但由于起步较晚,万州区农村公路路网通达深度不够,技术等级普遍较低,行车条件较差,建设过程中没有探索出适合万州具体环境条件和交通条件的典型路面结构。文章针对万州区农村公路的现状,对万州区农村公路的典型结构、路面材料及施工质量控制指标进行了系统的研究。首先,调查了万州区农村公路的路基路面现状,分析总结出万州区农村公路的路面材料、结构类型、路基状况及交通组成等情况。其次,深入分析和研究了万州区农村公路交通量特性、交通组成,确定万州区农村公路的交通设计参数,划分出万州区农村公路的交通等级。再根据万州地区的土壤地质、气候条件、地下水、路基设计高度和路基土的特性,确定万州区农村公路路基的干湿类型以及强度。然后,对万州区农村公路的路面基层和面层进行研究,确定农村公路路面材料及设计参数。最后,在得到了典型结构各项设计参数的基础上,借鉴当地农村公路的修筑经验,建立万州区农村公路水泥混凝土路面和沥青路面的典型结构。本论文研究出的典型路面结构经济实用,可广泛运用于万州区及其周边地区,这不仅能节省农村公路工程造价,也为改善农村公路路况和通畅率、延长农村公路的使用年限起到促进作用。

【Abstract】 During the Eleventh Five-year rural highway in Wanzhou District has made rapid development, but due to a late start, Wanzhou District, China Netcom up to the depth of rural highway is not enough technical level is generally low, poor driving conditions, the construction process does not explore for Wanzhou the specific environmental conditions and traffic conditions of a typical pavement structure. Aiming at the status of rural highway in Wanzhou District, Wanzhou District of the typical structure of rural roads, road materials and construction quality control indicators were systematically studied.First, the investigation of the Wanzhou District status of rural highway roadbed surface, analysis summarized in Wanzhou District, rural road pavement material, structure type, subgrade conditions and traffic composition and so on. Second, in-depth analysis and study of the Wanzhou District Rural Road traffic characteristics, traffic composition to determine the Wanzhou District Rural Road traffic design parameters, divided into a rural highway in Wanzhou District, the traffic level. Then according to the soil Wanzhou district geological, climatic conditions, groundwater, embankment height and the design characteristics of subgrade soils to determine the Wanzhou District Rural Road subgrade type and strength of wet and dry. Then, primary and rural road pavement surface to study to determine the rural road pavement materials and design parameters in Wanzhou District. Finally, the structure has been typical of the design parameters, based on the learning experience of local rural road construction, the establishment of rural highway in Wanzhou District of cement concrete pavement and asphalt pavement of the typical structure.This paper developed the typical surface structure of economical and practical, can be widely used in Wanzhou District and its surrounding areas, which not only can save rural highway construction costs, but also for the improvement of rural roads and smooth traffic rates, to extend the useful life of rural roads serve as a catalyst effect.
