

Research on Comprehensive Protection of Weathered Granite Slope

【作者】 李凯

【导师】 王昌贤;

【作者基本信息】 重庆交通大学 , 港口、海岸及近海工程, 2010, 硕士

【摘要】 花岗岩风化壳土体粗粒含量较多,结构疏松,裂隙发育,力学性质受水的影响显著。随着近几年基础设施建设规模的不断扩大,在工程中因风化花岗岩引起的工程问题也日益突出。目前,在花岗岩的岩土工程特性及工程灾害方面尚缺乏研究,工程应用理论上存在不足。本文结合云南省保龙、保腾高速公路项目,针对项目区内风化花岗岩边坡综合防护,尤其是抗冲刷防护方面,以对云南保山至龙陵段高速公路沿线花岗岩边坡防护的现场勘查、分析为依托展开研究。本文在总结前人研究成果基础上,从风化花岗岩的矿物组成、风化机理及微观结构等方面探究强、全风化层抗冲蚀能力差的原因,分析花岗岩坡面的破坏模式。通过风化土层有机质、氮、磷、钾含量试验,水稳团聚体含量试验分析其植被立地条件,研究植被防护的可行性。通过水蚀机理的研究,分析影响坡面径流冲刷量的因素,并建立具有较广适应性的边坡土冲刷量的BP神经网络预测模型,及综合防护体系的加强坡面抗冲刷能力的机理。分别从边坡防护的安全性、耐久性、水土保持、美观性、生态恢复、适宜性等方面分析保龙路沿线花岗岩边坡的防护效果,并利用模糊层次分析法,对综合防护措施的合理性及实用性进行定量分析。

【Abstract】 The granite is extremely easy to be weathered. The crusts of weathered soil body are more coarse-grained content, and they are loose structure. The crevasse is growing. The mechanical properties significantly affected by water. As the ampliative scale of infrastructure construction in recent years, engineering problems caused by weathering of granite have manifested itself. Granite geotechnical engineering characteristics and project disasters are lack of research, and there exists project application insufficiency theoretically.Connecting with Baolong and Baoteng freeway in Yunnan Province, aiming at comprehensive anti-erosion protections of the weathered granite slope, especially weak weathering layers, the, this paper launches research about granite slope of protection investigations along Baoshan-Longling freeway in Yunnan Province around 3 times for the backing.This paper summarized the basis of the predecessors’research results, and explored the causes for poor resistance to erosion of all-weathered layers from the weathered granite mineral composition, weathering mechanism and micro-structure, etc. to analyze the damaged modes of granite slope. Through the screen analysis and the weathered soil organic matter, and contents of Nitrogen, Phosphorus and Potassium test,we analyze its vegetation, site conditions; and study the feasibility of vegetation protection. Through the mechanism of water erosion, we analyze effect factors about the amount of slope runoff erosion,and establish a wider adaptive BP neural network prediction model about erosion quantity to strengthen the slope erosion resistance mechanism of the synthesis protection system. Separately from the safety of slope protection, durability, water and soil conservation,aesthetics, ecological restoration and suitability etc. we analyze granite slope protective effects along Baolong freeway, and make quantitative analysis in the rationality and practicality of comprehensive protection measures by using the fuzzy analytic hierarchy process.
