

Quest for Meaning

【作者】 任丽

【导师】 严啟刚;

【作者基本信息】 四川外语学院 , 英语语言文学, 2010, 硕士


【摘要】 布克奖得主马格丽特·阿特伍德在加拿大文学领域享有广泛的学术声誉,她为加拿大民族文学做出了卓越的贡献,被称为“加拿大文学女皇”。她的第二本小说《浮现》写于1972年,自出版之日起就得到各方评论家的赞誉,国内一些学者也对这篇优秀的小说和它的作者进行过各种角度的解读。《浮现》成功塑造了一个通过自我剖析和对事物的反思获得精神拯救的加拿大女艺术家形象。在小说中,作者通过女主角追寻着一系列问题的答案:女性角色问题,在美国影响下的加拿大国民身份问题,现代社会的生态平衡问题,以及文化神话下的真相问题。在寻求解答的过程中,受害者的主题,主人公失去的记忆和受困的自我,各种符号和语码下的隐含意义,几乎都浮现出来了。本篇论文以符号学为理论基础,分析了小说意义的多元性,小说受害者模式的去神化作用,以及各种语码意义的浮现过程,发现了小说对占有意义的肯定,对意义的追寻,进而对阿特伍德的创作思想和艺术手法有了更深层次的理解和把握。除了前言和结论,本文共有三个章节。第一章明确了符号和多元意义,是整篇论文的关键所在,对理解后面两章及全文结构有很大帮助。第二章从受害者模式讨论了社会神话的形成,然后详细对小说中三种主要的社会关系进行了去神话解读。第三章分别解读了文中的五种语码,证实了各种语码的隐含意义,是论文最后结论的有力支撑。

【Abstract】 Margaret Atwood (1939- ), Booker Prize winner, is called“Queen of Canadian Literature”because of her worldly acknowledged contribution to and her reputation in Canadian literature as well as her popular and academic fame. Since the day of publication, her second novel Surfacing (1972) has received international fame and positive reviews in scenario, narrative, characterization and other aspects, from critics around the world. Scholars home and abroad have done various researches to deepen the understanding of the various aspects of this fiction and its author.Surfacing successfully portrays a spiritually survived Canadian artist; the novel proves to be the writer’s spiritual quests on female role, on Canadian identity under the American influence, on ecological balance in a modern world and on the truth beneath the cultural myths. During the quest, all the lost memories, the suppressed and trapped self, the victim motif and the hidden and concealed meanings are surfacing. Based on Semiology, this thesis analyzes the multiple meanings of the novel and the progress of how meanings are gradually surfacing, detects the interior quest of the novel—meaning, and eventually understands deeper and more about Atwood’s means of artistic expression and her guiding ideas.Apart from the introduction and the conclusion, there are altogether three chapters in the thesis: Chapter One discusses the relationship between signs and the possibility of plural meanings, which is helpful in the comprehension of the applied theory, the followed two chapters and then the whole construction of the paper. Chapter Two, based on the victim motif, discusses the formation of social myths in the novel by Atwood; then the basic myths are listed out and demystified. Chapter Three handles five types of codes respectively; it is a further proof of the existence of the hidden meanings, and a strong argumentation for final conclusion.

【关键词】 阿特伍德《浮现》符号语码意义
【Key words】 AtwoodSurfacingsignscodesmeaning
  • 【分类号】I711
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