

An Analysis of the Reasons for African-american Women’s Identity Crisis Represented in the Film the Color Purple

【作者】 王西

【导师】 陶曦;

【作者基本信息】 四川外语学院 , 英语语言文学, 2010, 硕士

【摘要】 从20世纪初至今,美国黑人女性一直在通过各种形式努力使自己的身份能够得到认同。为了达到这个目的,黑人女性创办了黑人女性组织和协会,并以理论的形式阐述黑人女性自我意识成长和推翻种族歧视和白人至上主义等。身份政治认同理论即为其中一种,也属于文化研究的范畴,主要研究受压迫和被边缘化人群争取政治自由和身份认同权利的过程。在该论文中,作者将通过对一部反映黑人女性的电影《紫色》来分析导致黑人女性身份认同危机的原因,这些原因分别是她们的身份缺失、追求身份认同的失败举动以及无意识的身份自我否定。虽然本影片被广大研究者作为黑人寻求身份认同、自我意识的提高的素材,但作者却通过身份政治认同理论来发掘影片过程和结局的不连贯性,从而留下一个可探讨的空间。本文的意义在于冲破以影片的初衷为分析目的的传统定势思维,从影片实际的发展和描写来展示人物的跌宕起伏中展现她们身份危机产生的原因,这对于重新审视这部电影中黑人女性的遭遇和身份问题有建设性和指导性意义。正文由三部分构成。第一章中,作者首先通过对影片中三个黑人女性的身份缺失来分析导致她们身份危机的原因。第二章将根据黑人女性的一些想追求身份认同所展示的行为和言语,但却最终以失败告终来分析她们的身份危机产生的原因。第三章将从她们在潜意识的作用下所透露出的本质想法进而分析产生潜在身份危机的原因。

【Abstract】 From the early 20th century to the present, the American black women have committed themselves to their pursuit of identity. During the fight for their own identity, they established black women organizations and associations, and created theories to be awakened to their identity and to overthrow racial discrimination and white supremacy etc. Identity politics is one of them and it belongs to the scope of research in cultural studies, which aims at securing the political freedom of the oppressed and marginalized people.This thesis argues that the reasons for African-American women’s identity crisis represented in the film The Color Purple are their lack of identity, failed attempts to seek identity and unconscious self-denial of identity. Although this film is regarded as the source to prove their positive pursuit of identity, the writer, however, explores from a new angle through identity politics from the inconstant transition of the ending and the process, which has given the writer a space to explore. Therefore, the significance of this thesis is to explore the reasons for the identity crisis from the actual understanding of the film rather than the traditional way of thinking that follows what the film is generally accepted, which, will be constructive and instructive for the viewers in rethinking the sufferings and identity problems of black women.The main body of the essay consists of three parts. The first chapter will elaborate the reasons for African-American women’s identity crisis through the analysis of their lack of identity. The second chapter will give an account of the female characters’failed attempts to seek their identity, which remains one reason for their identity crisis. In the third chapter, the writer will deepen the analysis of the reason for their identity crisis within the scope of their unconscious self-denial of identity by applying psychological and social identity theories etc.

  • 【分类号】J905
  • 【下载频次】360