

Analysis of Misappropriation of Public Funds for Personal Use

【作者】 董立岩

【导师】 王扬;

【作者基本信息】 中国政法大学 , 刑法学, 2010, 硕士

【摘要】 挪用公款的犯罪在近些年不但没有下降的趋势,反而挪用金额不断上升,而且还有许多转化成了社会危害性更为严重的贪污等犯罪。所以,作者在本文探讨了挪用公款罪的必备犯罪构成要件——挪用公款归个人使用。本文分为三章,分别研究了挪用公款罪的犯罪行为“挪用”、犯罪对象“公款”的含义,及“归个人使用”的相关立法,明确了其真实含义,并肯定了“挪用公款归个人使用”作为犯罪构成要件的必要性。可能许多人认为挪用公款的国家工作人员主观恶性不大,其社会危害性亦没有贪污贿赂等其他职务犯罪严重。但是,作者认为,鉴于国家工作人员身份的特殊,无论哪种职务犯罪都是对政府诚信、国家威严的严重损害,且不可掉以轻心。更何况,很多国家工作人员,打着“挪用”的幌子,实为贪污。因此,作者认为研究挪用公款罪意义重大:第一,可以防微杜渐。许多贪污案件的犯罪人,开始时都只是有挪用公款的犯罪故意,只是后来归还不上,而转为贪污的故意。因此,将挪用公款罪规范得当,可以在一定程度上减少贪污犯罪的案件。第二,有利于树立国家威严,树立政府的廉政形象。为人民谋取利益的国家工作人员,变成了损害人民利益造福自己的贪官,这必然有损国家形象。因此,研究挪用公款罪有利于挽救国家形象。第三,有利于完善刑法体系。挪用公款罪处于《刑法》规定中的贪污贿赂罪一章中,其侵害的客体与其他罪名属于同一类,但是其犯罪构成却“独树一帜”,这不利于刑法体系的统一。在本文的写作过程中,作者主要采用了案例研究法、比较研究法及历史研究法。第一,案例研究法主要体现在通篇文章的论述中。对于挪用公款罪的现行的规定,有许多不完善的地方,但是单用理论来剖析显得有些单调,所以作者选取了案例研究法,通过一些通俗易懂的小案例来阐释其不合理之处并提出可行性建议。第二,比较研究法主要体现在本文第二章的论述中,通过比较我国和国外的相关立法,以及我国和国际法的规定的不同,来阐释我国对挪用公款罪对对象规定的不当之处。从而引发学者和立法者的深思,以期可以在立法上将其予以完善。第三,历史研究法主要体现在本文第三章的论述中,作者用此方法介绍从古至今挪用型犯罪在中国刑法史中的演变,以便于读者对挪用公款罪的发展过程和发展趋势有一个基本的把握,从而着重强调2002年《关于<中华人民共和国刑法>第三百八十四条第一款的解释》对挪用公款罪所作的调整和修改,体现修改背后的立法深意和价值。在撰写论文的过程中,本人搜集了相对完备的资料,也对挪用公款罪有了细致的了解,为本次论文写作打下了一定的基础。希望通过作者的浅薄之见,可以引发更多思考,以利于挪用公款罪的完备。

【Abstract】 Criminal misappropriation of public funds in the downward trend in recent years has not only failed, but increasing the amount of diversion, but there are many converted into more serious social harm of corruption and other crimes. Therefore, the author of this article discusses the embezzlement of public funds constitute the essential elements of crime - embezzlement of public funds for individual use.This paper is divided into three chapters, respectively, studied the embezzlement of public funds of criminal conduct "misappropriation", crimes object "public money" means, and "Personal Use" of the relevant legislation, clarified its true meaning, and affirmed the "misappropriation of public funds owned by the individual use "Elements of the need for a criminal. Likely that many people believe that the subjective embezzlement of national staff is not vicious, nor its social harm of corruption and bribery, and other job-related crimes seriously. However, the authors believe that, given the special status of national staff, regardless of what kind of job-related crimes are the Government’s integrity, national dignity of serious damage and can not be taken lightly. What’s more, a lot of national staff, the name of "misappropriation" as a pretense is indeed corrupt. Therefore, the authors believe that study of embezzlement of public funds is significant: First, can be a preventive measure. Many of the perpetrators of corruption cases, at the beginning there were only embezzlement, criminal intent, but subsequently did not return, while the intent to corruption. Therefore, the crime of embezzlement of public funds properly standardized, can to some extent reduce corruption, crime. Second, help establish a state dignity, and foster the image of the Government’s Independent Commission Against Corruption. Seek benefits for the people of the national staff has become the people’s interests for the benefit of the damage to their own corrupt officials, this will inevitably undermine the country’s image. Therefore, the study is conducive to the crime of embezzlement of public funds to save the country’s image. Third, help improve the criminal justice system. Embezzlement of public funds in the "Criminal Law" of corruption and bribery provisions of the chapter, its object and other charges against the same type, but it constitutes a crime, but "unique", which is not conducive to the unity of the penal system.In the process of writing papers, I have collected a relatively complete information, but also the crime of embezzlement of public funds have a detailed understanding of writing paper-based sub-lay a certain foundation. Hope that through the author’s superficial view, may lead to more thinking, in order to facilitate the completeness of the crime of embezzlement.

  • 【分类号】D924.3
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