

The Role of Non-WTO International Law in the WTO Dispute Settlement

【作者】 高倩倩

【导师】 许浩明;

【作者基本信息】 中国政法大学 , 国际法, 2010, 硕士

【摘要】 WTO作为规范和协调国家间多边贸易的国际组织和法律规则,是国际法中非常重要的研究领域。我国作为WTO成员国和世界重要的贸易国之一,加强对WTO的研究也有着非同寻常的实践意义。本文以国际法的体系化作为研究视角和理论基础,重点探讨其他国际法在WTO争端解决中的角色和作用,以期揭示作为国际法一部分的WTO与其他国际法之间的密切联系和相互作用。本文共分四大部分,第一章是对WTO法律体系和WTO争端解决机制的基本概述,对基础知识进行梳理,区分“WTO法律和非WTO国际法规则”、“管辖权和可适用的法律”、“法律适用和法律解释”、“上位法和下位法”、“一般法和特别法”几个重要的概念,理清彼此之间的区别和联系,为下文的阐述做好铺垫。第二章主要探讨其他国际法可以在WTO争端解决中发挥作用的理论基础。国际法是一个有序运行的体系,各部分规则之间相互联系,而非各自为政,不相往来。WTO是国际法中的一部分,属于国际条约的范畴,其本身不是一个自我封闭的法律怪圈,WTO与作为上位法的国际强行法、一般国际法、其他与WTO有着相同或类似调整对象的国际法规则有着非常密切的联系。第三章笔者按照《国际法院规约》所列明的国际法渊源的种类,详细探讨了不同类别的国际法在WTO争端解决中的作用。具体而言,其他国际法在WTO争端解决中主要发挥三大作用:直接适用;解释法律;证据作用。笔者以第二章所论述的理论分析作为基础,结合WTO实践中发生的案例进行了详细的论述。本部分尤其强调的是,国际法是一个具有法律位阶的法律体系,国际强行法是国际法中的上位法,作为下位法的WTO规则必须要和国际强行法保持一致,WTO成员方和WTO争端解决机构的行为也必须符合国际强行法的规定,因而,无论是在直接适用还是解释法律的过程中,都要注意国际强行法的重要作用。这也是本文区别于之前此类研究的创新之处和亮点所在。最后一章是结论,笔者在综合梳理前三章论述的基础之上,详细阐述了笔者对于其他国际法在WTO争端解决中的作用这一问题的认识,强调WTO与其他国际法的联系,从WTO的角度体现了国际法的体系化发展。

【Abstract】 WTO is the important research field in the international law since it’s the international organization and rules governing and regulating the world multilateral trade. It is of great significance for our country, which is the contracting party to the WTO agreements and the trading power ,to study WTO rules. This thesis emphasizes on the role of the other international law in the WTO dispute settlement, based on the theory of "systemic integration of international law", aiming at clarifying the close relationship and interplay of WTO and other international law.This thesis is divided into four parts. The opening chapter gives a general overview of the WTO regime and WTO dispute settlement.Also, it distinguishes some important concepts, including the "WTO rules and non-WTO international law""jurisdiction and applicable law""the application of law and the interpretation of law""higher norms and lower norms""general international law and special international law ".This chaprer can be considered as the foundation of the further study.The second chapter mainly talks about the theoretical basis of the whole thesis. International law is a systemic integration which comprises the WTO rules and different laws belonging to different field interplay in some way.WTO, which is classified as the international treaties, is not isolated from other international rules. Furthermore, WTO rules have close connection with jus cogens, general international law and other branches of international law which have the same and similar objects.In the third chapter, we emphasizes on the different functions of different international law sources: applicable law, interpretation and evidence.What we emphasize on is that the international law system is a legal hierarchy in which jus cogens is the highest law, therefore, other lower norm must keep consistent with the jus cogens. In this chapter, we bases our research on a lot of cases in WTO.The last chapter is the summary and conclusion of the whole thesis. In this chapter, we stress the systemic integration of international law and connection between the WTO rules and other international law.

  • 【分类号】D996.1
  • 【被引频次】1
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