

Research of Economic Law Perspective on Labor Service Subscription

【作者】 陈媛媛

【导师】 郑俊果;

【作者基本信息】 中国政法大学 , 经济法学, 2010, 硕士

【摘要】 在现今激烈的市场竞争环境下,人才资源已经逐渐成为决定企业经营成败的关键因素,但立法上对以劳动力为代表的人才资源的社会贡献却一直视而不见,劳务一直被排除在各国公司法的出资形式之外。本文从马克思劳动价值理论出发,探寻社会财富增长的根本原因,发现从事体力劳动和脑力劳动的劳动者才是国民经济增量利益的创造者。在我国的国民经济利益分配体系中,社会财富的真正创造者却被排除在剩余分配之外,这不能不说是利益分配的不公。沿着马克思劳动价值理论的脉络,用“增量利益说”解读经济法本质,强调相较调整存量利益关系的传统民商法,经济法调整增量利益、与劳务出资有着更密切的契合性。而经济法视角下的“劳动能力权”又进一步论证,以主人公身份享有企业增量利益分配权和企业经营管理权与马克思剩余价值理论和经济法调整增量利益关系的本质完全吻合。因此在本质上追求通过个人利益合法最大化进而促进整个国民经济增值发展的“增量利益说”才是经济法视角下研究劳务出资的最佳起点。本文从经济法视角分析劳务出资的必要性和可行性,利用经济法的相关理论论证劳务出资的合理性和风险性。在总体肯定劳务出资的基础之上,强调维护社会整体经济效益、保证社会实质公平与保护交易安全、兼顾企业相关人利益是有机统一的。因此,必须在法律制度内通过设计一系列的规则措施以架构劳务出资风险防范体系,从而在肯定社会整体经济效益和分配实质公平的基础之上,维护市场交易安全、保护债权人等相关人的利益。

【Abstract】 In today’s fierce environment of market competition, human resources gradually have become a key factor in business success or failure. But legislation on the right of labor, represented by human resources and contribution to society has been turning a blind eye. So labor has been excluded from company law of various countries in the form of funding.Researching on Marx’s Labor Theory of Value,the thesis has explored the root causes of the growth of social wealth,finding that manual and mental workers are the creators of incremental interests of the national economy. In the national interests of the distribution system, the real creators of social wealth have been excluded from the remainder of the distribution. This is the unfair distribution of benefits. Follow the sequence of Marx’s Labor Theory of Value,the "incremental benefit" can explain the nature of economic law, stressing that economic law is to adjust the incremental benefits, compared to the traditional civil and commercial law, which is to adjust the stock of the interests. So economic law is more closely linked funding with the labor. "The ability to work right" in the economic law’s perspective, has a further evidence of the hero status, which enjoys the company incremental distribution of benefits and business management power, in line with the Marxist theory of surplus value and the nature of economic law to adjust the incremental benefits. So, in essence, the legitimate pursuit of personal interests by maximizing is contributing to the development of the entire national economy. The "incremental benefit" is the best starting point for studying funded services.From the perspective of economic law, this thesis has analyzed the necessity and feasibility of labor-funded, demonstrating the rational risk of funded services. Certainly in the overall labor-funded basis, economic law emphasizes that society is a whole to maintain economic efficiency, to guarantee social equity, to protect the safety of transactions, and to take into account the interests of business-related. Thus, in the legal system, we must design a series of measures to structure a risk prevention system, which can protect funded services. Thereby on the basis of economic benefits society as a whole and equitable distribution, we can do well to maintain market transaction security and to protect the interests of creditors.

  • 【分类号】D922.291.91
  • 【被引频次】1
  • 【下载频次】251