

Towards Effective and Sufficient Public Participation

【作者】 严淑芬

【导师】 张莉;

【作者基本信息】 中国政法大学 , 宪法学与行政法学, 2010, 硕士


【摘要】 随着中国依法治国方略的提出和推进,建设有中国特色的法制体系备受瞩目。法制建设实践中,民主立法和科学立法越来越成为全社会的共识。在中国的政治体制中,行政部门拥有广泛的、实质性的行政立法权,产生了数量庞大的行政立法。这对经济发展、社会进步、公民权益等产生着实质性的影响。而现行政治体制对行政立法的监督大多局限于行政机关内部,且多属事后监督。因此,公众事前和事中参与行政立法过程有助于提升行政立法的正当性和合理性。近十年来,公众参与行政立法已经在全国范围内兴起,但往往流于简单化、形式化,参与不平衡,有效性难以保障。本文运用法解释学、法社会学方法进行考察和研究,以期厘清公众参与制度供给和实践中存在的问题并探究其原因,进而提出促进公众参与普遍有效开展的建议。首先,引入民主理论和公众参与阶梯理论,探讨中国开展公众参与的必要性和现实意义,并界定公众参与的相关概念。其次,对公众参与的现有制度供给予以考察,重点分析了《广州市规章制定公众参与办法》。以公众参与的形式为主线,考察实践中存在的问题,即行政机关开展公众参与能力不足,公众参与能力不足及参与形式不够规范化。再次,考察制约公众参与有效开展的原因,即现实和立法体制的制约、缺乏基于中国实践的制度规范、立法信息公开不充分和透明度不高,以及参与不平衡。本文认为开展有效的公众参与应在三个方面进行努力,一是行政机关需转变观念,增强开展公众参与的能力;二是促进公众参与规范化,出台最低参与标准,适度简化参与形式,重视参与效率;三是推动基础工作建设,包括建设统一的参与平台,加强政府法制信息能力并推动既有组织的积极参与。公众参与行政立法是扩大直接民主的重要途径,是产生良好规制的有效方法,也是对代议制民主有益的、必要的补充。推动公众参与广泛、有效开展对于建设法治政府和社会主义法治国家具有重大现实意义。

【Abstract】 With the introduction and promotion of governing the country by rule of law in China, the efforts of building a legal system with Chinese features attract much attention. In practice, the whole society has reached a consensus that legislation and rulemaking need to be drafted and reviewed in a democratic and scientific way. Under China’s political framework, governments and its agencies at various levels have extensive and substantial power in rulemaking. The large amounts of rules exert substantial influence on economic development, social progress and citizens’rights and benefits. However, supervision over rulemaking within current political system is restricted in the executive branch, and most of them are aftermath ones. Thus, prior or timely public participation in rulemaking can help promote legitimacy and appropriateness of rules. In a decade, public participation in rulemaking has been carried out across the country, but problems arise such as oversimplification, going through a formality, imbalance and insufficiency.In this thesis, I, by employing methods in jurisprudentia and sociology of law, study the problems in the current system supply and practices of public participation in rulemaking, probe its causes, and then put forward suggestions.This thesis expounds the evolution of democratic theory and ladder of citizen participation, discusses the necessity and contemporary significance of public participation and defines relevant terms. Then comprehensive analyses are made about the current system supply, and detailed analyses are made about a local rule, namely Measures on Public Participation in Rulemaking in Guangzhou Municipality. After that, problems in practices are discussed with forms of public participation as a main thread. Main problems include incapacity of conducting participation on the government side, incapacity of the public side in participation and lacking of standardized forms in practices. The main reasons are restriction of current conditions and rulemaking mechanism, lack of regulations based on practices, insufficient open government information about rulemaking and imbalance of participation.Basing on previous studies, suggestions are put forward in three aspects, namely, capacity building and changing of mindset concerning public participation on the side of administrative organs; promoting standardized practices such as introduction of minimum participation requirement, emphasizing participation in review stage, standardizing roundtable discussion and promoting informal hearing; and doing basic work such as establishing an unified platform, strengthening government’s capacity of information processing and promoting the active participation of the existing grassroots organizations.Public participation in rulemaking is an important way to expand direct democracy, also an effective way to make better regulations. It’s a beneficial and necessary to supplement representative democracy. The promotion of sufficient and effective public participation is of great significance to the building of law-based government and a country of rule of law.

  • 【分类号】D922.1
  • 【被引频次】7
  • 【下载频次】671