

Paraffinn Removal and Control Chemical Technology and Its Application to Oil Wells Adrar Hassi Oilfield in Algeria

【作者】 易安祥

【导师】 宋考平; 张恩慧;

【作者基本信息】 东北石油大学 , 石油与天然气工程, 2010, 硕士

【摘要】 本文对油井结蜡机理、油井结蜡危害进行了深入研究,对各种主要清防蜡技术进行了对比,尤其对化学清防蜡技术工艺进行了详细的描述,对化学清防蜡剂进行了分类和适应性研究。通过化学清防蜡技术在油井现场的试验和实际应用,证实了应用化学清防蜡技术具有缓解油井结蜡,延长热洗周期,增油效果明显,使油井运行平稳,降低生产成本等优点。化学清防蜡技术在14口油井中的应用,使平均热洗周期从22天延长到137天,日增油79吨,年少检泵作业30井次,提高了油田整体生产管理水平。原油在地层条件下,其压力、温度较高,此时的蜡溶解在原油中,不易析出。随着原油从地层流向井底,从井底流向井筒,压力、温度逐渐下降,随着轻质成分的溶解气不断逸出,石蜡就逐渐在管壁等处沉积,给油井生产管理带来极大困难,严重时使油井停产。油井结蜡受多种因素影响,主要有原油本身的含蜡量、温度、压力、溶解气、胶质沥青质、机械杂质、含水、举升方式等。一般地,原油含蜡量高,则易于结蜡;温度低,压力低,脱气严重,则容易结蜡;胶质沥青质和机械杂质高,则蜡易于形成晶核,容易沉积;含水高,则不易结蜡;电泵井或水力活塞泵采油,采出液温度高,则蜡不易析出。在实际生产中,针对各油田具体情况,越来越多的各种清防蜡技术得以应用。主要有机械清防蜡,热力清防蜡,表面能防蜡(内衬和涂料油管),超声波清防蜡,强磁清防蜡,微生物清防蜡,化学剂清防蜡技术等。化学清防蜡技术,工艺简单,操作方便,清防蜡效果好,具有广阔的应用前景。本文重点对化学清防蜡技术工艺进行了介绍,包括对化学清防蜡机理,化学清防蜡药剂种类及选择都做了详细描述。同时,本文对化学清防蜡技术在Hassi区块的试验及应用效果做了深入分析,结果证明,只要清防蜡剂的选择合理,加药工艺科学,应用化学清防蜡技术能够减缓油井结蜡,提高油井的生产管理水平。

【Abstract】 This article researched in mechanism of paraffinning, its endanger to oil wells, comparison of traditional deparaffining and control technology, the result of chemical deparaffinning and control tried on site boasted that chemical deparaffinning and control technology worked efficiently in oil wells with functions of abating wax deposit, prolonging washing period, enhancing production and lowering cost. The application of chemical deparaffinning and its control in 14 SRP wells brought with longer washing period from 22 days to 137 day, oil production increase from 115 tons to 194 tons daily, workover decrease of 30 times, and hoist of the whole management of the oil wells.Paraffinning usually happens in the wellbore during the time while the crude oil flows from formation to bottom and from bottom to wellbore, due to the decrease of pressure and temperature which keeps the gas and the wax in state of solution in the petroleum. The factors that affect paraffinning include wax percentage, pressure,temperature, gas soluted, water cut, impurity of pitch and mechanism in crude oil and production method of lift. The lower the pressure, the temperature, the wax percentage, and the water cut, the more the paraffinning will be. The more the pitch and the impurity, the more the paraffinning is. The produced crude oil from wellbore comes out with quantity of heat generated by ESP and hydro-pumping run down hole, accordingly, the temperature in the crude oil is relatively higher and it abates the paraffinning.All kinds of deparaffinning and wax control have been put into production in oil fields domestically and abroad, including technology of mechanism, thermo-power, surface energy, ultrasonic, magneticism, microorganism and chemical. Chemical wax removal and control is a way with simple technology and easy operation to particularly control paraffinning in well bore. This article described and introduced in detail the mechanism of chemical removal and control and how to select the chemical agent on site, also, analyzed the effect of chemical wax removal and control applied in Hassi reservoir Algeria, which demonstrated and proved that chemical wax removal and control is the technology of efficiency and availability in deparaffinning and paraffinning control.

  • 【分类号】TE358.2
  • 【被引频次】2
  • 【下载频次】399