

Nitrogen Foam Flooding Mechanism Research and Experiment

【作者】 曲晗

【导师】 赵仁宝; 张英志;

【作者基本信息】 东北石油大学 , 石油与天然气工程, 2010, 硕士

【摘要】 氮气泡沫驱是非均质油藏开发中后期提高采收率的有效途径,近年来进行了一系列研究和现场试验,但在泡沫渗流机理、影响因素分析以及适应性评价方面还有待深入研究,是一种处于发展阶段的三次采油技术。因此,进一步完善氮气泡沫驱技术,对其适应性进行系统分析,对于提高氮气泡沫驱应用水平具有重要作用。论文根据氮气泡沫渗流机理,提出将反映起泡剂起泡能力和稳定性的综合性能的泡沫综合值作为主要参数,用于氮气泡沫驱用起泡剂的筛选。通过室内实验,对油田常用起泡剂性能进行了评价,并进行了影响因素分析。系统研究了气液比、含油饱和度、渗透率对氮气泡沫渗流规律的影响,结果表明,含油饱和度是影响氮气泡沫渗流阻力的最主要因素,泡沫渗流阻力随着含油饱和度的升高而降低,剩余油分布规律决定了调驱过程中氮气泡沫的渗流规律,受此影响,地层非均质性的增加对泡沫调剖效果的影响较小。

【Abstract】 Transfer of nitrogen bubbles drive the development of non-homogeneous reservoir in the latter half of the effective means of enhanced oil recovery, in recent years carried out a series of research and field trials, but the bubble percolation mechanism, influencing factors analysis and evaluation have yet to be adaptive in-depth study, is a stage in the development of the tertiary oil recovery technology. Therefore, to further improve the transfer of nitrogen bubbles drive technology, its adaptability to system analysis, adjusted for the drive to improve the application of nitrogen level of the bubble plays an important role. Thesis of nitrogen bubbles in accordance with percolation mechanism, proposed to reflect the foaming agent foaming capacity and stability of the overall performance of the foam as the main parameters of the integrated value. Drive for the transfer of nitrogen bubbles foaming agent with the filter. Through the indoor experiments, foaming agent commonly used on the field performance evaluation, and analysis of the influencing factors. System of a gas-liquid ratio, oil saturation, the nitrogen permeability of the impact of the law of the bubble flow, results show that the oil saturation is the impact of nitrogen bubbles the most important factor in resistance to flow, foam flow resistance with the increase of oil saturation and reduce the residual oil distribution in the decision process of the transfer drive the flow of nitrogen bubble law, by the impact of the heterogeneity of the formation to increase the effect of the bubble profile is less affected.
