

Numerical Simulation and Experimental Research of Spiral Liquid-vapor Separator

【作者】 孟玲莉

【导师】 韩洪升;

【作者基本信息】 大庆石油学院 , 油气储运工程, 2010, 硕士

【摘要】 在石油,化工等行业的许多场合都需要采用气液分离器对气液混合介质进行分离,以完成产品净化或满足工艺流程的技术要求。螺旋气液分离器是近年来在国内外广泛应用于石油石化行业的成熟的多相分离计量装置,具有制造成本低、质量轻、准确率高、自动化程度高、稳定性能好等优点,使其具有广阔的使用前景,可用于地面或井下天然气的油气分离,石油开采中的油水分离,压缩空气的净化处理,航空宇宙中的氦气分离,还可以用作水处理装置[1]。螺旋式气液分离器内部具有固定的螺旋结构及桥式通道,通过离心力的作用使得密度差较大的气液两相物质得以分离。该分离器的工作性能取决于螺旋的螺距、螺旋圈数、气泡直径、螺纹长度,螺纹叶片厚度、流速以及气液比。如何提高螺旋气液分离器的分离效率,一直是分离器研究的重点,为此本文采用数值模拟的方法结合实验研究对影响分离器性能的几个结构因素做了综合的评估,为研究气液分离器内部的流场情况及分离效率提供参考依据,同时,可对实际的情况起指导作用。本文利用PHOENICS软件在三维笛卡尔坐标系下建立了在分离器内部单相流动和两相流动的物理模型,采用SIMPLEST流场数值计算法的同时,应用IPSA两相流相间滑动算法,利用有限体积法来实现控制方程离散化,紊流计算模型选取k -ε两方程模型,近壁面采用壁面函数法来处理以实现所求变量的近似解。通过Tecplot、Sci和Origin等软件对数模数据进行后处理,得到了单相流动中,影响压降的因素以及螺旋分离器内部流场情况;以及两相流动时,影响气液分离效果的因素。本文采用的是一种新式的螺旋分离器,即具有双螺旋结构的螺旋气液分离器,模拟介质以聚合物溶液和空气来代替实际的工作介质。其模拟结果与实验所得数据的趋势基本复合,说明数值模拟可以作为有效的研究螺旋分离器气液分离效果的一种方法。

【Abstract】 In petroleum and chemical industry, many places used to adopt gas-liquid separator in gas-liquid mixing medium separation to complete the purification or to meet the technical requirements of the process. In recent years, Spiral gas-liquid separator is widely used in the petroleum and petrochemical industry as a multiphase separation metering device. Due to its low cost, light quality, high accuracy , high degree of automation, and stable performance, it has broad-using prospects for the underground separation of gas or oil, oil and water separation in exploitation, purification in compressed air processing, separation helium in aerospace,and it also can be used as water treatment devices. Spiral liquid-vapor separator has the fixed screw construction; it can separate the gas and liquid material which has great density difference using the centrifugal force.The performance of the separator depends on thread pitch, spiral number, bubble diameter, screw length, thickness of screw leaf, velocity and gas liquid ratio. How to improve the separator efficiency of spiral liquid-vapor separator has been the focus of the separator research. This paper adopts the method of numerical simulation, combined with the experiment, to make a comprehensive evaluation of several structure factors which has effect on separators performance. So it can provide reference for the research of the internal flow field and separation efficiency, also has the guiding role in the actual situation. This paper using PHOENICS software makes a Physical model about single-phase flow and two-phase flow in separator under the 3D Cartesian coordinates to get the approximate solution of the variables by using SIMPLEST numerical calculation method of flow field, IPSA two-phase flow phase sliding algorithm, finite volume method to realize the control equations discretization, k-εtwo-equation calculating turbulence model, the method of wall functions is used near wall. It disposed. the data through the software of Tecplot、Sci、Origin and so on, getting influence factors of the pressure drop and internal flow field conditions in spiral separator about Single-phase flow, while getting the influence factors of gas-liquid separation effect about two-phase flow.This paper used a new-style spiral separator, which has the double spiral construction and the simulated medium were the polymer solution and air instead of the actual working medium. The basic trend of numerical simulation results was in accordance with the experimental data, so it proved that numerical simulation can serve as an effective research method of gas-liquid separation effect in spiral separator.
