

Fine Interpretation of Deep Structure in Fenglenan Area

【作者】 苏丽丽

【导师】 王云专; 姜传金;

【作者基本信息】 大庆石油学院 , 地球探测与信息技术, 2010, 硕士

【摘要】 近年来的油气钻探表明,火山岩是天然气的高产储层。火山岩油气藏已成为国内外油气勘探的一个新领域,受到了油气勘探界的广泛重视。但应用地震解释识别深层火山岩有利储层是世界性的难题。本论文在总结前人研究资料的基础上,针对丰乐南地区进行深层构造精细解释研究,意义在于丰乐南地区营城组主要为典型的火山岩储层,含火山岩地层的构造解释目前在国内是一个较新领域。本论文以层序地层学为指导,在综合应用钻井资料、测井资料、地震资料的基础上,通过地震精细构造解释,建立最符合地下地质客观规律的三维地质模型,最终科学合理地分析丰乐南地区火山岩构造分布特征。丰乐南地区的徐南次凹可以划分出西部陡坡断阶带、中央深陷带和西部斜坡带三个次级构造单元,构造演化具有良好的继承性。划分构造带的断裂及其伴生断裂均具有同沉积特点,以此推动深层构造精细解释研究的进一步发展。针对丰乐南地区三维地震解释需要,在常规三维地震解释的基础上,制作精细合成地震记录标定层位;应用相干技术准确落实断层展布;同时,应用井、震联合对比技术不仅有利于地震资料的构造解释,也为测井资料的对比提供了有利的依据,总体上突出了构造解释的细致性、准确性和客观性,为下一步油藏评价和投入开发提供了依据。本论文的研究成果对于推动这一领域的发展将起到一定的作用,同时研究结果对于深层火山岩解释技术的进一步发展和更广泛的应用具有重要价值。

【Abstract】 In recent years, oil and gas drilling has shown that high volcanic natural reservoirs. Volcanic reservoirs has become one of the foreign and domestic oil and gas exploration in new areas, by the oil and gas exploration sector attention. But application seismic interpretation recognition deep volcanic reservoir is a worldwide problem. In conclusion, the predecessor to this thesis research material on the basis of the Fenglenan area for fine interpretation of the deep structure, significance lies in the Fenglenan area of Yingcheng group mainly typical volcanic formation of volcanic rock formations, including structural interpretation currently is a relatively new field.This thesis to sequence stratigraphy for guidance, the comprehensive application of the drilling, well logging data, seismic data, on the basis of fine structural interpretation by earthquake, establish best underground geological objective laws of 3D geological models, the final scientific and rational analysis the Fenglenan area of the distribution of volcanic structures. The Xunan sub-depression of Fenglenan area can divide up Step-fault Zone in Western, deep zone in Central and Slope Belt that are sunk with three secondary structure elements, tectonic evolution has a good inheritance. Division of tectonic zone of fracture and its associated faults have synsedimentary characteristics, thereby advancing the deep structure fine interpretation of further development.For three-dimensional seismic Fenglenan area, on the General explain need three-dimensional seismic interpretation on the basis of the production of fine synthetic seismogram calibration application layer; implementation of a coherent technology accurate fault distribution; at the same time, correlation by well-to-seismic integration technology promotes structural interpretation of seismic data, as well as logging data comparison provides a good basis, generally highlight of delicate nature, accuracy and objectivity, to next reservoir evaluation and provided a basis for investment in development.The thesis research results will play arrive at certain role to development of one field driving this , the develop and broader application studying result explains the technology going a step further to deep lava at the same time has important value.This thesis research results in advancing the field of development will play a role, at the same time research results for deep volcanic interpretation of further development and greater value with important.
