

Collision, Dialogue and Identification: the Localization of Chritianity in Yulin

【作者】 万文兴

【导师】 颜小华;

【作者基本信息】 广西师范大学 , 中国近现代史, 2010, 硕士

【摘要】 基督教在玉林地区的传播与发展实际上是与本土传统文化的碰撞、整合和交融的过程。基督教伴随着西方列强对广西的侵略在20世纪初传入玉林,鉴于基督教会在玉林地区的影响不断扩大,玉林成为基督教在广西开展传教活动的一个重要区域。本文以玉林基督教会的本土化为切入点,充分利用历史文献和中英文档案资料,拟对基督教在玉林地区的发展和本土化进程进行多角度、多层次的系统分析,并指出玉林基督教会在本土化过程中所遇到的困难。最后从全球社会宗教交流与发展背景下,说明玉林基督教会本土化的进程符合社会历史进程和中国环境。论文共分五个部分。第一部分是前沿,包括学术史综述、选题缘由及意义,资料来源和不足之处。第二部分到第四部分是论文的主体部分。第二部分详细介绍了基督教在玉林的传播和发展情况,并对玉林教会所属的各堂点(玉林堂、陆川堂、容县堂、北流堂和博白堂)进行了实地考查。第三部分对玉林基督教会的本土化进行了重点分析。主要表现在三自教会、教徒及其婚丧习俗等方面的本土化。其中三自教会的本土化表现主要为自治、自养和自传。社会习俗方面,地方教会和信众在不影响其信仰的情况下,对基督教文化与中国传统文化有了更深的认识基础上,使两种文化进行了相互吸纳。特别是基督教会主动且积极地寻求同玉林传统文化的融合,并以其完整严密的教规教义影响到玉林地方的民俗生活,这主要表现在婚葬礼俗方面。第四部分主要从中西文化交流的角度对玉林基督教会本土化进行了评价和分析,并指出了玉林基督教会发展中所遇到的困难。众所周知,异域文化的传播与发展,都会经历一个从水土不服到融入的过程,为了能够传播基督宗教文化,基督教会及其信众必须与当地文化相结合,并且融入到地方社会中去,成为地方文化的一部分,才能为人们所接受和信服。第五部分为文章的结语部分。主要对玉林地区基督教会的本土化进行了总体评述。通过对社会形势的分析,一方面认识到玉林基督教会与中国基督教会的发展形势是紧密结合在一起的,玉林基督教会的本土化过程就是中国基督教会本土化的一部分;另一方面,在一定程度上,玉林地区基督教会本土化也推动了全国基督教会本土化的进程与发展,从玉林基督教会的本土化可以看出中国基督教会发展的缩影。

【Abstract】 The spread and development of Christianity in Yulin region is actually the process of collision, integration and blending with the local traditional culture. With the aggression of Western powers in Guangxi in the early 20th century Christian Church spreads to Yulin. Yulin becomes an important area of Christian missionary activity in Guangxi. Taking the localization of Christian Church in Yulin as a focal point and making full use of historical documents and archives in Chinese and English, this paper aims at a multi-angle analysis of the development and localization process of Christianity in Yulin region, and points out the difficulties Christianity encountered in the process of localization which is in accord with the national environment, and proves the localization of Christianity is a necessary process of“God returns to China”.This paper consists of five parts.Part 1 is an introduction, including the review of academic history, the reason and significance of the topic, data sources and deficiencies. The following three parts are the main body of this paper.The second part describes the spread and development of Christianity in Yulin in details and surveys the Church sites in Yulin. They are churchs of Yulin, Luchuan, Rongxian, Beiliu and Bobai.The third part focuses on the localization of the Christianity in Yulin. The localization mainly embodies in the localization of Three-self Church, followers and customs of marriage and funeral. Localization of the Three-Self Church shows itself mainly in self-government, self-support and self-propagation. In the customs area, without changing the the basic teachings, Christianity seeks a compromise and integration with traditional culture. Its complete doctrine of strict religious rules affects limitedly the customs of Yulin, mainly in the weddings, funerals and other major aspects of folklore.In the fourth part the localization of christianity in Yulin is evaluated and analyzed from the aspect of Christian Cultural exchanges, and the difficulties in its development is given out. As is known to all, the spread and development of exotic culture must go through a process of acclimatization. In order to spread the gospel of God, the Christianity must be combined with the local culture and integrated into society to be accepted by the people.The fifth part is the conclusion part of this paper. A general comment on the localization of Christianity in Yulin is given. Through an analysis of the national situation at that time, this paper shows that on the one hand the localization and development of Christianity in Yulin is closely linked Christianity’s development in China, on the other hand the localization of Christian in Yulin promotes the National Christian Council development to some extent. Finally the localization of Christianity in Yulin shows the development of the Chinese Christian Church in miniature.

【关键词】 玉林基督教本土化文化融合
【Key words】 YulinChristianityLocalizationCultural Integration