

The Study of Modern Borderconstruction and Exploration of Economic Development in Guangxi Border Areas (1885 ~ 1911)

【作者】 黎日萃

【导师】 黄振南;

【作者基本信息】 广西师范大学 , 中国近现代史, 2010, 硕士

【摘要】 中法战后,广西边防战略地位突显,政府加大了对该地区的边防建设投入,地方官员对广西边防建设事业作出努力,围绕边防问题而做的相应举措对左江流域地区社会产生了一定影响,有力促进了该区域社会的发展。论文以1885~1911年广西壮族地区的边防问题为中心,从清廷当时所面临的边事态势出发,考察此时期广西边疆地区的战略地位、社会状况以及经济发展情况,随后对此时期内的边防建设的主要内容进行综合阐述。以此为基础,结合壮族区域社会中政治、社会、文化、区域关系和民族交往等方面的内容,探讨近代边防建设对边疆地区经济发展的影响。一方面,探究边防建设与壮族区域社会经济发展的互动关系。另一方面,力图从多维视角来审视壮族区域社会经济的发展,冀望切合时代发展主题,为地区社会的当代发展提供有益参照。第一部分着重考察中法战争后的边事态势,广西边防属于西南国防重要组成部分,中法战争后边事紧张局势氛围笼罩下,广西边防地位更是凸显重要,清政府边防战略方针渐趋调整转移,各级官员对广西边防问题亦趋重视,筹划制定广西边防建设的总体规划。第二部分介绍广西边防交通建设的主要内容,张之洞、苏元春、张鸣岐等地方大员励精图治,进行规模宏大的国防交通建设,开发边疆,发展经济。交通为军事之要略,水、路交通建设是广西边防建设的主要内容。本部分从陆路建设、水路建设、交通建设影响三大方面进行叙述。修筑军路千里,陆路交通设施得以改进;引进新式轮船,水路航道不断开拓。交通设施的改善,对边疆经济的发展产生巨大影响。第三部分着重考察政府边防建设具体相关,对左江流域地区社会历史情势的分析,讨论边防问题与区域社会经济的相互关系。移民实边、鼓励垦荒,开设圩市、鼓励经商等一系列举措的实施,给边疆民众传统生活带来冲击,促进了边境生产的发展和边贸经济的繁荣。随着政府经济措施深入发展,边疆农业、工业、商业、金融业、邮电通讯等行业得以不同于传统形式的迅速发展,迈开近代化进程步伐,对左江流域地区的发展具有深远意义。第四部分论述边防建设对桂越边贸的影响。首先对政府边贸意识与职能进行探讨,对中越两国边贸态度从“怀柔远仁”、“恩赐以示体恤,使其倍加感戴”到“尤需维持小民生计,以期商务渐旺”的转变,签订一系列商务章程并开始设置商务机构;随后论述中越对汛制度,边防督办及对汛制度的更迭过程,对汛的确立使得对外交涉、边地建设、边地经济获取积极有效发展;一系列促进边贸措施的实行,促进桂越边贸的发展。

【Abstract】 After Sino-French War, it highlights the strategic position of Guangxi border, the state levels increases input in the construction of the border region, local leaders construct on the Guangxi border efforts focus on border issues and do the corresponding move on the left River Basin regional community a certain influence in the region ,makes a strong impetus to the development of society.This thesis takes 1885~1911 Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region border issues as the center, starting from the Qing government facing the situation surrounding ,to study for this period of frontier areas of Guangxi’s strategic position, social status and economic development, then to this period of The main content of the border building a comprehensive set. On this basis, combined with Zhuang regional society of political, social, cultural, regional relations and national contacts content areas, construction of border areas of the border to explore modern economic development. On the one hand, exploring the building and Zhuang border interaction between the regional socio-economic development. On the other hand, seeking to examine from a multidimensional perspective Zhuang regional social-economic development, hoping to meet the theme of the times, for the local community to provide a useful reference to contemporary developments.The first part of the study focus on the side of things after the Sino-French War situation, the border of Guangxi in Southwest China are an important part of Sino-French War atmosphere of tension behind the shadow of things, Guangxi border status is important to highlight the Qing government to adjust the border become more strategic approach to transfer officials at all levels in Guangxi border issues is also increasingly seriously planning to develop the overall plan for construction of border areas in Guangxi.The second part describes the construction of Guangxi border traffic main content, Zhang Zhidong, Su Yuanchun, Zhang Mingqi and other local leaders make every effort to conduct large-scale national defense transportation construction, development of border areas and economic development. The Chamber of military traffic, water, road traffic building is the main content of construction of border areas in Guangxi. This part of the building from the land, water, construction, transportation impact of the three aspects of narrative construction. Military Road, built thousands of miles, land transport facilities can be improved; the introduction of new vessels, and constantly open water channel. Improvement of transport facilities, on the border a great impact on economic development.The third part of the study focus on construction of border areas specifically related to the Government, on the left river basin areas of social and historical situation, to discuss border issues and regional socio-economic relationship. Immigration into, to encourage reclamation, open country fair, a series of initiatives to encourage the implementation of business, to the frontier people impact on traditional life and promote the development of the border and border trade produce economic prosperity. With further development of the government’s economic measures, frontier agriculture, industry, commerce, finance, telecommunication and other industries to be different from the traditional forms of rapid development, the starting of the pace of modernization, promoting the left river regional development has far-reaching significance.Part four discusses the construction of border on the impact of border trade between Guangxi and Vietnam. First of all,it explores the government cross-border trade awareness, attitude on the border between China and Vietnam from the "appeasement far benevolence" gift to show compassion, to double the sense of wearing the "particular need to maintain the little people living with a view to business gradually blooming”signed a charter and began to set up a series of commercial business sector; then discussed in more on the flood regime, border supervision and the change process of the flood system, the establishment of the flood of foreign representations made, frontier construction, borderland get active and effective economic development; a series of measures introduced to promote border trade, and to promote the development of border trade between Guangxi and Vietnam, but also produced some negative effects.

【关键词】 边防建设边疆地区经济发展
【Key words】 border buildingborder areaseconomic development