

The Study on the Mechanism of Peasant Workers’ Turning Into Urban Residents in China

【作者】 郑振宇

【导师】 阳国亮;

【作者基本信息】 广西师范大学 , 政治经济学, 2010, 硕士

【摘要】 “农民工”是由于我国特定历史因素而出现的群体,它因其“亦农亦工”的特点,表现出较强的流动性和边缘性,并因其规模庞大和内部分化的特点,表现出“复杂性”和“易失控性”。在进行我国现代化建设过程中,城镇化随着工业化的发展而推进是一种历史潮流,农村劳动力尤其是农民工随之向城镇迁移和定居也是一种不可逆转的发展趋势。为此,需构建农民工向城镇居民转化机制,促使农民工顺利留城定居,这既是改变农民工“半市民化”状态,促进社会和谐与稳定的现实需要,又是推动我国工业化、城市化进程,加快经济增长方式转变的客观要求,同时也是消除城乡二元结构,实现城乡经济社会发展一体化的内在需求。在构筑该机制的过程中,因“农民工”现象为我国所独有,国外尚无可以模仿的先例,因此,只能在吸收国内前人研究成果的基础上,结合我国农民工发展趋势和基本国情,进一步探讨。不过国外有关农村剩余劳动力转移的经典理论模型,如刘易斯-拉尼斯-费景汉模型,推拉理论、托达罗模型等,都可以为机制的构建提供理论依据,而且国外关于农村劳动人口迁移的成功经验,也可以给我们带来诸多借鉴和启示。在考察和分析农民工向城镇居民转化的基本现状及其影响因素后,通过比较分析法、结构分析法、定性和定量分析相结合的方法,我们发现尽管国家对相关法律逐步进行修订和完善,并加大了在社会保障制度、户籍制度、土地流转制度等方面的改革力度,为农民工向城镇居民转化提供了有利的条件,但是经过几十年的不断固化,原本作为居民身份出生证明的户籍逐渐演变为附在其上的一系列权益在城乡居民之间分割的标志,这不仅造成了城乡二元经济结构,而且也带来城乡文化、社会和政治结构的二元性,使农民工在留城定居过程中受到制度、社会资本、社会文化、自身素质及经济压力等诸多方面因素的影响和阻碍。在了解农民工相关基本状况的基础上,通过因果分析法、系统分析法和逻辑分析法等研究方法,对我国农民工群体内部分化状况进行剖析,根据农民工向城镇居民转化的逻辑顺序,提出了两层划分类型即初次划分类型包括有户籍有土地者、有户籍无土地者,再次划分类型包括有留城意愿和能力者、有留城意愿无能力者、无留城意愿有能力者与无留城意愿无能力者。在此基础上构建了我国农村劳动力向城镇居民转化的基本路径模型图,根据农村劳动力空间转移、职业转换和社会身份转化的基本路径及其相互因果关系,构建了农民工向城镇居民转化机制,该机制主要包括三个方面即动力机制、传导机制和支持机制。其中动力机制主要有工业化的拉力机制、城市化的拉力机制、农业现代化的推力机制和农民工层次需求提升的内在动力机制,我们认为推进工业化,发展高新技术产业时,应注重劳动密集型产业结构调整及优化升级与农民工群体素质结构性调整在一定程度上相一致,不能过快过猛,以造成“民工荒”和“就业难”双重困境,过早地舍弃我国人力资源带来的红利。在城市化方面,应以我国主体功能区划原则为指导,根据农民工迁移的密集程度、产业发展状况和本地优势等分区域有重点地逐步进行城市化,避免因盲目推进而使城市环境恶化和居民生活贫困化。在农业现代化方面,因我国人口众多的现实,土地集中程度应有所限制,同时对不同类型农民工的土地流转也应加以区别对待。最后我们着重分析了农民工层次需求提升的内在动力,并从农民工对经济利益、工作环境、生活环境、发展空间和社会地位等从低到高层次逐一进行论述;传导机制则主要是从整个机制宏观目标导向和农民工个体微观目标导向两个方面构建了目标导向机制,从雇佣单位对劳动力需求、农民工的供给以及劳动力市场体系完善方面建立了劳动力供需平衡机制,从政府引导社会其他力量(城镇居民、媒体、志愿者、科研机构及人员等)积极参与等方面构筑了农民工与城镇融合的引导机制;而支持机制主要有:农民工退出农村的支持机制包括完善职业教育、建立农村养老保险体系和推动城乡及其内部之间教育资源均衡等。农民工进入城镇的支持机制主要是指对农民工解决住房问题的支持,并从降低和保持房价稳定,增加经济适用房与廉租房等方面加以分析。农民工融入城镇的支持机制主要是指逐步取消对农民工留城定居的户籍限制和健全社会保障尤其是社会保险制度体系两个方面。

【Abstract】 Postgraduate:Zheng Zhenyu Turtor: researcher and professor Yang Guoliang Grade:2007 Speciality: political economics Major: theory of socialist market economy Abstract:The peasant workers is a special group and its emergence being due to historical factors of our country, because of the characteristic of peasant workers being not only farmers but also workers, it shows strong mobility and marginality, and because of the feature of its large scale and internal differentiation, it is“complexity”and“easy to get out of control”. In the process of mordernization, urbanization is a trend of history with the development of industrialization, The rural labor force, especially peasant workers’migrating to cities or towns is an irreversible trend. Constructing the mechanism of peasant workers transforming to urban residents, and promote them to stay in cities or towns smoothly are not only the needs of promoting social harmony and stability but also the objective requirements of advancing industrialization, urbanization and changing the way of economic growth, meanwhile, The are the inner needs of achieving the integration of the development of economy and society in city and in countryside. Because the phenomenon of peasant workers is unique of our country and there is no precedent to be taken off in abroad, so in the process of building this mechanism, we can just explore furtherly through absorbing the anterior research fruit of older people and basing on the development of the peasant workers and basic conditions of our country. Learning from other countries, we can get numerous lessons and inspirations.After analyzing the main situation and the factors which influence the peasant workers turning intourban residents, with methods of comparative analysis, structural analysis as well as combination of qualitative and quantitative analysis,we find that although the relevant regulations have been revised and improved gradually, and, the government has intensified reform force to social security system, household registration system and the transfer system of farming land,all these measures provide advantageous conditions for the peasant workers’turning intourban residents.Howerver as a result of several decades’solidification, household registration is becoming symbolization of urban and rural residents, it causes not only the dual structure in urban and rural economy, but also bring the dual structure to culture, society and polity. This dual structure makes the peasant workers influenced and constraated by various factors,such as systems, social capital, social culture, self-quality and financial stress and so on.We analyze the situation of the peasant workers’internal differention by applying the method of causal analysis, system analysis, logical analysis, etc. Furthermore, according to the logical sequence of the peasant workers’turning intourban residents, we put forward a division of two-layer type which includes initial division type and second division type, the former includes those who have both household register and lands, and those who have household register but have no lands, the latter incorporates those who have both willingness and ability to stay in the city, have willingness but have no ability, have no willingness but have ability, have no willingness and ability to stay in the city. Basing on this, we build up the basic path model diagram of the rural labor turning intourban residents. In accordance with the basic path of the rural labor force’s space diversion, career transition and social status transformation as well as the interrelation among them, we set up the mechanism of peasant workers transforming to urban residents which consists of three aspects, these are dynamical mechanism, transmission mechanism and supporting mechanism. Dynamical mechanism mainly consists of the pull mechanism of industrialization, the pull mechanism of urbanization, thrust mechanism of agricultural modernization and inner dynamical mechanism of the promotion of peasant workers’demond level. The aspect of urbanization should be guided by the principle of functional regionalization. In the aspect of agricultural modernization, we are supposed to consider the types of transfer of farming land dufferently. Finally, we analyze the inner dynamical mechanism; The transmission mechanism constructs the object-oriented mechanism, the mechanism of balance between supply and demond and the mechanism of the guidance; The supporting mechanism mainly includes: the supporting mechanism of the peasant workers withdrawn from the rural, the supporting mechanism of the peasant workers entering towns and cities and the supporting mechanism of the peasant workers fitting to towns and cities. Among the three aspects of the supporting mechanism mentioned above, the first aspect refers to improve vocational education, establish the system of rural endowment insurance and promote the internal balance of the educational resources between urban and rural areas, the second aspect mainly means to solve the housing problems of peasant workers and maintain the stability of the housing price and increase affordable housing and low-cost housing ,etc, the third aspect chiefly means to abolish the restrictions related to the household register restrictions and improve the social security especially the system of the social insurance.

【关键词】 农民工转化机制
【Key words】 peasant workerstransformationmechanism