

The Death Concept of Singer’s Works

【作者】 何倩娟

【导师】 犹家仲;

【作者基本信息】 广西师范大学 , 比较文学与世界文学, 2010, 硕士

【摘要】 死亡是人类生命历程中的重要一环,是人类自古及今一直在探讨的母题之一。对死亡的探究,重新树立死亡的反思意识是检验每个生命体生活状态的最佳形式。辛格作为美国犹太裔作家,经历了二战中死亡的洗礼,对死亡的深刻反思以及对死亡的探究成为他的作品中的潜在主题。死亡贯穿了他整个作品思想的脉络,引发了他对人类,对生命,对信仰,对道德等的进一步深究。在文章的绪论部分,本文通过国内国外两个方面对辛格作品的全方位研究探讨各学者对辛格作品研究的深度和广度。采用详细罗列划分的方法把国内对辛格的研究分为三部分,第一,宗教信仰和道德追求——主题内容研究,第二,运用多种理论方法分析——具体作品研究,第三,风格诡异,民族风味——写作特色研究。从各个方面总结前人对辛格研究的历史现状。国外对辛格作品的研究,由于材料所限,只列出了一部分相关文章。本文正文划分为三部分来介绍论述辛格死亡观的内容以及由此引申出的反思。第一部分首先分析辛格所受的死亡观念,死亡文化的影响,也就是辛格自我死亡观形成的基本原因。这一章回答了辛格的“死亡观为什么”的问题。本章论述一方面根据辛格的游历背景通过从各部分的文化影响,以及文化交叉来谈论他所接受的犹太传统文化,美国先进文化以及两者之间的交叉影响;另一面从辛格的家庭背景——受他哥哥和父亲的影响,以及他的知识构成——斯宾诺莎理论来反映他的死亡观念形成的历史原因。第二部分深入地从他作品描述中的各个方面总结出辛格本人的死亡观念是复杂多变,矛盾的。这一章回答了“死亡观是什么”的问题。在这一部分中本文总结了辛格作品中三种主要的死亡观念。第一种是自然死亡,自然死亡体现了辛格思想观念中对上帝的虔诚与对上帝质疑反讽的矛盾。第二种是魔幻式的死亡,这种死亡体现了辛格思维中狡黠戏谑的一面,这一种死亡现象也表现了辛格对死亡的文化领悟,对人性荒诞,人思想扭曲,精神变态的关注。第三种也是辛格最为注重的一种是精神死亡,即由于人类精神信仰的缺失从而导致的自我毁灭性死亡。第三种死亡分析了人类精神信仰缺失的成因:家庭亲情,爱情等情感方面的创伤与毁灭;社会中宗教信仰被先进的科学所打破的尴尬处境;以及现代意识打破旧有传统时所激发的对信仰的质疑与背叛。通过对具体作品的分析验证,辛格的死亡观可见一斑。第三部分是承接上文的两个内容提出通过对辛格死亡观的分析探究从而反思人类社会死亡观念中出现的种种矛盾和特点。这一部分由四个内容构成。首先主要阐述现代死亡研究中死亡的主要意蕴与辛格的死亡观的异同之处。描述死亡实质是为了超越死亡,为了生命的进步与延续。死亡是一种美学的象征,是人类生命的超越。其次从时代精神的矛盾谈到死亡的文化意义,谈到人类生活在现代主义与民族主义的夹缝之间。人类的思想行为受到时代的限制,死亡的文化也在这种夹缝中呈现两难的处境。再次从精神信仰方面探讨死亡实质上在人类的文化性质、精神领域更倾向于回归传统的道德信仰,最后从死亡现象反映出的道德观来阐述犹太传统的道德观。

【Abstract】 The motif of human life and death are always important parts of mankind. Exploration of death, re-establish the death in reflective consciousness is the best form of testing each life in physical living conditions. As the American Jewish writer, Singer experienced death in World War II, the profound reflection and the inquiry on death become his looming potential theme in his works. Death permeates his works, leads him to probe human being, life, faith, and morality.The introduction describes the present status of the research of Singer’s works both domestically and abroad, manifesting the depth and breadth of the scholars’research. The study domestic is divided into three parts in details. Firstly, religion and morality-the content of the theme is discussed. Secondly, applications of methods of analyzing work are used into Singer’s works-specific work analysis. Thirdly, style study, ethnic flavor-writing characteristics emphatically are foci of this part. As to the studies abroad here are some references to be given only due to lacking of enough information of this scope.The paper present is composed of three parts to discuss the concept of death and people’s reflection on it. The first part deal with what a view of death, culture of death Singer’s inherits from the past, to wit, the basic elements in Singer’s concept of death. This chapter will answer Singer’s view of death " why". This chapter deals with the topic from the background, displaying Singer’s journey, his acceptance on Jewish culture, and American culture, and the cross-effects between the two. This chapter discusses the family background of Singer also, the influence from his brother and father, and his knowledge composition, Spinoza’s theory. Finally, the reasons of Singer’s concept formation of the death will be revealed to the readers.The second part describes his work all aspects of death in-depth and shows complexity and contradiction in Singer’s concept. This chapter answers the question of "What the concept of death is ". Three main aspects of Singer’s concept of death will be unconcealed in this section. The first is the natural death, which in Singer’s view comes to contradiction to irony to the pious and suspicious to God. The second type is the magic death, which reflects the smart of Singer’s head. The phenomenon as such also demonstrates Singer’s perception on death cultural, and to be aware of the absurdity of human nature, ideological distortions, psychopathic. On the third one, also Singer’s emphasis is the spiritual dead, which result in self-destructive death, for lack of faith in human live. The third death parses the causes of lacking faith in the human spirit: The sense of family, love and other emotional trauma and destruction; in society, the religion is often put into an awkward position by the science; and the modern consciousness breaks the old traditions to make people suspect even give up the faith. Through the analysis of specific works, Singer death concept is evident.To undertake the two content above of Singer’s death which describe the concept of death inquiry, the third part is reflect on the concept of human society and the various contradictions and characteristics. This section consists of three subsections. First of all, the consistence with, and the difference from, Singer’s view of death in modern major study of death will be considered mainly here. To descript death is to transcend death, to progress and prolong the life. Death is an aesthetic symbol and the transcendence of human life. Secondly, here I pay more attention to the confliction between the era spirit and the significance of death. People today live in the tension between modernism and nationalism. Human thinking and behaviors must be constricted by its environment, and death culture is also caught in the dilemma as such. Finally, from the spirit of faith and morality to talk about the death is to return to traditional moral belief, in the nature of human culture and in the spirit of the area.
