

Narrative Research on the Trust Between Teachers and Students in the High School

【作者】 陆开乐

【导师】 邓健;

【作者基本信息】 广西师范大学 , 教育经济与管理, 2010, 硕士

【摘要】 高中师生间良好的信任是老师和学生以积极的态度面对工作、学习及生活的基础,也是促进师生健康心理形成的必要条件之一。同时,它直接影响到师生间的关系和教育教学活动的质量,也影响学生人际信任状况和人生观、价值观的形成。有研究表明,高中师生信任程度比初中、小学师生信任程度要低。在现实的生活中,校园师生冲突时有发生,其中大部分是发生在高中阶段。这表明在校园里高中师生关系并非绝对和谐。正是在这样的背景下,我开展了对这一问题的研究。本研究是选取桂林市L普通中学高中部的高二(1)班的班主任及全体学生作为研究对象,采用“质”的研究中的“叙事研究”方法,对班主任G老师及学生为提高师生信任所作出的诸多努力进行了生动和详细的描述,本研究着重呈现高中师生交往过程呈现的行为方式对师生信任的影响,通过对高中师生行为方式变化作深入分析寻找影响师生信任的因素,并在具体的教育活动中检证提高高中师生信任的措施,从中探讨提高高中师生信任对老师、学生乃至整个班级的积极影响,具有积极的实践意义。为了了解这个新组建班级的现实情况,G老师查阅学生档案、对班级学生持续跟踪观察,并尝试与学生进行沟通,发现学生素质不高,学科成绩靠后,纪律松散,而且受G老师以往所实行的严厉管理的影响,师生之间交往不畅,学生对老师有很强的抵触情绪。针对师生沟通不畅的问题,G老师通过召开QQ网络交流会来了解学生的真实想法,并积极表达自己对学生的信任与期待。然后利用周记、开展主题班会的形式来增加师生间的交流,加深师生间的相互了解,拉近师生的心理距离。在班级管理中,G老师主动给予学生绝对的信任,以学生发展为本,把班级管理交给学生,让学生自主制定班规,民主选举班干部,由学生轮流主持班会及各种课外活动,并作为班级普通的一员积极参与其中。这些举措激发了学生的积极性与主动性,同时使G老师获得了学生的认同与尊重,逐步增进师生间的信任。在课堂上,G老师充分展现自己的教学素养与人格魅力,优化教学过程,吸引学生主动地去获取知识,使学生产生真正的感激和尊重之情。在师生交往中,G老师用一视同仁的态度向学生表达自己积极的期待,给学生鼓励、关爱,并合理地运用各种沟通方式来帮助学生解决出现的问题、引导后进学生改进自己的缺点。G老师的努力引起学生的强烈共鸣,也获得了学生高度的信任。经过将近一个学期的努力,班级形成了高度信任的师生关系,建立起一个积极向上、互相尊重,互相信任、团结友爱的班集体。师生间的交往日益密切,课堂变得积极活跃,在学习上形成你追我赶、相互帮助与鼓励的良好氛围,学生成绩逐步提升。G老师也通过不断的学习与思考,总结教育实践中的经验教训,逐步更新了自己的教育理念。最后,本文对高二(1)班师生信任的转变进行了理性分析:一、教师在建立师生信任过程中处于主导地位;二、良好的教师形象有助于拉近师生间的距离;三、有效的沟通是提高师生信任的桥梁;四、教师的人格魅力是提高师生信任的关键因素;五、走向学生自主管理是提高师生信任的必然结果。

【Abstract】 The research selected a general senior high school named L in the city of Guilin, and the teachers and all the students from the class 1 grade 2 were the subjects. It adopted the“narrative inquiry”method in the“quality research”, a vivid and detailed description of the many efforts made by Mr. G. to improve the trust between teachers and students. It focused on the process of rendering senior middle school teacher-student communication behavior of the impact on the trust between the teachers and students, making an in-depth analysis of the behavior changes to find out the factors which influence the trust between the teachers and students, and verifying the measures of improve the trust between the teachers and students in specific educational activities. During the analysis above, we can explore the positive impact on the teachers and students, by improving the trust between the teachers and students, even the whole class, this has a positive practical significance.In order to solve the problem of poor communication between the teachers and students, Mr. G. by held QQ networks exchanging to understand the students’real thinking, and actively expressed his confidence in the students, also his expectations for them. And then he carried out the weekly dairy and theme class meeting to increase the communication between teachers and students and deep the mutual understanding between teachers and students, narrowing their psychological distance.In class management, Mr. G. took the initiative to give students the absolute confidence, which was based on the development of students, he turned the class management to the students and asked the students to develop their own class rules, class cadre of democratic elections, and the class will be chaired alternately by the students and various extracurricular activities, and as an ordinary class active part in it. These measures had stimulated the enthusiasm and initiative of students, at the same time Mr. G. obtained the students’identity and respect, which gradually increased the trust between teachers and students.In the classroom, Mr. G. fully demonstrated his teaching qualities and charisma and optimizing the teaching process to attract students to take the initiative to acquire knowledge, so that the students have a real feeling of gratitude and respect. In the teacher-student interactions, he used non-discriminatory manner to express his positive expectations to the students, by giving them encouragement, caring and reasonable use of various means of communication to help students to solve problems and guiding the less advanced students to improve their own shortcomings. His efforts not only rose a strong response from the students, but also received a high degree of confidence from the students.After nearly a semester’s efforts, the class formed a high level of confidence of the teacher-student relationship and establishes a positive, mutual respect, mutual trust, unity and fraternity class. The increasingly close interaction between teachers and students, classroom becoming active made the class form a good atmosphere of mutual help and encouragement in learning, thus the students’achievement increased gradually. Mr. G. summed up the experiences and lessons in educational practice through continuous learning and thinking, and gradually formed his own new educational philosophy.Finally, the rational analysis on the change of the trust between the teachers and students in this class in the paper showed that: 1, the teachers play a dominant position in the establishment of confidence-building process between the teachers and the students; 2, a good image of teachers helps to narrow the distance between the teachers and students; 3 , effective communication is the bridge to improve the trust between teachers and students; 4, teachers’personality charisma is a key factor in improving the trust between teachers and students; 5, walking towards the students’self-management is the inevitable result to improve the teacher-student trust.
