

An Analysis of Correlation Between English Classroom Behaviors and Learner Autonomy of Non-english Major Undergraduates

【作者】 于玲

【导师】 周晓玲;

【作者基本信息】 广西师范大学 , 课程与教学论, 2010, 硕士

【摘要】 随着我国《大学英语课程教学要求》中有关教育目标的重新定位,自主学习已成为新课程倡导的一种崭新的学习方式。提倡学生的自主性,是教学思想与教学实践一个飞跃性的转变,更是培养其主动参与,实现自身发展与终身发展的关键。因此,有关自主学习相关领域的研究更具有现实意义。本文以课堂为依托,具体调查了非英语专业本科生的英语课堂行为表现与英语学习自主性之间的关系,旨在为大学英语教学提供一些参考性的意见。广西师范大学2007级与2008级214名非英语专业大学生参与了此次调查,对以下三个问题进行系统的研究:1、非英语专业本科生的英语学习自主性的整体情况如何?2、非英语专业本科生的英语课堂行为表现主要在哪些方面?3、非英语专业本科生英语课堂行为表现与英语学习自主性是否存在相关性?如果相关,如何相关?本文自主学习的问卷主要采用了徐锦芬等(2004)的非英语专业本科生自主性英语学习情况调查问卷,课堂行为表现调查问卷主要以Hayes(1992)的调查问卷为主,在针对调查的需要对问卷进行适当的修改。通过SPSS13.0对所有收集的数据进行分析后,研究结果如下:1、非英语专业本科生自主学习能力较低,大部分的学生自主学习的能力有待提高;2、学生在英语课堂上的表现相对来说不是很积极,即使有很强的学习取向,但学习的氛围有待调动;3、口头参与、学习取向、寻求帮助与自主学习有中度相关,争强好胜、自我表露、自信、与同学交往与自主性之间为低度相关。根据调查所得,本文对非英语专业大学英语教学提出了几点建议:1、为学生创造和谐的课堂教学气氛,注重教学角色的转变;2、鼓励学生在课堂上使用合理的学习策略; 3、促使学生在课堂上形成合作学习的观念;4、关注学生情感上的需求;5、注重形成性评估与终结性评估的融合。同时,针对非英语专业本科生英语学习建议如下:1、转变课堂学习观念;2、激发课堂学习内在动机;3、注重课堂学习中角色的自我转变。

【Abstract】 With the new re-orientation of educational objective issued by the College English Curriculum Requirements in our country, learner autonomy has becoming one kind of learning styles that new curriculum has advocated. The advocating of students’autonomous learning, is the rapid change for teaching ideas and teaching practices, what is more, it is also the key for cultivating students’involvement and realization of the self-development and life-education. Hence, it is realistic to study the revelant fields relating to the autonomous learning.Based on class, the present study investigates the correlation between English classroom behaviors and learner autonomy and tries to give some suggestions on college teaching and learning. 214 non-English major students of Grade 2007 and Grade 2008 in Guangxi Normal University are invloved in this investigation. And this paper intends to answer the three questions in a systematic way:1. What is the overall situation of non-English major students’autonomous English learning?2. What is the overall picture of non-English major students’English classroom behaviors?3. Is there any correlation between non-English major students’English classroom behaviors and learner autonomy? How is it?The questionnaire takes reference to Xu et al. (2004)’s non-English major undergraduates’autonomous English learning investigation questionnaire and Elisabeth Hayes (1992) questionnaire of Classroom Behavior Questionnaire. Proper modification is carried out in terms of the needs for survey. With the analysis of the collected data given by SPSS 13.0, the research outcomes are as follows:1. Autonomous learning among the non-English major students is at low level and needs to be improved greatly.2. Students’performance is relatively inactive, even they have strong learning orientation, and the learning atmosphere needs to be aroused.3. There are moderate correlation between learner autonomy and verbal participation, learning orientation, support-seeking, and a relative low correlation between learner autonomy and dominating others, self-disclosure, self-assurance, sociability.The thesis put forwards some suggestions on college English teaching among non-English major students:1. Teachers should create a favorable classroom atmosphere and change teachers’roles;2. Teachers should encourage students to use reasonable learning strategies;3. Teachers should promote the concept of collaborative learning in class;4. Teachers should pay more attention to students’affective needs;5. Teachers should integrate formative assessment with summative assessment.Meanwhile, some suggestions for the undergraduates are as follows:1. Student should change their learning notions in classroom study;2. Student should motivate their intrinsic motivation in classroom study;3. Student should convert their roles in classroom study.
