

A Study on the Influences of the Political Group Struggles in Northern Song Dynasty Upon the Reform of Imperial Examination System

【作者】 叶晋晋

【导师】 赵国权;

【作者基本信息】 河南大学 , 教育史, 2010, 硕士

【摘要】 本文主要探讨北宋纷繁复杂的党争是如何影响科举制度改革的。北宋科举制度改革决策背后的党争博弈,和科举改革在党争干扰下的实际效果是本文的主要内容。具体分为五个部分:第一部分主要分析宋初几位皇帝对科举制度施行突破性改革的动机中,对于党争防范的动机是如何影响改革决策的,为后人所知的众多科举改革条目中有多少成分是受此动机影响的。第二、三部分围绕作为北宋两次新政内容之一的科举改革,分析科举改革决策背后的党争博弈,和在党争干扰下的科举改革后效,以期真实演绎此-阶段科举制度走向受党争影响的过程。并探讨作为北宋教育风向标的科举制度,是如何受党争的奴役继而左右北宋士人的备考教材和北宋学校教育的兴废的。第四部分,北宋党争发展到元祐之后,已纯粹演变成执政党和在野党反复无理性的党禁和文禁,科举制度完全沦为政治的附庸,科举改革也成了党争的殉葬品,学校教育也成了权力的挥霍之地,因此这一部分只承接二、三部分作简单分析。最后一部分总结全文。

【Abstract】 This paper inquires into the influences of complicated political group struggles in the Northern Song Dynasty upon the evolution of Chinese imperial examination system. The political group struggles behind the strategies of reforming the imperial examination system and the practical results of this reform are the main content of this pape. The whole paper consists of five parts:Part One analyzes the motives of the emperors in the early Northern Song Dynasty to enforce a breakthrough reform on the imperial examination system, including the motive of how to prevent the political group struggles from affecting the reform policy and how many well-known reform items which were influenced by this motive. Part Two and Part Three, around the reform of the imperial examination system as one part of twice New Policies of the Northern Song Dynasty,discuss the political group struggles behind the strategies of reforming the imperial examination system as well as the consequences of this reform, so as to truly deduce the developing course of reforming the imperial examination system under the influence of the political group struggles. All of the above will contribute to the discussion of how the imperial examination system as the wind vane of education were devastatedand by the political group struggles and thus controlled the textbooks and even the rise and fall of school education in the Northern Song Dynasty. Part Four is just a brief anylasis following the former two parts, because in the Yuanyou Period the political group struggles had completely become repeatedly unrational prohibition of political parties and culture between the party in power and the parties not in office. As a consequence, the imperial examination system became the victim of the political group struggles and school education was reduced to the place of power abuse. The last part summarizes the paper.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 河南大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2010年 12期
  • 【分类号】K244
  • 【被引频次】2
  • 【下载频次】459