

Study on the Protection Mechanism of the Schools of Chinese Boxing Inheritor of the Traditional Wushu

【作者】 胡继云

【导师】 洪浩;

【作者基本信息】 河南大学 , 民族传统体育学, 2010, 硕士

【摘要】 传统武术在历经几千年的传承后,与其它传统文化一道,面临着现代化的考验和变革。由于时代的发展,使得传统武术的载体——拳种正面临着严重的传承危机。许多武术拳种正处在逐渐消亡的危险境地,这不仅关乎到中国武术的传承,更关乎到中华文化的复兴与发展。如何及时有效的促使传统武术拳种的革新和与时俱进,如何更好的保护好传统武术拳种的体系和精髓,尤其是对传统武术拳种的活体——传承人的保护及其保护机制体系的构建,是亟待解决的问题。本文从保护传统武术拳种出发,对传统武术拳种传承人的保护及其保护机制展开了深入的探讨和研究。运用文献研究、专家访谈、实地考察、个案分析、系统等方法,以非物质文化遗产为视角,通过对传统武术拳种传承人的界定,拳种传承人保护现状的分析,阐述传统武术拳种传承人保护机制的重要性,进而构建传统武术拳种传承人的保护机制。研究认为,现代的社会变革致使传统武术拳种传承人失去了赖以生存的环境,使其难以适应时代的需求。后继无人、拳种自身因素、传承人老龄化、经济压力、文化心理自卑、传统观念的制约等是导致拳种面临传承危机的影响因素。而国家武术管理部门对传统武术拳种的宏观管理,难以解决拳种自身的实际问题。对拳种传承人的保护要建立专门的组织机构对其进行管理保护,建立专门的认定机制对拳种传承人进行调查认定;建立以政府为主导,从中央到地方的四级经费投入配套机制,以解决传承人保护资金问题;授予传承人荣誉称号,保证传承人地位的激励机制;利用高校和社会资源优势,建立教育培养机制,以实现拳种的永续传承与可持续发展;建立由国家武术研究院科研部为主导和传承者个人为主体的科研机制,来完善拳种的理论技术体系;建立监督机制对传承的状态和传承现状进行质量监督,以保证整个拳种传承人保护机制的科学性合理性;根据各省传统武术拳种传承人状况结合本地情况制定《传统武术拳种传承人保护条例》是保护拳种传承人传承和可持续发展的最快速最有效的方法。期望通过本研究,能够从中找出适合传统武术拳种可持续发展的道路,改外界“输血”为自我“造血”,从而使传统武术走上良性的发展轨道。然而,对传统武术拳种传承人的研究是一项系统而长期的任务,还有待后继学者对这一课题进行深入的探索。

【Abstract】 Traditional wushu and other traditional culture are faced with the challenge of modernization and change after thousands of years of dissemination in the post, the carrier of traditional wushu-schools of Chinese Boxing is facing the serious crisis because of the development of the times, many schools of Chinese Boxing are in danger of withering away, not only connected to the dissemination of Chinese wushu, but also the important issue is connected to the rejuvenate of Chinese culture. How to promote the innovation and advancing with the times of the schools of Chinese Boxing of traditional wushu timely and effectively? How to protect the system and the essence of the schools of Chinese Boxing of traditional wushu better? Especially for the living object-the schools of Chinese Boxing of traditional wushu-the protection of inheritors and the structure of protection mechanisms system, it is a serious problem.This paper is start off from the protection of the schools of Chinese Boxing of traditional wushu. For the protection of the schools of Chinese Boxing of traditional wushu and the protection mechanisms were conducted in-depth discussion and study. Through literature studies, expert interviews, field visiting, case studies, system methods. From the perspective of non-material cultural heritage, through definition the schools of Chinese Boxing inheritor of traditional wushu, analysis the protection status of the schools of Chinese Boxing inheritor of traditional wushu, to expound the importance of the protection mechanism of the schools of Chinese Boxing of traditional wushu inheritor, structure the protection mechanisms of the schools of Chinese Boxing of traditional wushu inheritors.Studies suggest that the change of the modern society has resulted the schools of Chinese Boxing inheritor of traditional wushu lost the survival environment, make it difficult to meet the needs of the times. No new blood, schools of Chinese Boxing own factors, the aging of people, economic pressure, cultural psychological inferiority, the constraints of the traditional concept and so on are the factors to cause transmission of the crisis. The macro-management of state administration of wushu to the schools of Chinese Boxing of traditional wushu is difficult to solve practical problems in schools of Chinese Boxing own.It needs to establish the special organization to manage and protection the schools of Chinese Boxing inheritor, to establish a special determined mechanism to investigate and determining, to establish the four grade input of funds supporting mechanisms for the government-led, from the central to local, to alleviate the funding of protect their, awarded the honorary title of inheritors, to establish incentives mechanism to ensure the status of inheritor; Utilize the resources advantage of the university and society, establishment the education and training system, to achieve sustainable transmission and sustainable development; to establish the technical and research mechanism by the National Academy of Wushu and Heritage Department who led the research as the main mechanism and individuals to improve the theory of boxing; building the monitoring mechanisms to over look the quality of the transmission status, to ensure the scientific and sustainability of the whole protection mechanisms of the schools of Chinese Boxing of traditional wushu inheritors. According to the schools of Chinese Boxing of traditional wushu inheritors status in every province and the status of the local conditions to make the "The Protection Ordinance of the schools of Chinese Boxing of traditional wushu inheritor", it is the fastest and most effective method of protecting the schools of Chinese Boxing of traditional wushu inheritors and sustainable development.Hope that this study is able to find out the road of the sustainable development of the schools of Chinese Boxing of traditional wushu, changing the outside "input to the blood" for ourselves " making the blood" to help the traditional wushu onto the healthy development track. However, it is a systematic and long-term task to the schools of Chinese Boxing of traditional wushu, still need to the subsequent scholars to be an in-depth exploration of this problem.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 河南大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2010年 12期