

Research on Landreform of County Xi in the Early 1950s

【作者】 尹永明

【导师】 马勇;

【作者基本信息】 河南大学 , 中国近现代史, 2010, 硕士

【摘要】 中国自古以来以农立国,土地问题始终困扰着历代统治者。土地问题的关键,主要是土地的集中与分散,也即土地产权或所有权的转移。土地太过集中,必然导致广大贫困阶层的不满乃至反抗;土地太过分散,当然也不利于土地的开发利用,不利于土地经营。因此,关于土地制度的改革,可以说在中国一直都在进行,历代统治者总是在集中与分散间寻找平衡点。进入近代,随着工业化发展,土地问题更加严重,农业破产、农村衰落、农民日趋贫困化,成为近代中国历史演进的主线之一。如何解决土地问题,近代以来作过许多探索,孙中山的耕者有其田,国共两党所主导的土地改革,其实都是在设法寻找中国问题根本解决之道。本文着重研究的是1950年代河南息县的土地改革。根据中共中央相关文件和中共信阳地委指示,息县九个区三百多个乡于1950年代初分三批进行土地改革,至1952年秋,息县的土地关系基本理顺,土地集中问题获得解决,农民拥有土地所有权,农村生产关系得到调整。息县土地改革成就是巨大的,地主阶级消灭了,农民获得了土地支配权,农村土地占有制度日趋合理。然而由于土地改革过程中各种错误思想的干扰,息县土地改革也存在着一些问题,对息县后来的社会发展也留下了一些负面影响。

【Abstract】 Since ancient times China was founded on agriculture, land issues have always plagued rulers. The key land issues, mainly land centralization and decentralization, ie transfer of title to or ownership of land. Land is too concentrated, will inevitably lead to dissatisfaction and even the majority of poor resistance; land too scattered, of course, is not conducive to the development and utilization of land is not conducive to land management. Therefore, on land reform, it can be said has been going on in China, rulers always find a balance between centralization and decentralization point. Into modern times, with industrialization, the land issue is more serious, agricultural bankruptcy, rural decline, farmers growing impoverishment, as the evolution of modern Chinese history, one of the main line. How to solve the land problem, in modern times, and made many explorations of the land to the tiller Sun Yat-sen, the KMT-led land reform, in fact, China’s problems are simply trying to find a solution. This paper focuses on the 1950s, the county’s land reform in Henan interest.According to the CPC Central Committee documents and instructions Xinyang Prefectural Party Committee, interest rates nine district more than 300 rural counties in the early 1950s, land reform in three batches, until the autumn of 1952, the basic relationship between income straighten out the county’s land, the problem is the concentration of land for farmers, land ownership, rural relations of production have been adjusted. County land reform success rate is huge, the landlord class wiped out, farmers control over access to land, rural land tenure system is becoming more rational. However, as the land reform process of the interference of all kinds of erroneous ideas, information county land reform, there are some problems on the interest rate the county’s social development was also left some negative impact

【关键词】 1950年代息县土地改革
【Key words】 In the early 1950sCounty XiLand reform
  • 【网络出版投稿人】 河南大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2010年 12期
  • 【分类号】K27
  • 【被引频次】3
  • 【下载频次】131