

Analyze Enlightment of Chinese Ecological Civilization Construction From Marxist Ecological Thought

【作者】 鲁书勋

【导师】 朱荣英;

【作者基本信息】 河南大学 , 思想政治教育, 2010, 硕士

【摘要】 随着我国现代化建设的深入发展,过去“人定胜天”的理论已不适应中国特色社会主义市场经济条件下中国现代化的实现。相反,历史和现实要求我们必须联系中国特殊国情,对目前由于社会发展造成人与自然关系矛盾做出科学的回答。我国是在马克思主义指导下成长的社会主义国家,在革命年代长生的理论联系实际的理论—毛泽东思想,对我国生态文明建设产生很大启示作用。马克思主义生态思想中蕴含了丰富的生态思想,为我国正确处理人与自然、人与人、人与社会关系提供了理论指导作用。正确的人与自然关系是正确的人与人、人与社会关系的反映,更是社会制度优劣的综合反映。众所周知,马克思主义理论体系是一个开放、发展的理论学说,她的发展是建立在国内外优秀文化基础之上,所以,我们要学习国外优秀文化—特别是生态文化,用发展的生态观为我国生态问题的解决指出光明之路。同样,理论要靠实践来践行,我国的生态文明建设要求在中国共产党的正确领导下,从政治、经济、文化等现实生活各方面严格、科学执行,这样,我国提出的“新农村建设”、“科学发展观”、“和谐社会建设”才不会流于形式。中国现代化实现的水平是正确反映人与自然能否和谐发展的重要指标,社会主义制度为中国绿色现代化实现提供了制度保障,更是迈向共产主义社会的前提。总之,我们要把马克思主义生态思想与中国历史发展现实结合起来,与时俱进,锐意创新,在发展中正确的解决好生态环境问题。这就是说,马克思主义生态思想为构建和谐社会,走生态文明的发展道路提供了重要的理论指导。

【Abstract】 With close development of Chinese modernization, the theory of“man can conquer nature”was incompatible to achieve Chinese modernization with Chinese character at the market-oriented economy of socialism. Contrary, history and reality of society force us to answer the question of contradiction relation of man and nature which came from social development at present in Chinese special Condition. Chinese socialism is growing up under the Marxist guidance, Mao zee dong thought giving rise to during the war and revolution years, which is a great inspiration to construction of Chinese ecological civilization. Marxist theory contains abundant ecological thought, which gives theoretical guidance for china to correctly deal with social relation of man and man /man and nature / man and society. Correct relation of man and nature is implication of correct relation of man and man/man and society, especially is synthetically reflection of good social system or bad. As everyone knows, Marxist theory which bases on fine culture at home and abroad is open and developing theory, therefore, we should learn excellent culture from outside---especially ecological culture, which can give our ecological construction to bright road with developing ecological view. It requires practice to transform theory into reality likewise, Chinese ecological civilization construction under the leadership of the Chinese communist party puts into practice in our life from political/economical and cultural side with strict and scientific attitude, construction of Chinese village /outlook of scientific development and construction of harmonious society can cone true in this way. Level of Chinese achievement of the four modernizations is important index to reflect relation of harmonious or not man and nature, socialist system guarantee Chinese green modernization to come true, which is presupposition to achieve the communist society in china. To some up, we must combine Marxist ecological thought with Chinese social reality to develop with social development and deal with rightly question of ecological environment during the development. In other words, Marxist ecological thought provides important leadership of theory for construction of harmonious society and development road of ecological civilization in china.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 河南大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2010年 12期
  • 【分类号】X2
  • 【被引频次】6
  • 【下载频次】710