

The Comparison and Study on the Leadership between Lenin and Gramsci

【作者】 高顺起

【导师】 赵连文;

【作者基本信息】 河南大学 , 科学社会主义与国际共产主义运动, 2010, 硕士

【摘要】 领导权问题一直是中外学术界关注的热点问题,也是各国政府、政党关注和重视的政治问题。列宁与葛兰西作为马克思主义者先驱,作为东、西方马克思主义的标志性代表人物,二者的领导权思想也是马克思主义者探讨和争论的对象。本文以马克思主义为指导,采用纵向分析、横向对比、归纳总结的研究方法,借鉴了哲学、政治学、历史学、社会学、军事学等相关学科的研究成果。以19世纪末20世纪初的时代发展为背景,结合俄国和意大利的社会和经济背景,重点研究了列宁与葛兰西的领导权思想,分析了二者的不同点和相同点,分析和思考了在新的国际形势下无产阶级领导权的坚持和巩固问题。本文主要分为三大部分:一、列宁与葛兰西领导权思想的相同点。该部分主要从三个方面入手,第一,时代背景。从19世纪末20世纪上半期的世界经济、社会和无产阶级运动状况展开分析。第二,对领导权的坚持和重视。领导权是决定革命事业成功的关键,必须坚持革命领导权。第三,在争取领导权过程中对党和人民群众的的重视。党和人民群众始终是无产阶级争取领导权的依靠。二、列宁与葛兰西领导权思想的不同点。第一,社会背景。阐述当时俄国和意大利的不同的基本国情。第二,哲学基础。列宁政治领导权思想产生的哲学基础为历史唯物主义;葛兰西领导权思想产生的哲学基础为实践哲学。第三,内涵与特征。列宁领导权思想侧重的是政治领导权,葛兰西的领导权思想侧重的是意识形态领导权。第四,社会取得路径。列宁主张必须建立无产阶级政党,通过政党去团结和发动人民群众取得领导权;葛兰西主张由知识分子的社会作用,经由市民社会向人们“常识”性的灌输“新世界观”来取得领导权。第五,革命策略。列宁通过暴力革命(“运动战”)取得了十月革命的胜利;葛兰西认为,只有根据意大利的实际情况采取阵地战,才能取得无产阶级革命在意大利的胜利。三、列宁与葛兰西领导权思想的现实意义。第一,建设中国特色社会主义必须坚持中国共产党的政治核心地位。第二,建设中国特色社会主义必须坚持人民权力的主体地位。第三,建设中国特色社会主义必须坚持马克思主义意识形态的统治地位。

【Abstract】 Not only has the issue of leadership been the hot issue of concern to Chinese and foreign academics, but also It has been paid close attention by the governments and political parties . Lenin and Gramsci as Marxist pioneers, as the Eastern and Western Marxists, the symbolic figure, the leadership of Lenin and Gramsci is also to explore and debate the object to Marxists.In this paper, Marxism is the guidance , using vertical analysis, horizontal comparison, summarized research methods, drawing on philosophy, political science, history, sociology, military science and other related subjects researches. To the late 19th and early 20th century development of the time as the background, combined with Russia, and Italy’s social and economic background, focuses on the leadership thought of Lenin and Gramsci.analysis of differences and similarities between the two points. In the new international situation, the paper analysis the issues related to the leadership consolidation of the proletariat. This paper is divided into three parts: First, the common ideas shared by Lenin and Gramsci. This section mainly from the three-pronged approach, first, the same age. From the late 19th century to the half of the 20th century, the world’s economic, social and status of the proletarian movement. Second, the leadership’s insistence and attention. Leadership is to determine the key to the success of the revolutionary cause, we must stick to the revolutionary leadership. Third, the process of fighting for the leadership, we must pay attention to the party and the people. The party and the masses of the people must rely on the fighting for the leadership of the proletariat. Second, the leadership of Lenin and Gramsci’s of difference. First, different social backgrounds. The paper described the different basic national conditions of Russia and Italy at that time. Second, philosophical basis. Lenin’s political leadership is generated by the historical materialism as the philosophical basis of ideas; Gramsci’s thought leadership generated by the practice of philosophy as a philosophical basis. Third, the connotations and characteristics. Lenin’s thought leadership focused on the political leadership, Gramsci’s thought leadership focus on the cultural and ideological leadership. Fourth, the social access path. Lenin advocated the need for a proletarian party, through the political parties to unite and mobilize the masses to achieve leadership; Gramsci advocated the social role of intellectuals, civil society, to the people through the "common sense" of instilling "new world concept”to achieve leadership . Fifth, the revolutionary strategies. Lenin through violent revolution ( "war of movement") has achieved the victory of October Revolution; Gramsci believed that we should take positional warfare in order to achieve the victory of the proletarian revolution in Italy. Third, the leadership of Lenin and Gramsci’s thinking of realistic significance. First, the construction of socialism with Chinese characteristics must stick to the principle that Chinese Communist Party should be the political core. Second, the construction of socialism with Chinese characteristics must stick to the people’s power of subject status. Third, the construction of socialism with Chinese characteristics must stick to Marxist ideological ruling status.

【关键词】 列宁葛兰西领导权马克思主义
【Key words】 LeninGramscileadershipMarxism
  • 【网络出版投稿人】 河南大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2011年 02期