

Structure and Influencing Factors of Integrity Personality for Entrepreneur

【作者】 李世娟

【导师】 吴继霞;

【作者基本信息】 苏州大学 , 基础心理学, 2010, 硕士

【摘要】 诚信是中华民族的传统美德,但随着我国正处于市场经济体制转型发展时期,诚信缺失已成为一个严重的社会问题。其中,企业的诚信问题尤为受人关注。企业的诚信问题,追根溯源还是要追究到企业人的诚信问题。本研究从人格心理学角度出发,综合运用文献分析、问卷调查、自由分类、多维尺度分析和个体访谈等方法,对企业人员这一群体的诚信人格结构及影响因素进行全面探索和分析,力图揭示诚信发生发展的本质及规律。通过对多维尺度分析发现,企业人员诚信人格结构正负向分别为4个维度,正向为:善良淳朴、诚实信用、守法敬业、乐观无私;负向为:自私乱纪、浮躁散漫、虚夸不实、阴险狡诈。与中国人“大七”人格结构及其他诚信结构研究相比较,发现有较好的契合性。同时,也表明了多维尺度分析法也是一种探索人格结构的有效方法。对于诚信的影响因素,借助QSR Nvivo7.0对文本内容进行分析研究,结果得出:主要受个体特质与状态、文化与环境和人际互动三大类因素的影响。其中个体特质与状态因素又分为自我指向的个人特质与状态和他人指向的他人特质与状态2类;文化与环境因素又分为社会环境与文化、家庭生活与教育、道德与法律监督机制、任务与工作、危机与困境5类;人际互动因素又分为情感性交往与互动、工具性交往与互动、角色性交往与互动3类。研究发现,工具性的交往互动对诚信的影响最大。说明诚信的外延有所扩展,它不仅是一种道德规范,同时也是获取利益的一种策略和手段。本研究立足于本土文化视角,对企业人员的诚信心理结构及影响因素进行了深入探析,揭示出诚信发生发展的本质及规律,有助于深化人们对诚信的认识,为当前的诚信建设提供一定的理论参考。

【Abstract】 Integrity is the traditional virtue of China, but with the development and transformation of China’s market economy, lack of integrity has become a serious social problem, one of which is especially of concern in enterprise’s integrity. Enterprise’s integrity still has to trace back to the entrepreneur’s integrity.From the perspective of personality psychology, this research uses literature analysis, questionnaires, free classification, multi-dimensional scaling analysis and individual interviews etc to explore and analyze the personality structure and influencing factors of entrepreneur’s integrity. We attempt to reveal the nature and the laws of integrity’s development.Through multi-dimensional scaling(MDS) method,the research find that positive and negative personality structure of entrepreneur’s integrity all contain four dimensions. Positive facets are goodness, credit, devotion, optimism and selflessness; negative facets are selfishness, sloth, insincerity, cunning. Compared to the Chinese "big seven" personality structure and the other structure of integrity, there is a better fit among them. It also shows that the MDS is an effective method to explore the personality structure.For the influencing factors of the integrity, with the help of QSR Nvivo7.0, the results indicate integrity is mainly influenced by individual characteristics and state (ICS), social interaction (SI), cultural and environmental (CE) factors. In addition, ICS is divided into personal characteristics and status as well as other characteristics and status; SI is divided into the emotional, tool and character aspects’contents; CE is divided into social environment and culture, family life and education and so on. What’s more, the tool interaction is one of the most important factors. It shows that integrity is not only a kind of moral norms but also a strategy and method of gaining benefit.This study, based on the local culture, researches about enterprise staff’s integrity psychological structure and factors, and reveals the essence of development of integrity, and helps to deepen the understanding of the current credit construction, in an attempt to provide certain theoretical reference.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 苏州大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2011年 01期