

Research and Design of Wireless Lighting System Based on ZigBee

【作者】 黄沈磊

【导师】 刘学观;

【作者基本信息】 苏州大学 , 通信与信息系统, 2010, 硕士

【摘要】 随着社会经济的发展,人们对城市基础设施建设的要求不断提高,作为城市建设中必需的公用设施,照明系统更是关系到市民切身利益的重要环节,路灯的控制和管理水平显示出一个城市的现代化程度。在城市照明系统中,如何节约能源,提高路灯能源的利用率已成为急需解决的问题。因此,提供一种于路灯远程监控有效而合理的管理方法,对城市建设显得极为重要。无线通信技术的发展和无线产品性价比的提高使得无线通信技术在监测和控制领域得到了广泛应用,ZigBee技术作为一种新兴无线通信技术,以其低功耗、通信可靠、网络容量大等特点为路灯自动控制提供了较合适的解决方案。ZigBee技术与各种新型传感器、功率控制器相结合,可以实现路灯智能控制,达到节约能源、方便管理的目的。本文从解决传统路灯控制方式不灵活、管理维护困难和电能资源浪费的实际问题出发,设计了一套基于ZigBee通信技术的远程监控与数据采集系统。系统将ZigBee新兴技术运用到传统行业中,利用ZigBee网络作为数据的传输媒介,具有网络覆盖面广、系统运行可靠、抗干扰能力强等优点,为路灯管理提供高效实用的解决方案。文中给出了在实验室环境下,系统的实现方案、监控中心和远程测控终端的软硬件架构,并对ZigBee网络的相关技术作了深入分析。系统硬件部分由安装在各个路灯节点上的协调器、路由器和终端设备组成,当主控终端进行相应的远程操作时,控制信息将通过GPRS通信与ZigBee通信相结合的方式传送到目标节点,路灯节点信息返回之后通过串行总线显示于监控端。课题中主要完成了ZigBee系统的设计工作,包括ZigBee通信模块的电路设计、天线设计以及软件设计等部分。设计的两款新型天线分别具有定向辐射和全向辐射特性,采用通用SMA接口进行可拆卸式安装,分别用于CC2430协调器和路由终端设备,实现了高增益的设计初衷,并有效降低制作成本。Visual Basic6.0编写的应用软件为工作人员提供了实时监测界面与控制终端;而将自组网的概念引入到ZigBee系统,在节点中加入了新型路由机制设计的一种简单小型的ZigBee自组织网络,是对ZigBee系统的进一步应用拓展,可以实现降低功耗、灵活组网的目的。整套系统是在ZigBee技术的基础上组建的远程通信网络,为路灯控制管理提供了先进实用的解决方案,可实现路灯节能控制系统的智能化、信息化、高可靠性、低成本的目标,对改善路灯管理,提高节能控制成效有着重要的现实意义。

【Abstract】 With the development of society and economy, the requirement of urban infrastructure construction has been improving. As the urban construction of essential utilities, lighting system is related to the immediate interests of citizens, and lamp control and management level shows a city’s modernization degree. How to save energy and improve lamp energy utilization have become urgent problems in urban lighting system. Therefore, it appears important to provide an effective and reasonable method of remote lamp management. Wireless communication technology has been widely used in monitoring and control field due to the development of wireless communication and the increase of wireless products performance. As a new wireless communication technology, ZigBee provide a suitable solution for lamp automatic control with its low power consumption and large capacity of network communication reliability. Intelligent lamp control, energy saving, and convenient management purpose can be realized with the comnination of ZigBee technology and various new power controllers.To solve the realistic problem of traditional lamp control as its unflexible management and maintenance difficulties, a set of remote control and data collection system based on ZigBee communication technology has been designed. ZigBee network is applied in tradional industry as the data transmission medium with wide network coverage, reliable operation and strong anti-jamming capability advantages, etc. The system provides an efficient and practical management solution for lamp control system. In this thesis, system implementation scheme of hardware and software structure of monitoring center and remote control terminals has been presented, and ZigBee network will be analyzed in details.System hardware includes coordinate, router and terminal equipment installed on lamp nodes. When the control centre procceeds remote operation, the command will be transmitted to the target in a compositive way of ZigBee-GPRS, then the information will be returned by nodes and displayed on monitor through serial port. The system design and production has been finished, including circuit design of ZigBee communication module, antenna design and soft programme. Prospective target has been realized by PCB and software debugging. Two new antenna designs with SMA interface are used in coordinator and router or end device with the characteristic of directional radiation and omnidirectional radiation respectively. The design purpose of high-gain and low production cost was realized. The application software written in Visual Basic 6.0 provides real-time monitoring and control interface terminal for staffs. The concept of Ad Hoc network added in ZigBee system and design of a new self organization network is a further application of ZigBee system, realizing the purpose of low power consumption and flexible network.The wireless communication system based on ZigBee technology provides advanced and practical solutions for lamp management may realize the target of intellectualization, informationization, high reliability and low cost of the monitoring and control system.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 苏州大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2011年 01期