

On the New Era of Humanitarian Feelings Novels

【作者】 扈明亮

【导师】 姚鹤鸣;

【作者基本信息】 苏州大学 , 文艺学, 2010, 硕士

【摘要】 从20世纪70年代中期“文革”结束到20世纪80年代末,中国文学经历了一个凤凰涅槃般的过程,在逐步摆脱了与政治的不正常关系后,文学界迎来了属于自己的真正的百花盛开。在这个过程中,作家们敏感的把握到了民族的神经,在反思历史与探索未来的过程中逐步找到了文学的精髓,打破了以往的文学表现模式,将“人”还原,用文学来反映“人”,表现“人”,希望用文学的发展来为“人”的发展服务。在这一时期的作品尤其是小说中,或隐或现的总是有着一条“人”的发展踪迹,从“人”的觉醒到“人”的反思,从“人”的苦闷到“人”的叩问,从“人”的放纵表现和批判到“人”的自我实现,这里面始终贯穿的是作家们那种人道主义情怀。文章由引言、正文、结语三部分组成。引言部分简单介绍文学与人道主义的关系及其在现代中国的发展。正文部分分为三章,第一章主要从宏观的“人”的觉醒与反思的角度来看人道主义情怀的的蓬勃发展;第二章和第三章侧重于从具体的“人”的追问与探寻中来寻觅人道主义的新发展。结语部分将20世纪90年代以及新世纪以来文学中人道主义的延续做了一个简短的概述。文学是人学,文学对人的关心与呵护应该是与时俱进的,不管时光如何变换,文学永远彰显一种人道主义情怀。

【Abstract】 From the end of the "Cultural Revolution" in the mid of 1970s to late 1980s, Chinese literature underwent a process of rebirth. After breaking away from politics step by step, the literature saw in a real world of flowers in blossom, which actually belongs to literature itself. In that process writers sensitively touched the nation’s nerves, and found the essence of literature by reflecting on the history and exploring the future. By breakinge previous modes of literary expression, they also made the "human" restored, mirroring and representing the "human" through literature and hoping to make the development of literature give service to that of "human".Thus, a "human" development trail loomed in literary works, especially in novels, of that period. From "human" awakening to "human" reflection, from anguish to inquiry, from indulgence to self-realization, there is consistently a kind of humanitarian feelings through the works of the writers.This thesis is made up of introduction,body and conclusion. The introduction briefly explains the relationship between literature and humanism. The body includes three parts; the first part mainly focuses on the vigorous development of the humanitarian feelings from the perspective of the macro-"human" awakening and reflection; the second and third part pays much attention to questioning and exploring new developments on basis of a specific subject, "human". The Conclusion makes a brief overview about the humanitarianism of the 1990s and the new century.Literature is a human science, whose concern and care to "human"should be advancing with the times. No matter how the age changes, literature will always show a humanitarian feelings.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 苏州大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2011年 02期