

Retrospective Analysis of 352 Cases Psoriasis in Dalian Area

【作者】 史宝娜

【导师】 刘晓明;

【作者基本信息】 大连医科大学 , 皮肤病与性病学, 2010, 硕士

【摘要】 目的:了解大连地区银屑病患者流行病学基本特征。方法:采用统一自制调查表,对每位患者进行详细的问卷调查,并进行皮肤科专科检查,对皮疹面积、颜色、鳞屑、浸润程度进行PASI评分。调查表内容主要包括:(1)一般情况:姓名、性别、年龄、家庭住址、联系电话等;(2)个人状况:文化程度、婚姻状况、职业等;(3)发病情况:初次发病年龄、病情现处何期、有无同性反应、此次是初发还是复发、初发季节、加重及缓解季节、初次发病及此次发病类型、曾选择的治疗方法等;(4)皮疹检查:皮疹面积、红斑、鳞屑、浸润程度;(5)其他:包括有无遗传病家族史及合并其他疾病。结果:(1)男性、女性患者平均初次发病年龄分别为27.34±13.50岁、21.36±12.45岁。其差异在统计学上具有显著意义(P<0.05)。(2)银屑病首发、加重及复发以春为主,病情的减轻、缓解则以夏季明显。(3)皮损的初发及分布部位以头皮和四肢伸侧为主。(4)患者中糖尿病、高血压发生率分别为3.98%、3.13%。(5)银屑病具有明显的家族遗传倾向。结论:(1)首次发病部位以头部较多见,临床上须同相关疾病鉴别,以免误诊和漏诊。(2)气象因素的变化在银屑病的发病及流行分布上是一个不可忽视的自然因素。(3)目前银屑病患者流行病学特征与此前调查结果基本一致,但呈现出新的发展趋势。(4)本地区银屑病患者家族史阳性率居国内较高水平,在银屑病的发病中起最重要的作用。

【Abstract】 Objective:To investigate the basic characters of epidemiology of psoriasis patients in Dalian.Methods:Unified self-questionnaire on each patient a detailed questionnaire, and make skin specialist examination, the rash area, color, scaly, infiltration degree of PASI score. The contents of the questionnaire include:(1) The general situation:name, sex, age, home address, telephone, etc.; (2) Personal status:educational level, marital status, occupation, etc.; (3) Incidence:the initial onset age, severity of what is now at the stage whether same-sex response, this is a first or recurrent, primary season, adding to and mitigate the season, the initial incidence of disease and the type of treatment methods have been chosen; (4) Rash check:rash area, erythema, scaly, infiltration; (5) Others:with or without a family history of genetic disease and other diseases.Results:(1) The average age of the first onset was 27.34±13.50 for males, and 21.36±12.45for females. The average age of first onset of PS was earlier in females than that in males in familial psoriatic patients (P<0.05). (2) Onset, aggravation, and recurrence of psoriasis were mostly taken place in spring. And relieve of path genetic condition of psoriasis mainly in summer. (3) The distribution and location of the primary psoriatic lesions were capitally on scalp and extensor aspect of extremities. (4) Psoriasis patients with diabetes,hypertension rates were 3.98%、3.13%. (5) Psoriasis had an obvious family history.Conclusion:(1) Head was the major Place of onset, in order to avoid misdiagnosis and missed diagnosis, we should discriminate it from correlated diseases (2) All the results confirm that the change of meteorological factors plays an important role in the prevalence of psoriasis.(3) These findings indicated that the characters of epidemiology of psoriasis patients at present were chiefly coincidence with the findings before. However, new development tendency was presented. (4) The patients with psoriasis of the research area have more positive family history than other areas, witch plays the most important role on the onset of disease.

  • 【分类号】R758.63
  • 【被引频次】1
  • 【下载频次】106