

Water and Salt Transport in Dredger Fill under Steady Flow and Its Adaptability to Plant Growth

【作者】 刘虎

【导师】 魏占民;

【作者基本信息】 内蒙古农业大学 , 水利水电工程, 2010, 硕士

【摘要】 直接利用吹填土在吹填区进行生态建设成为国内外关注的一个热点问题。本文通过土柱淋洗脱盐和蒸发返盐试验,对吹填土柱在脱积盐过程中土壤中水盐运动规律进行了分析研究,并且通过盆栽试验验证植物在脱盐后吹填土中的生长适应性问题,研究结果为吹填土直接在曹妃甸以及沿海类似地区进行生态建设提供理论支撑和技术指导。主要结果如下:曹妃甸地区吹填土在一定水头作用下,淋洗脱盐过程可分为表土脱盐阶段、盐峰下移阶段和底土脱盐过程。在1、3 cm水头下脱盐用水量为760~1 150 mm和740~1 130mm,脱盐时间分别为113和89h。在淋洗过程中,吹填土由NaCl型向Ca(HCO32和CaSO4型转换,且脱盐后土壤中离子对一般的植物生长没有毒害作用。试验中,滤液和土柱基质的pH值、钠吸收比、残余碳酸钠变化在一般园林植物可承受范围内。当地下水埋深为50 cm(Z1)和100 cm(Z2)时,土柱在15天和51天时达到试验终点,消耗的地下水量为8 905 ml和12 515 ml,且Z1和Z2地下水累计消耗量随时间线性变化。试验中Z1表面和Z2埋深为5cm处出现盐壳,结束时Z1和Z2的平均含水量为18.8%和20.1%,Z1和Z2的平均含盐量为0.5%和0.4%,土壤含盐量变化规律和趋势与土壤溶液电导率变化规律相似。在返盐过程阳离子迁移速度均为Na+>Ca2+>Mg2+,阴离子为Cl->HCO3-≈SO42-,试验结束时土柱中未出现碱化现象。使用农家肥对增加高羊茅色泽效果不明显。不培肥的吹填土中高羊茅质地明显差于对照用的绿化土,但是到试验后期吹填土中的高羊茅长势逐渐提高,总体上质地得分较低。单独施加污泥肥或者是农家肥,高羊茅的草坪密度均随着施肥量增加而增加,当基质中存在10%及以上的污泥肥时,继续施加少量农家肥即能提高草坪密度。整体外观上看,不同培肥模式下高羊茅草坪均一性较好。本研究中不同处理叶绿素含量差异性极显著。白三叶叶绿素含量随着肥料的施加量增加而增加,但在混合施肥的基质组合中,随着施肥量的增加,高羊茅叶绿素含量有降低的趋势。培肥和不培肥的白三叶和高羊茅的叶绿素a/b基本上处在一个范围,并且与对照组的叶绿素a/b接近。C100%条件下白三叶细胞膜相对透性最小,在C94%+W5%+N1%的细胞膜相对透性最大;高羊茅则在C90%+W10%的基质中细胞膜相对透性最大,在L100%中的细胞膜相对透性最小。植物生物量基本上是随着施肥量的增加而增加的,施加农家肥对显著提高白三叶地上生物量,但是污泥肥对高羊茅的效果更好。

【Abstract】 At present, directly using dredger fill for ecological construction in the reclamation area is a hot issue at home and abroad. This thesis study the law of water and salt movement through laboratory experiments, and verify that plants can grow on the desalinated dredger fill through pot experiments. The results of this research can provide theoretical support and technical guidance of ecological construction in using dredger fill directly in Caofeidian and coastal areas. The mainly results are as follows:Under the 1cm and 3cm water pressure, the process of leaching desalination can be divided into 3 stages, including desalination of top-soil, moving down of salt peak and desalination of Sub-soil. The amount of water during desalination is 760~1 150 mm(1cm) and 740~1 130mm(3cm), and the time-consuming is 113h(1cm) and 89h(3cm). During the process of desalination, dredger fill changes from NaCl-type to Ca(HCO32-type and CaSO4-type, and content of ion in desalinated dredger fill haven’t toxic effects to general plant. The value of pH, SAR and RSC of filtrate and soil is within the scope of that general landscape plants can withstand.When groundwater table is 50cm(Z1) and 100cm(Z2), the soil columns need 15 and 51 days to the final of test, and the amount of groundwater consumed is 8 905 ml and 12 515 ml. The total consumption of groundwater of Z1 and Z2 changes linearly with time. At the surface of Z1 and at the depth of 5cm of Z2 appear salt crust, and the average water content of Z1 and Z2 is 18.8% and 20.1%, and the average salt content is 0.5% and 0.4%. The law of salinity change is similar to the change of electrical conductiv of soil solution. During the process of returning salt, the transfer speed of cation and anion is Na+>Ca2+>Mg2+ and Cl->HCO3-≈SO42-. And there is no alkalization phenomenon.Increasing the using of manure is little effect to add the color of tall fescue. The texture of tall fescue with no fertilizer is worse than comparison, but growing of tall fescue is gradually increasing at late stage, while the scores of texture is low overally.The turf density of tall fescue is increased with the increase of fertilizer when using manure alone or sludge, but when the content of sludge 10% and above, little fertilizer can improve turf density. Overall appearance point of view, uniformity of tall fescue is similar at different fertilization modes.The difference of chlorophyll is very significant in different treatments. Chlorophyll content of white clover increase with the increase of fertilizer applied, but when exerted mixed fertilizer, chlorophyll content of tall fescue has trend to decrease. Chlorophyll a/b in fertility and not fertilization is in a range which is approaching to comparison. White clover has a least membrane permeability in C100%, and maximum membrane permeability is in C94%+W5%+N1%. While least membrane permeability of tall fescue is in C90%+W10%, maximum membrane permeability is in L100%.The amount of plant biomass increase with the increase of fertilizer, using manure can increased aboveground biomass of white clover significantly, but sludge fertilizer is better on tall fescue.
