

The Health Assessment of White Birch Forest in Daqing Mountain of Inner Mongolia

【作者】 张仁

【导师】 安慧君;

【作者基本信息】 内蒙古农业大学 , 森林经理, 2010, 硕士

【摘要】 论文通过对内蒙古大青山森林资源的踏查,选取了内蒙古大青山四个具有代表性的林场作为原始数据采集区域,在科学性、可行性、代表性及主导要素原则的指导下,结合内蒙古大青山森林资源二类调查资料中的相应指标,以树高、胸径、单位面积蓄积量、乔木郁闭度、灌木盖度、草本盖度、腐殖层厚度、土壤厚度、病虫害程度作为评价指标,建立了白桦林健康评价指标体系,采用层次分析法确定各指标权重;根据调查的白桦林典型样地及固定标准地的数据,运用正态分布原理及标准差理论,分龄组确定了各评价指标的等级划分和森林健康综合指数等级划分,基于林场尺度对内蒙古大青山白桦林进行健康评价,评价结果:(1)内蒙古大青山白桦林不同林场进行评价,蛮汉山林场的4863.1hm2白桦林中,处于Ⅰ级健康状态的比例为6.6%,处于Ⅱ级健康状态的比例为88.9%,处于Ⅲ级健康状态的比例为4.5%;古路板林场的6401.5 hm2白桦林中,处于Ⅰ级健康状态的比例为10.7%,处于Ⅱ级健康状态的比例为77.7%,处于Ⅲ级健康状态的比例为11.6%;井儿沟林场的5848.5 hm2白桦林中,处于Ⅰ级健康状态的比例为6.9%,处于Ⅱ级健康状态的比例为87.2%,处于Ⅲ级健康状态的比例为5.9%;哈达门林场的2437.7 hm2白桦林中,处于Ⅰ级健康状态的比例为14.8%,处于Ⅱ级健康状态的比例为73.1%,处于Ⅲ级健康状态的比例为12.1%。(2)内蒙古大青山白桦林不同龄组进行评价,幼龄林面积为3396.2hm2,处于Ⅰ级健康状态的比例为9.2%;处于Ⅱ级健康状态的比例为83.7%;处于Ⅲ级健康状态的比例为7.1%;中龄林面积为14303.1hm2,处于Ⅰ级健康状态的比例为8.1%;处于健康状态的比例为84.6%;处于Ⅲ级健康状态的比例为7.1%;近、成熟林面积为1851.5hm2,处于Ⅰ级健康状态的比例为15.8%;处于健康状态的比例为67.3%;处于Ⅲ级健康状态的比例为16.9%。(3)在内蒙古大青山白桦林中,处于Ⅲ级健康状态的白桦林小班数最少,为317块,占总小班数的8.4%,面积为1601.8hm2,占总面积的8.2%;处于Ⅱ级健康状态的白桦林小班数为3101块,占总小班数的82.2%,面积为16184.3hm2,占总面积的82.8%;Ⅰ级状况的白桦林小班数为355块,占总小班数的9.4%,面积为1764.7hm2,占总面积的9.0%。

【Abstract】 The research papers is based on the preliminary investigation of forest resources in Daqing mountain of Inner Mongolia. Select four typical forest area as the original data collection. Under the guidance of the principle for scientific, feasible, representative and the dominant element. Combined with second-class investigation of forest resource information in Daqing mountain of Inner Mongolia. Establish the health evaluation index system of white birch forest based on tree height, DBH, volume per unit area, crown density, shrubs coverage, herb coverage, humus thickness and soil thickness. Using analytic hierarchy process to determine the index weight. Using normal distribution theory and the theory of standard deviation give hierarchies of standard for different age class of white birch forest with the typical sample health evaluation indexes and comprehensive index of forest health. Then, give the health assessment with the standard of white birch forest. The result:(1) The evaluation of different forest white birch forest in Daqing mountain of Inner Mongolia, 4863.1 hm2 white birch forest in manhanshan, the proportion ofⅠhealth level is 6.6%, the proportion ofⅡhealth level is 88.9%, the proportion ofⅢhealth level is 4.5%; 6401.5 hm2 white birch forest in guluban, the proportion ofⅠhealth level is 10.7%, the proportion ofⅡhealth level is 77.7%, the proportion ofⅢhealth level is 11.6%; 5848.5 hm2 white birch forest in jingergou, the proportion ofⅠhealth level is 6.9%, the proportion ofⅡhealth level is 87.2%, the proportion ofⅢhealth level is 5.9%; 2437.7 hm2 white birch forest in hadamen, the proportion ofⅠhealth level is 14.8%, the proportion ofⅡhealth level is 73.1%, the proportion ofⅢhealth level is 12.1%.(2) The evaluation of different age group white birch forest in Daqing mountain of Inner Mongolia, the area of the young white birch forest is 3396.2hm2, the proportion ofⅠhealth level is 9.2%, the proportion ofⅡhealth level is 83.7%, the proportion ofⅢhealth level is 7.1%; the area of the middle-aged white birch forest is 14303.1hm2, the proportion ofⅠhealth level is 8.1%, the proportion ofⅡhealth level is 84.6%, the proportion ofⅢhealth level is 7.1%; the area of the mature white birch forest is 1851.5hm2, the proportion ofⅠhealth level is 15.8%, the proportion ofⅡhealth level is 67.3%, the proportion ofⅢhealth level is 16.9%. (3) From white birch forest in Daqing mountain of Inner Mongolia. The quantity ofⅢhealth level classes for white birch forest is at least, has 317 block, take total number of 8.4%, area for 1601.8hm2, take total area of 8.2%; The quantity ofⅡhealth level classes for white birch forest has 3101 block, take total number of 82.2%, area for 16184.3hm2 , take total area of 82.8%; The quantity ofⅠhealth level classes for white birch forest has 355 block, take total number of 9.4%, area for 1764.7hm2 , take total area of 9.0%.

  • 【分类号】S718.5
  • 【被引频次】8
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