

The Introduction of Different Types of Barley Germplasm Genetic Diversity and Population Genetic Breeding Research

【作者】 解松峰

【导师】 宋卫宁;

【作者基本信息】 西北农林科技大学 , 作物遗传育种, 2010, 硕士

【摘要】 大麦(Hordeum vulgare)是世界上第四大作物,也是我国重要农作物之一,兼啤用、饲用和食用价值,并且具有较强的抗旱、耐低温和耐盐碱能力。中东两河流域及附近地区(新月沃土)是大麦的起源中心之一,野生大麦群体在长期的进化过程中形成了适应中东地区特异环境的基因型,同时世界各地也具有丰富的大麦资源,是遗传育种和生物技术研究的重要物质基础。本研究目的是为外引大麦种质资源的合理利用积累资料和提供理论依据,对外引种质的改良和在育种中科学利用而服务,并力图建立一种筛选和鉴定指标与评价方法,以促进优异性状遗传规律和机理的研究。可见探讨如何更好的利用外引种质资源,促进建立引进大麦遗传多样性保护机制等这些是摆在我们面前的重要课题。主要结果如下:1.对不同地区大麦资源表型的差异进行综合分析,根据107个大麦品种(系)等主要农艺性状的调查,比较它们的生长特点以及在陕西杨凌地区的生长表现,对其适应性进行评价比较。通过主成分分析结果表明,5个综合主成分可代表大麦12个表型变量91.0268的原始数据信息量。利用模糊隶属函数度量D值进行WPGMA聚类,可将107份材料划分为4类,聚类结果可以较好地反映这些引进种质资源的选育和分布区域特点,其中野生群体综合表现较好,在品种的选育上有很高的利用价值。2.采用内含子切接点引物(intron-splice junction primer)和长随机引物的PCR分子标记方法,对不同国家和地区大麦的遗传多样性进行了检测。结果表明,所用的6个引物共扩增出稳定清晰的条带58条,其中44条(76%)为多态性条带。根据PCR扩增的条带建立[1、0]型数据矩阵,采用NTSYSpc2.1数据软件进行遗传相似系数计算,算术平均的非加权成对分组法(UPGMA法)构建聚类树状图。结果表明:不同地区大麦品种(系)有很高的遗传多样性,野生材料与栽培大麦品种(系)和农家种间的遗传差异较大,后两者间的遗传差异次之,各品种(系)之间的遗传差异较小。反映出这些材料较为明显的地理分布关系和区域特征。3.培养皿发芽法和盆栽研究不同浓度NaCl胁迫对引进国外的30份大麦种质的影响,其中栽培大麦14份,大麦双单倍体(Steptoe x Morex)6份,野生大麦10份。在萌发期采用86mM、171 mM、257 mM和342 mM NaCl溶液处理,试验结果表明,品种(系)耐盐性由强到弱为:Harrington、Barbican26、Tapgolbor、Steptoe、DH40 > Schooner、ModabaLR25、Sloop、Kerabua29、Cyprus25、Clipper、22-55、22-28、22-30、22-43、DH116、DH126、DH66、DH55> Jrbid LR14、Khemus27、KoRv25、22-25> Prior24、Tabigha barley、22-42> DH127> Morex、To barley> Yahudiya;在不同浓度NaCl胁迫下,通过苗期光合速率(Pn)、蒸腾速率(Tr)、气孔导度(GS)、胞间CO2浓度(Ci)、叶绿素(Chl)、丙二醛(MDA)、游离脯氨酸(Pro)、超氧化物歧化酶(SOD)和过氧化氢酶(CAT)的测定,运用主成分分析法和模糊隶属函数法对30份国外引进的大麦品种(系)耐盐性进行综合分析。结果表明:随着盐浓度增大,引进大麦品种(系)除SOD、CAT和Pro外,其它指标与对照相比均有所下降。根据综合评价值可知,其耐盐性由强到弱为:22-25,22-30,DH-116,Tabigha,Modaba,22-55,DH-55,22-28,Tar-pgolbor,KoRv,KHEMUS,Steptoe,Harrington,Clipper,Jrbid,Cpyrus,DH-66,Prior,Morex,22-43, TObarley,Barbican,22-42,DH-40,Schooner,DH-127,Kerab,Sloop, Yahudiya,DH-126.苗期表现耐盐性高的材料,在芽期则不一定表现出高耐盐性。如22-25、DH-116和Tabigha苗期相对耐盐,而芽期耐盐性一般。反之亦然,如Harrington、Barbican和Tapgolbor。表明大麦在不同的发育阶段其耐盐能力有所不同,大麦芽期耐盐性和苗期耐盐性之间没有必然联系。4.采用干旱胁迫(drought stress,DS)和灌溉(well watered,WW)两种处理,利用120份DH系为试验材料,对该群体株高株高(PH)、穗长(SL)、穗下节长(TFIL)、主穗小穗数(MES)、主穗穗粒数(GPS)、千粒重(WTG)、行有效分蘖(RT)、有效分蘖(MT)、产量(YP)9个数量性状进行遗传分析。同时以各性状的抗旱系数(DRI)作为衡量DH系耐旱性的指标,结果表明,应用主成分分析法将不同性状集成为几个相互独立的综合指标,根据综合指标对各性状的抗旱性的贡献,利用隶属函数分析法求出各株系抗旱性综合评价值(D值),提出了5个反应大麦主要耐旱性状的主成分,对120个DH系的耐旱性能力进行综合评价。DH93和DH55等,具有较强的抗旱性,DH29、DH2、DH103、DH88等的抗旱性却较低;在两种水分条件下,DH群体各性状的表型值对数介于双亲之间,且出现超亲分离,变异系数在5.34%-38.07%之间。DH群体及其亲本各性状表型值普遍表现为雨养条件下的高于正常灌溉的。DH群体各性状的遗传力和调控性状的基因数目在雨养和灌溉条件下有较大差异。结果表明:在雨养条件下的遗传力株高最高,为0.68,而产量最低,为0.26,其他7个性状介于二者之间。而灌溉条件下的遗传力主穗小穗数最高,为0.93,而穗长最低,为0.17,其他7个性状介于二者之间。在雨养条件下(Y)依基因对数(X)线性回归方程为Y=-0.0192X+0.7305(r=-0.9351),回归系数-0.0192与0的差异显著(t=-6.9824,df=7),而灌溉条件下(Y)依基因对数(X)线性回归方程为Y=-0.0172X+0.6934(r=-0.8036),回归系数-0.0172与0的差异显著(t=-3.5723,df=7),表明多基因性状易受环境影响,同时也佐证了多基因遗传学说。②估算各性状的偏度和峰度系数,分析影响各性状的基因作用方式,结果表明:灌溉条件下的控制主穗小穗数、主穗穗粒数这些性状的基因间存在互补作用,而控制千粒重这一性状的基因间可能没有互作。雨养条件下的株高和行有效分蘖数多基因间有互补作用。

【Abstract】 Barley (Hordeum vulgare) is not only the world’s fourth largest crop but also one of our important crops, and malting, feed and food value, and has high drought, low temperature and salinity capacity. Middle East, Mesopotamia and the surrounding areas (Fertile Crescent) is one of the centers of origin of barley, wild barley populations in the long process of evolution created the environment to adapt to specific genotype in the Middle East, while parts of the world also has rich resources of barley, Genetic breeding and biotechnology is an important material basis for research. Purpose of this study is to introduce outside the rational use of barley germplasm accumulated data and provide a theoretical basis, the improvement of foreign germplasm and breeding science in the use of the service, and attempt to establish a screening and identification of indicators and evaluation methods in order to promote Genetic Merit rules and mechanism. Shows how to make better use of foreign germplasm resources, promote the establishment of the introduction of the genetic diversity of barley mechanism is before us these important issues. The main results are as follows:1. On resources in different parts of the phenotypic differences between barley comprehensive analysis of barley varieties under 107 (lines) and other major agronomic traits of the survey to compare their growth characteristics and growth areas in Shaanxi Yangling performance, evaluation of its adaptability comparison. Through principal component analysis showed that five principal components can represent the integrated barley 91.0268 12 phenotypic variables the raw data volume of information. Fuzzy membership function values WPGMA clustering metric D can be divided into four 107 class materials, clustering results can reflect the introduction of germplasm resources, breeding and distribution of regional characteristics, including better overall performance of wild populations, in Variety have high value in use.2. All contacts with intron primers (intron-splice junction primer) and long random primers PCR molecular markers for different countries and regions, the genetic diversity of barley were tested. The results show that the use of six primers amplified clear bands of a stable,58 of which 44 (76%) were polymorphic. PCR amplified bands according to established [1,0] data matrix, using the data software NTSYSpc2.1 genetic similarity coefficient, the unweighted arithmetic average pair group method (UPGMA method) dendrogram constructed. The results showed that:different regions of barley varieties (lines) with high genetic diversity of wild and cultivated barley material (lines) and the farmers that genetic variation among species, genetic differences between the two after the second, all varieties (line) genetic differences between the small. These materials reflect the geographic distribution of the more obvious relations and regional characteristics.3. Petri dish germination and pot of different concentrations of NaCl stress on the introduction of foreign germplasm of 30 barley, of which 14 were cultivated barley, barley double haploid (Steptoe x Morex) 6 copies of wild barley 10. In the germination stage using 86 mM,171 mM,257 mM and 342 mM NaCl solution treatment, test results show that the varieties (lines) of Salt Tolerance from strong to weak to:Harrington, Barbican26, Tapgolbor, Steptoe, DH40> Schooner, ModabaLR25, Sloop, Kerabua29, Cyprus25,Clipper,22-55,22-28 ,22-30,22-43, DH116, DH126, DH66, DH55> Jrbid LR14, Khemus27, KoRv25,22-25> Prior24, Tabigha barley,22-42> DH127> Morex, To barley> Yahudiya; at different concentrations of NaCl, through the photosynthetic rate (Pn), transpiration rate (Tr), stomatal conductance (GS), intercellular CO2 concentration (Ci), chlorophyll (Chl), malondialdehyde (MDA), proline (Pro), superoxide dismutase (SOD) and catalase (CAT) determination, using principal component analysis and fuzzy membership function on the 30 imported barley varieties (lines) a comprehensive analysis of salt tolerance. The results show that:with the salt concentration increases, the introduction of barley varieties (lines) except SOD, CAT and Pro, the other indicators have declined compared with the control. According to comprehensive evaluation values obtained, the salt from strong to weak as:22-25,22-30, DH-116, Tabigha, Modaba,22-55, DH-55,22-28, Tarpgolbor, KoRv, KHEMUS, Steptoe, Harrington, Clipper, Jrbid, Cpyrus, DH-66, Prior, Morex,22-43, TObarley, Barbican,22-42, DH-40, Schooner, DH-127, Kerab, Sloop, Yahudiya, DH-126. Seedling salt tolerance of high performance materials, not necessarily in the bud the performance of high salt tolerance. Such as 22-25, DH-116 and Tabigha relatively salt-tolerant seedlings, while the general tolerance of jute. Vice versa, such as Harrington, Barbican and Tapgolbor. That of barley at different developmental stages vary its salt tolerance, salt tolerance of barley malt and salt tolerance has no necessary relation.4. By drought stress (drought stress, DS) and irrigation (well watered, WW) two treatments, using 120 DH lines as materials, height of the group height (PH), ear length (SL), ear The following section length (TFIL), kernels (MES), the main spike grain number (GPS), grain weight (WTG), row tillers (RT), effective tiller (MT), yield (YP) 9 orders of Genetic analysis of traits. The characters in both the drought factor (DRI) as a measure of drought tolerance of the DH system indicators, results demonstrate that the principal component analysis integrated into several different characters independent of the composite indicator, based on the comprehensive index of drought resistance traits contributions, membership function analysis using the strains calculated value of comprehensive evaluation of drought resistance (D value), presented five major drought response of barley principal component traits of drought tolerance in 120 DH lines comprehensive evaluation of sexuality. DH93 and DH55, etc., with strong drought resistance, DH29, DH2, DH103, DH88 and other drought resistance is low; in both water conditions, DH group phenotypic value of each log between their parents, and transgressive segregation occurred, the coefficient of variation between 5.34%~38.07%. DH population and their parents the value of the common phenotypic expression is higher than under rainfed conditions of normal irrigation. DH group and the hereditary traits of genes regulating the number of rain-fed and irrigated conditions are quite different. The results showed that:in the rain-fed conditions, the maximum height of heritability, was 0.68, while the lowest yield of 0.26, the other seven traits between. The irrigation of genetic advocated kernels highest,0.93, and minimum ear length, was 0.17, the other seven traits between. In rain-fed conditions (Y) according to the number of genes (X) linear regression equation Y=-0.0192X+0.7305 (r=-0.9351), regression coefficient-0.0192 and significant difference between 0 (t=-6.9824, df= 7), irrigation (Y) according to the number of genes (X) linear regression equation Y=-0.0172X+0.6934 (r=-0.8036), regression coefficient of-0.0172 and 0, significantly different (t=-3.5723, df= 7), show that the multi-gene traits susceptible to environmental influences, but also evidence that multiple genes genetics.②estimate the characteristics of skewness and kurtosis coefficient, analysis of genes influence the trait mode of action, results showed that:Irrigation control kernels, the main spike grain number of genes these traits exist between complementary and control of grain weight between the genes of this trait may not have interaction. Rainfed conditions, plant height and line number of effective tillers and more genes are complementary.
