

Research on Variation of Vineyard’s Carbon、Water Fluxes and Modeling the Exchange Ofcarbon Flux in Arid Northwestern China

【作者】 郭维华

【导师】 康绍忠;

【作者基本信息】 西北农林科技大学 , 农业水土工程, 2010, 硕士

【摘要】 农田生态系统是陆地生态系统的重要组成部分,研究其碳、水循环变化规律和控制机理对于认识整个陆地生态系统的物质循环具有重要的意义。本研究利用涡度相关系统,对我国西北旱区武威市皇台酒厂葡萄园进行了一个生长季度的观测,得到了不同时间尺度CO2通量的变化规律:葡萄园CO2通量典型日变化呈双峰型曲线;通过计算不同月份葡萄园的固碳量,表明其在生育期是一个较明显的碳汇;分析了不同时间尺度下葡萄园CO2通量对各因子的响应规律,结果表明葡萄生长的最适温度为20℃左右,最适气孔导度为0.02 m·s-1左右。利用涡度相关系统的监测数据,初步探讨了葡萄园水碳通量的耦合关系,结果表明葡萄园水碳通量的变化白天具有较明显的一致性,这是基于气孔对二者的共同调控机制产生的;而且,葡萄园的水碳通量在一定的时间段下,具有较明显的正比相关关系。基于分析得到的葡萄园各时间尺度下影响CO2通量的主要因子,本文提出了一个利用气象因子和气孔导度推算碳通量的半经验模型,并根据此模型,对葡萄生长发育中五个重要时期的碳通量进行了模拟,通过与涡度相关系统的实测数据进行对比分析,得出该模型在模拟葡萄生育期前阶段有较好的精确度,总体平均模拟效率大于0.5,模拟值较实测值偏低,在缺少涡度相关等精确观测仪器的前提下,可以利用该模型模拟葡萄园的碳通量。以上研究为揭示葡萄园碳通量的变化规律提供了参考依据,并为进一步研究水碳通量的耦合关系和各时间空间尺度下碳通量的模拟模型奠定了基础。

【Abstract】 Field ecosystem is an important part of terrestrial ecosystem. Analyzing the variation and controlling mechanism of CO2 flux is meaningful for understanding the carbon cycle of terrestrial ecosystems. In this study, eddy covariance system was used to measure vineyard’s CO2 flux in an arid area of northwester China. The results showed that the typical diurnal variation of CO2 flux is a double-peak curve; and there is an obvious carbon sink during the reproductive period. The optimum temperature and stomatal conductance of the grapes were about 20℃and 0.02m·s-1 respectively and the controlling factors for CO2 flux were found by studying the response factors of CO2 flux at different time scales in the vineyard. On Vineyard ecosystems, carbon-water cycle day of the obvious consistency, which is based on the porosity of the two produced a common regulatory mechanism; Moreover, the vineyard ecosystem carbon - water flux exchange, at a certain time Under section has more directly proportional relationship; by analyzing the vineyards and get the time scale of the main factors affecting CO2 flux, based on this, this paper presents a meteorological factors calculated using the exchange of carbon flux vineyard semi-empirical model , and according to this model, the six major grape growth and development of carbon flux during the simulation, with the eddy covariance system measured data compared and analyzed in the simulation of the model before the stage of grape growth better accuracy, overall efficiency is greater than the average analog 0.5, analog value lower than the measured value. In the absence of accurate observation eddy correlation premise equipment, can use the model to simulate the exchange of carbon flux vineyard situation. This work can be a reference for the future study of CO2 cycle in the vineyard.

  • 【分类号】S663.1
  • 【被引频次】2
  • 【下载频次】342