

Establishment of HACCP System for Fermented Ham and Study on Its Low Salt Technology

【作者】 陈松

【导师】 张建新; 王玉芬;

【作者基本信息】 西北农林科技大学 , 食品工程, 2010, 硕士

【摘要】 危害分析与关键控制点(HACCP)是近年来在国际食品行业中兴起的一种确保食品安全性的预防体系,是目前被世界公认的确保食品质量与安全卫生的最有效的技术管理手段。它是通过对食品生产加工过程的关键环节实施有效地监控,从而将食品安全卫生危害消除或降低至可以接受的水平。对于加工方式相对落后、设备相对简陋的传统发酵火腿制品企业,不但可以用它来确保加工食品的安全性,而且还可以提高消费者对传统肉制品加工企业的信心。本文结合浙江金华双汇食品有限公司的生产实际,根据HACCP的7个基本原理,以金华火腿的生产加工为例,探索并建立了传统发酵火腿的HACCP体系模式,通过调查原料腿的微生物、理化、感官等指标;加工过程的微生物变化;环境、设备、工器具、操作工手的含菌量等相关数据。对原材料的采购、贮存、火腿的腌制、发酵等生产过程、成品包装入库等环节进行危害分析,确定了关键控制点,并制定出相应的关键限值、监控程序、预防和纠偏措施等。在采用良好生产操作规范(GMP)和卫生标准操作程序(SSOP)的基础上,应用HACCP体系在实际生产中获得了良好的效果,并为生产过程中有效避免残次品的出现、防止可能导致的产品腐败和食物中毒以及改善产品质量特性等方面提供了有效途径,从而达到提高企业的经济效益和社会效益的目的。主要研究结果如下:(1)按照HACCP体系的七个基本原理对金华火腿的生产工艺进行了危害分析,在此基础上确定了关键控制点和监控跟踪程序。金华火腿生产工艺的关键控制点有原料腿接收、腌制、浸腿洗腿、发酵。(2)应用建立的HACCP体系,跟踪分析了在实际生产过程中的进行了监控,效果表明:跟踪记录显示在2007年12月至2008年9月(未实施HACCP体系阶段)和2008年12月至2009年9月间(实施HACCP体系阶段),对比分析发现,通过HACCP体系的运行,金华火腿加工过程中腌制、发酵工艺得到了很好的控制,产品品质得以显著提高,反馈的产品质量缺陷减少,产品损耗率大大降低。(3)针对传统火腿存在的盐含量高、口味偏咸、影响食用量等缺陷,对金华火腿高盐工艺进行了改进,通过改进技术工艺降低火腿食盐含量、保持了产品风味,提高了品质,增强消费者的食用量及人体健康。

【Abstract】 HACCP was a prevention system which can ensure food safety, and it was widely used in food industry recently. SO far, HACCP system was recognized as the most effective way of management in ensuring food quality and safety, By controlling critical points of food processing, food safety and health hazards could be avoided or decreased to safety level. For traditional fermentation ham company with backward processing methods and poor equipments, the application of HACCP system could ensure the safety of food processing as well as improve the confidence of consumer in traditional meat company.Combined with the actual production of shuanghui company in Zhejiang and theories of HACCP system, HACCP system of traditional fermentation ham was established in the article. In the procedure of establishing HACCP system, microbe, physical and chemical index of raw leg, microbe change of process, environmental microbe, equipment, tool as well as hands of workers were investigated. By analyzing material receiving, storage, curing, ferment and product packaging etc., CCP was determined, as well as critical limits, monitoring system, prevention and correction plan. Based on GMP and SSOP, the application of HACCP system gained good effect. Defective products, Product corruption and Food poisoning were well avoid. the quality of product was improved, and the economic benefits of company and Social benefits was also improved.The main results were as follows:1. According to the seven theories of HACCP system, hazard analysis for Jinhua ham were carried out, based on this, CCP and monitoring system was determined. The CCP of Jinhua ham craft were:material receiving, curing, immerging, leg washing, and ferment.2. The quality of products was Monitoredby using HACCP system. Tracing record showed that the cure, ferment and craft were well controlled, the quality of product was improved, and defective products and Product loss were greatly decreased.3.For high salt content, salty taste and consumption affect of traditional ham, the high-salt technology of Jinhua ham was improved. The salt content of ham was decreased, both flavor and quality was improved. The consumption and safety of Jinhua ham was enhanced.
