

Farmer’s Income Changing Case Study of Xibocun Yangling China

【作者】 吉明

【导师】 李录堂;

【作者基本信息】 西北农林科技大学 , 农业经济管理, 2010, 硕士


【摘要】 在中国西北部地区,农民收入是颇具争议的问题之一,特别是在杨凌西卜村。这里的农民收入主要有两个来源:农业活动和使农民收入多元化的非农业活动。许多学者已经就农民收入这个棘手的问题进行过研究,只所以仍选择此论题,是因为针对本地区而提出的具体解决方案很少。本文通过西卜村的案例分析,探索了农民收入不稳定的原因。对影响农民收入诸因素的研究可以使我们了解各因素如何影响收入,进而提出对策。本文以从西卜村随即抽取的192个户主资料组成的样本为研究对象。研究结果显示,农民的收入水平受到多个因素的制约,包括:年龄:大多数农民是老人,65.1%在50-70及以上,年龄是农民收入的消极影响因素;研究数据表明,农民年龄越大越不能从事农业,农民越年轻,越不喜欢农业。土地:农民所分得的土地难以达到高生产率水平,16.67%介于2-3亩,仅有1.56%超过4亩,土地是收入的积极影响因素;教育:西卜村的教育水平极低,因而限制了新的生产技术的引进。55.21%的农户仅初中学历,仅1.56%接受过大学教育,教育是收入的积极影响因素;金融支持:进行农业活动所需资金的绝大部分来自农民的自有资金。农民获得贷款的渠道非常有限;财政补贴覆盖率也非常低,仅13.54%的农户可获得100%的补贴,36.98%的农户仅能获得75%的补贴。金融支持的收入的积极影响因素;农资价格:农资价格对蔬菜价格能产生积极影响,对粮食价格产生负面影响;非农业活动在西卜村非常重要,它使得农户收入多元化,占农民收入的80%以上。但由于缺乏技术和良好的教育培训,农民从非农业活动中的获利收到限制。为稳定并提高西卜村农民的收入,我们必须应对这些影响收入的不同因素:鼓励年轻一代从事农业生产;提高教育和培训水平;建立适当的金融和土地分配政策;引导在城市和城镇务工;鼓励发展村办企业。建议通过调整结构和发展蔬菜、水果等经济作物增加农民收入。

【Abstract】 The farmers’ income is one of the much controversial issues mainly in the northwestern part of China particularly in the area of Xibocun. These farmers’ income has two main sources, the agricultural activity and the non-agricultural activity that enable the farmers to diversify their revenues. Several studies have been conducted on the thorny issue of farmers’income, but any specific solution was brought up here, and that is why we are involved in this issue by seeking to know why the instability of farmers’ income through the case study village of Xibocun. Therefore the study of various factors affecting farming income can help us to know how each factor affects it and solutions can be found. The study was conducted from a sample of 192 heads of households chosen randomly in the village. Thus, the study revealed that the level of farming income in Xibocun experienced many constraints including:-The age:most of the farmers are old,65.1%of them were between 50-70 and over, and the factor of age has a negative impact on farmers’ income, the older the farmers get, the less they are able to farm. Also the younger the farmers get, the less they like to farm;-land:the land distributed to farmers is not sufficient for high production level,16.67% were between 2-3 mu and 1.56% over 4 mu, and the factor of land is positively affected to income;-education:the level of education is very low in Xibocun which consequently does not give access to new production technologies. In fact, the market access and exchange,55.21% of the farmers reach the middle school, and 1.56% have access to the university, and the factor education has a positive impact on incomes;-financial support:the most important part the capital needs to conduct the agricultural activity is covered by the farmers own fund, their access to credit is very restricted, and the coverage rate of support is very low,13,54% of farmers can cover 100% of finance, and 36.98% for 75% of support, and the factor of finance support has a positive impact on income;-the price of agricultural price affect also the farming income with a positive affect on prices for vegetables and a negative affect on grain price. The non-agricultural activity become very important in Xibocun and it is an opportunity of income diversification. It represents over 80% of the total incomes for farmers, but this activity does not benefit much more from the farmers due to lack of skill and good education background and training, To make it stable and improve the farmers’ income in Xibocun, we have to bring answers to these different factors affecting the income, to encourage younger generations to get involved in farming, to raise the level of education and training, to set up suitable finance policy and land distribution, to get access to a job in city and rural areas and encourage entrepreneurship in the village. The suggestions on improving farmer’s income by agricultural adjustment with the constrains of land scarcity and high labor cost, farmers are encouraged to reduce grain production while increase cash crops such as fruits and vegetables

  • 【分类号】F323.8
  • 【下载频次】170