

【作者】 秦琮凯

【导师】 王歌雅;

【作者基本信息】 黑龙江大学 , 民商法学, 2009, 硕士

【摘要】 由于历史遗留因素以及社会偏见,中国在就业领域中存在相当严重的就业性别歧视,严重损害公民的平等就业机会。目前,劳动者因就业性别歧视而提起诉讼的案件并不多见,但由于社会多元化影响越来越深,各种弱势团体争取权益之呼声也日见高涨,加上WTO“核心劳工标准”的推广,假以时日,有关的就业性别歧视争议案件终有越来越多之时,并且必将受到多方面的重视。建立反就业歧视法是中国的一项相当迫切的立法内容,既顺应了国际潮流和WTO的要求,也能确保公民的公平就业机会。就业性别歧视既是经济问题、社会问题,更是法律问题。当前我国普遍存在的就业性别歧视问题之根源在于市场经济条件下用人单位效益至上价值原则与劳动者平等就业价值理念两者之间的难以趋同,是当今法律面对的一种尴尬。国家对单位用人自主权进行公法意义上的规制是社会本位理念下的现代劳动法发展趋势之所在,制定反就业歧视法应作为完善劳动立法的一个重要方面。通过立法进一步明确平等就业的权利保障机制和违法救济措施,以期消除就业歧视、引导和推动我国劳动就业市场健康向前发展。我国没有专门的《反歧视法》,反歧视规定散见于《宪法》、《劳动法》、《就业促进法》和《妇女权益保障法》等法律法规中。虽然2005年修正《妇女权益保障法》时,将“男女平等基本国策”列入第二条,但是,至今仍无歧视定义、无专门组织机构负责实施、无明确的法律责任、无强制证人出庭规定、无具体的防止报复规定等。这些必备要素的缺失使得受害人对于诉讼结果无合理预期,实践中也往往得不偿失。加之受制于就业机会稀缺的国情,受害人宁愿选择隐忍。这对于受害人来说不失为一种明智的选择,但在客观上无异于怂恿了性别歧视的实施者。上述障碍不排除,《就业促进法》中的“公平就业”规定便难以完善和落实,性别歧视难以消除,会成为创建和谐社会进程中最大的“不和谐音符”,直接阻碍“男女平等基本国策”的贯彻,也会妨碍作为缔约国履行《消除对妇女一切形式歧视公约》和《消除就业和职业歧视公约》中的义务,不利于提升我国的国际形象。对于每一个研究者,这都是一个值得关注的课题;对于每一个决策者,这都是一个无法回避的问题。就业性别歧视阻碍价格信号在市场中发挥应有的作用,不利于人力资源合理有序地流动,进而影响社会主义市场经济的发展和完善。就业性别歧视不利于缩小城乡差距,阻碍我国城市化进程。就业性别歧视违背自然正义与法律正义原则,严重时会危及社会稳定。反对就业歧视,促进公平就业是政府应当承担的重要职责。

【Abstract】 Due to the historic factors and social prejudices, extremely serious sexual discrimination on job hunting exists in China, which impairs the citizens’equal opportunity on taking up an occupation. Presently, cases concerning sexual discrimination on job hunting prosecuted by labors are numerousless. While with the deepening of the social multicultural influence, the voice of the weak on striving for rights is increasing. And with the popularization of "core standard of labors" of WTO, if given time, cases concerning sexual discrimination on job hunting will get a rise; accordingly, it will be paid more attention to by many sides. The establishment of law against discrimination on job hunting is pressing, which adapts to the international tide and to the requirements of WTO, and ensures the citizen’s equal opportunity on getting a job.Sexual discrimination on job hunting is both a social and economic problem, and more a legal problem. Currently, the omnipresent sexual discrimination on job hunting is rooted in the confusion between the company’s profit-oriented values and the values on equal employment of labors in the condition of market economy, which embarrasses our legal system. The national regulation to the company’s decision-making power on employment from the point of public law is the developing trend of modern labor’s law under the concept of social standard,so the establishing of law against discrimination on job hunting constitutes an indispensable step to the perfection of labor’s law. Through the building up of law, the state can further define the right-protected system on equal employment as well as relief measures concerning law-breaking, in order to eliminate discrimination on job hunting and direct and promote the healthy development of our employment market.We do not have a special name for "Law for anti-discrimination", and in fact, anti-discrimination regulations are scattered in "Constitution", "Labor’s Law", "Law on promoting employment", "Law of protecting women’s rights", etc. Although the "National strategies on equality of men and women" was placed in the revised "Law of protecting women’s rights" in 2005, there is not the definition on discrimination, not a special organization to carry out, not a clear legal responsibility, not a rule on compelling witness to appear in court, not a specific retaliation-proof rule, etc. The victims have no reasonable expectation to the result of lawsuit because of the lack of these necessary factors and they lose more than they gain. In addition, subject to the national conditions of less opportunity on employment, victims prefer to bear secretly. This may be a good choice to them; however, this action instigates those who perform the sexual discrimination. Without the elimination of the obstacles above, the rule of "equality on employment" in "Law on promoting employment " is hard to be improved and carried out and the sexual discrimination is also hard to be removed. These obstacles will become the biggest "harmoniousless note" and prevent the practice of "National strategies on equality of men and women", and even hinder the responsibilities as a contracting party on practicing "Treaty on eliminating all forms of discrimination against women" as well as "Treaty on eliminating discriminations of employment and occupations", consequently, they will do harm to our international image. To every single researcher, this is a worth-noticing subject; to every single decision-maker, this is an unavoidable issue.Discrimination on job hunting prevents the price signal from playing its proper role and does damage to the orderly circulation of labor resources; furthermore, it will influence the development and improvement of socialist market economy. Discrimination on employment is not a wise opinion on gradually reducing the distinction between town and country and impedes the course of urbanization. Discrimination on job hunting violates the rules of natural and legal justice; as a result, it will endanger the social stableness when it is serious. Accordingly, it is the government’s obligation to oppose discrimination on employment and promote the fair employment

【关键词】 就业性别歧视平等法律应对
【Key words】 employmentsexual discriminationequalitythe law answers
  • 【网络出版投稿人】 黑龙江大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2011年 S1期
  • 【分类号】D922.5
  • 【被引频次】2
  • 【下载频次】318