

【作者】 董向宇

【导师】 周佳;

【作者基本信息】 黑龙江大学 , 高等教育学, 2010, 硕士

【摘要】 本文的研究开始于对微观政治中我国高校学生权力的理论追问。在微观政治哲学的立场中,权力是一种广泛存在、具有多样来源、运行富有策略的微观权力形态。由于利益主体之间的冲突与竞争,高校中真实存在着微观政治。存在于微观政治环境中的学生权力在具有权力属性的同时,也具有“领域与范围的有限性”、“资格的多重性”以及“效力的外在依赖性”等特殊要义。学生权力是学生基于其主体性、权利、相关法律制度安排以及知识和信息等特定资源而拥有的实现自身利益的能力。正是这些权力资源决定了学生权力应当是高校权力结构的基本组成。对于我国学生权力的历史面貌,本文分“清朝末年”、“民国时期”和“建国以来”三个历史阶段,考察了学生权力在每个时期的存在状况。那么当前我国高校学生权力的现实状况又如何呢?通过考察本文认为,学生权力在客观存在的同时也面临着“制度性缺失”与“运行走样”的困境。为了消解学生权力的现实困境,回归学生权力的应然面貌,本文构想:在法律上确认学生权力的合法身份与保障原则,并提升确认法律的层级;构建学生权力的合法边界,为学生权力的保障和制约提供标准;在学校层面构建“保障性”与“制约性”制度体系,为学生权力的实现提供内部制度保障;矫正异化了的学生组织和学代会制度,创建学生监督委员会等多样机构,为学生权力的实现提供机构保障。最后,从高校组织的逻辑出发,本文建议在高校内部建构一种由学术权力主导的,以行政权力和学生权力为基本组成的,服从于“正义”的“共享”权力结构。

【Abstract】 This research started with the theoretic enquiry of the student’s power in micro-politics. In the perspective of the micro-political philosophy, the power is a type of micro-power which is widespread, has multiple sources and runs strategically. Due to the conflict and competition among stakeholders, there are micro-politics in university. The student’s power which exists in the micro-political realm has the properties of power and some particular meanings, like "the limited field and scope", "the multiplicity of qualifications", "the external dependence of effectiveness" and so on. It is an ability of various forms based on specific resources, including the subjectivity of students, rights, legal system, specific knowledge and information, to achieve student’s interests. It is these resources that make the student’s power a basic component in the structure of university power. We investigate the process of vicissitudes of the student’s power in our country in three major stages, that is, the student’s power in the late Qing Dynasty, the student’s power in the Republic era, the student’s power in the period since 1949. And what is the current situation of the student’s power? By examining, it is believed that the student’s power is in the objective existence, but also faces the problem of "institutional deficit" and "running aliasing". In order to solve these problems and make the student’s power back to its logic, we propose to confirm the legal identity and the running logic of the student’s power by law and elevate the grade of the law, to establish the legitimate boundary of the student’s power in order to provide the standard for the indemnification and restraint of the student’s power, to construct certain reasonable institutions and to create some reasonable organizations in order to provide indemnification for the student’s power. Finally, following the logic of university, it is recommended that we should establish a "shared power structure" that conforms to the justice of university, which is composed of the "administrative power" and the "student’s power", and is lead by the "academic power".

【关键词】 微观政治高校学生权力
【Key words】 micro-politicsuniversitystudent’s power
  • 【网络出版投稿人】 黑龙江大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2010年 11期