

【作者】 赵丽娜

【导师】 朱勇;

【作者基本信息】 黑龙江大学 , 通信与信息系统, 2010, 硕士

【摘要】 无线传感器网络(WSN)由大量的具有感知和通信功能的传感器节点组成,这些具有特定功能的节点可以采集并汇聚数据信息,再将数据发送给汇聚中心进行处理。无线传感器网络给军事和商业应用提供了巨大的发展机会,其中的一个重要应用就是对气体源进行定位跟踪。对无线传感器网络节点定位技术的研究具有重要的理论与实际意义,将成为气体源研究领域的重要部分。本文针对无线传感器网络定位算法,主要的研究工作从以下几个方面展开:论文首先从无线传感器网络的研究背景和意义着手,论述了本论文研究的必要性,并分别对WSN的国内外的研究现状、特点、传感器节点的组成、WSN体系结构和主要应用领域进行了探讨。其次,对定位的基本原理进行了说明,按照基于测距和无需测距的分类标准,阐述了常见的测距技术,着重讨论了几种经典的无需测距的定位算法并加以分析,并介绍了定位算法的评价指标对其性能的影响。接着以三边算法为核心,论文着重对几种典型的三边算法进行了详细分析,对直接三边算法(DT)、组合三边算法(CT)和加权组合三边算法(WCT)的原理及算法实施的具体过程进行了讨论,重点是在此之上提出了一种可以应用于WSN的有效的气体源定位算法—等边三角形分布三边定位算法(ETDT)。ETDT算法考虑到节点分布对定位产生的影响,信标节点采用了等边三角形的部署方案,定位中引入了角度权重函数,并将三边测量定位(Trilateration)与权重重心法(Weighted Centroid)相结合,以降低在定位过程中产生的误差,提高算法的定位性能。针对论文的实际情况,采用了合理的气体源衰减模型,并使用Matlab仿真软件对算法进行仿真分析,通过大量实验仿真这四种定位算法,并对测距数据进行分析,重点比较了改变节点数目、背景噪声几种情况下对定位产生的影响,并通过仿真结果说明了ETDT算法相对于其它同类算法的优越性。论文最后对全文进行了总结。

【Abstract】 A Wireless Sensor Network (WSN) comprises of a collection of sensor nodes performing sensing and communication tasks and these with special-purpose nodes which are able to collect and aggregate sensor data and then send it to a central base station. Wireless sensor network provides great opportunities for the development of military and commercial applications. One of the important applications is "source localization and tracking". The study for node localization of wireless sensor networks possesses great significance not only in the theory but also in practice, and it tends to be an essential part in the plume source research area.In this thesis, WSN localization algorithms were researched and the main works were deployed as follows:Firstly, the thesis discussed the necessity of this research starting from background and significance of WSN. Besides, some issues concerning the research were investigated and discussed respectively, for instance, its current research situation at home and abroad, characteristics, sensor nodes composition, WSN architecture and its key application areas.Secondly, the basic positioning principle and realization issues were explained. In accordance with the standard classification of range-based and range-free technology, a set of common ranging techniques were expounded in the paper. Focused on discussing and analyzing a few classical rang-free localization algorithms, it introduced the impact of algorithm evaluation indicators on localization performance.After that, taking the investigation of trilateral localization algorithm as a core, this thesis analyzed several typical trilateral algorithms in detail, and discussed the principle and procedures of DT, CT, WCT and ETDT algorithms. What’s more important is that, it proposed an effective source localization algorithm called Equilateral Triangular Distribution Trilateration algorithm (ETDT) which can be applied to Wireless Sensor Network system. Considering the nodes’ distribution impact on localization error, beacon nodes were deployed in equilateral triangle. ETDT combined Trilateration measurement with Weighted Centroid method, and adopted angular weighted function to reduce the localization error, which improved its localization performance at the same time.To the actual situation for the paper, it used Matlab for algorithm simulation in the paper, and analyzed a large number of simulation experiments based on the chosen model. It applied concentration attenuation model of the plume to estimate the source position in static environment, the position of the source was obtained by calculating the centroid of weighted polygon. Effects of average localization errors were also analyzed using DT, CT, WCT and ETDT algorithms when varying the distance of sensor nodes and the strength of background noise in different scenarios. Moreover, a group of simulation experiments proved its validity on location accuracy compared with other similar algorithms.Finally, this thesis was concluded.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 黑龙江大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2010年 11期
  • 【分类号】TP212.9;TN929.5
  • 【被引频次】5
  • 【下载频次】172