

A Culture Research of Online-Reality and Virtuality

【作者】 高仁渊

【导师】 王邦虎;

【作者基本信息】 安徽大学 , 人类学, 2010, 硕士

【摘要】 计算机网络技术的迅猛发展给如今的人类社会带来全新的交流手段、未曾有过的运作效率。国际学者从互联网技术发端时就有了种种预言、展望,随着网络技术的逐年进步,关于网络的种种理论研究也风生水起。人类学被一些学者定义为对于人类过去和现在所有的生物复杂性与文化复杂性的研究,而计算机网络作为新的信息传播平台,自然成为充盈着文化气息的一个场域,不可避免成为人类学中文化人类学这一分支的研究对象。计算机网络造就了一个虚拟的世界,可操作这个虚拟世界的主体却是现实生活中的生物人,通过网络客体和不同媒介的作用,生物人又被转化成虚拟世界中的虚拟人,虚拟人在沟通和交往中形成了区别于现实生活的行为、信仰、习惯和社会组织,从而形成了一支新的文化力量——网络文化。本文将注重对于网络文化中虚拟与现实因素的探讨,存在于虚拟与现实之间的人如何面对来自于“两个世界”、双重身份的冲突和融合,笔者将结合网络实例来进行分析。本文包括导论部分共六章,导论部分介绍了本文的选题来源与研究思路,不再赘述。在第二章中,笔者分四节对网络文化进行了概述。第一节描述了网络文化的生发地——互联网以及其赖以存在的技术基础,不管是互联网还是计算机,他们循序的都是指令只有0和1,计算机的这种“制式化”特征将对所有涉及计算机的应用产生巨大而隐蔽的影响,包括互联网。第二节对计算机网络非技术方向的研究状况进行了介绍,这里主要指的是学术界对于计算机网络的关注和讨论,笔者从三个角度整理了不同学科对于网络文化的研究成果。第三节和第四节在第二节的基础上,重点对人类学在网络文化领域的研究进行介绍,人类学在二十世纪晚期几项跨学科领域的发展之中居于核心地位,面对网络与文化这一自然科学与人文科学、社会科学相互交织的命题,没有理由不施以关切。第三章从网络应用入手,分析了网络文化的虚拟与现实,进而多方面了解网络文化本身。第一节以网络社区为例,在个案分析的基础上,形象地说明了虚拟与现实之间不可分割又相互割裂的复杂关系。其中网络社区选取了安研星空为个案,针对由36名成员组成的网络群体,运用社会网络分析法进行了分析与研究。第二节对网络主体的交流方式进行了探讨,网络符号的使用是网络文化的重要组成部分,它的出现符合信息化的要求,同时也符合语言文字发展的规律,是语言规范形式的一次新的突破,另一方面,符号交流的割裂性、间接性和匿名性又使人际沟通面临了新的问题。第四章对虚拟与现实的关系进行了更进一步的探讨。第一节通过对网络世界中主体与客体的辩证关系进行了分析,在互联网上,传统的“主体——客体”两极架构的认识方式被突破,在网上确立主客体互通反馈式的主体间认识架构,从而使过去单一的“主体——客体”认知关系变为多层次多向度的认知关系,这也造就了虚拟与现实之间的迷阵。第二节对信息权贵所涉及的利益相关者、这些利益群体与网络权利的辩证关系分别进行了论述,网络权利的不平等对虚拟身份产生了作用,从而影响了现实世界中真实个人的决策,成就了网络权力这一沟通虚拟世界与现实世界的桥梁。第五章对影响网络文化的其他因素进行了简要的介绍,主要指数字化技术和互联网使用的国情。数字化是一种选择性的数字化,虽然并非主观地做出筛选,但客观上难以穷尽人类的生活,无法数字化、难于数字化、被认为没有数字化价值的元素被排斥于网络文化范畴之外。在网络的角度来看,数字化成为割裂虚拟与现实的直接原因。第六章是全文总结,表达了笔者的一些愿景,并对网络文化研究的现实意义做了阐述。

【Abstract】 The rapid development of the technology of computer network brings a brand new means of communication and operational efficiency that the world has never seen. Scholars domestic and abroad have been having predictions and outlook since the creation of the technology of network. With the increasing advancement of it, theoretical studies about network emerges in swarm. Anthropology is defined by some scholars as studies about all the human biological complexity past and present as well as cultural complexity. And computer network, being taken as a new platform of information and communication, naturally stands as a field filled with cultural breath and inevitably becomes the studying object of cultural anthropology.Computer network makes a virtual world. Biological beings are the subjects that control the virtual world. And biological beings are transformed into virtual beings who construct behaviors, faith, customs and social organizations that are different from those in realistic life through objects in network and influence of different media. Thus, a new type of cultural power is taken shape-network-based culture. The author of this thesis will explore the virtual and realistic elements in network-based culture as well as how the beings, existing both in virtual and realistic world, face conflicts and integration from "the two worlds" and double identities through practical examples in network.This thesis contains six chapters including introduction. The author of this thesis generally analyzes network-based culture in four parts. The first part describes the germinal place of network-based culture-network and its technological basis. No matter what it is, network or computer, their circular orders are nothing but 0 and 1. This feature of "regularization" of computer exerts immense and covert influence on all the application that concerns computer. Network is one of the applications. The second part introduces the non-technical research status of computer network in academia. The author presents researching results of different subjects through three perspectives. The third and forth chapter, based on the second chapter, stressfully introduces the study of anthropology in the field of network-based culture. Anthropology took the central position in the interdisciplinary field in the late twentieth century. It does not make any sense if it were not deeply concerned with the proposition of network and culture, which is concerned about natural science, humanities and social science.Chapter three analyzes virtual and realistic features of network-based culture, starting from the application of network in order to obtain more information on network-based culture itself. Part one takes network community as an example to explain the indivisible and mutually separated relation between virtuality and reality. "Anyan Xingkong", which includes 36 members, is taken as a case of a network community. And it will be studied through the analyzing method of social network. The second part discusses the patterns of communication of the online subjects. The use of online symbols is an important component of network-based culture. Its appearance conforms to the requirements of information and the development of language. It is a breakthrough of the form of language. Besides, the fragment, indirectness and anonymity of symbolic communication entrap communication into facing new problems.Chapter four makes a further discussion on the relationship between virtuality and reality. Part one explores the dialectical relationship between the subject and the object. On the internet, the traditional understanding of "subject-object" in bipolar position is broken through. Through the establishment of the system of the exchange and feedback between the subject and the object, the past single cognitive relationship of "subject-object" turns to be multi-level and multi-dimension cognitive relationship, which causes the maze between virtuality and reality. Part two elaborates separately on interests holder concerned with information elite and the dialectical relationship between interests’holder and rights of network. The inequality of rights in network influences virtual identity which in turn influences individual decision-making in realistic world. Thus, right of network is made as the communicative bridge between virtual and realistic world.Chapter five briefly introduces other elements that influence network-based culture. The focus is by and large on digital technology and the situation of the use of internet in China. Digital technology is selective. It is not subjectively selective, but objectively it can not cover all the areas of human lives. Those which are improbable to be digitalized, hard to be digitalized and considered to be bum to be digitalized are excluded from network-based culture. From the perspective of network, being digital is the direct reason of separating virtuality and reality.Chapter six is the last chapter of this paper. It summarizes all five chapters above, shows the writer’s views and expound that what role this research can be in modern world.

【关键词】 网络文化虚拟现实主体客体
【Key words】 network-based culturevirtualityrealitysubjectobject
  • 【网络出版投稿人】 安徽大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2010年 12期
  • 【分类号】C912.4
  • 【被引频次】2
  • 【下载频次】548