

Holographic Video Display System Based on LCOS

【作者】 张公瑞

【导师】 章权兵;

【作者基本信息】 安徽大学 , 计算机应用, 2010, 硕士

【摘要】 3D显示在现在社会生活中具有重要的意义,而全息显示将会是最有希望实现真3D显示的技术,全息显示可以提供物体波的全部信息,具有极好的深度与视差,可以提供人类对3D信息所需要的所有生理和心理暗示。1948年由英国科学家Dennis Gabor首先提出"holography"——全息术,从而开辟了光学中的一个崭新领域;他也因此而获得1971年的诺贝尔物理学奖。1966年,Brown和Lohmann等人提出了计算机产生全息术,做出了世界上第一张计算全息图。计算图的制作在计算机上实现,克服了光全息不能实时显示、不能显示现实世界中不存在的物体已经全息图制作需要极其严格的限制条件等缺点。因此计算全息显示被认为是未来真三维显示的主流。近些年,1994年,MIT多媒体实验室的用声光调制器实现了世界上第一台动态三维全息显示系统。2007年德国SeeReal TechnologiesGmbH开发出了基于LCOS的三维视频全息技术的立体显示器。空间光调制器是现代全息显示中非常重要的器件,它可以根据输入信号对入射光波进行相应调节。由于纯相位的空间光调制器对光的利用效率以及衍射效率都很高,所以人们对纯相位的空间光调制器研究又是更加热衷。随着近些年液晶技术的发展,液晶开始被用于制作成空间光调制器。液晶空间光调制器具有很多优点,特别是近几年开发出的硅基液晶技术-LCOS,这种空间光调制器具有衍射效率高、开口率大、分辨率高,并且可以实现近似纯相位调制等特点。本文介绍了空间光调制器的分类,并着重说明了液晶空间光调制器的发展及现状,研究了目前用于制作成LCOS面板的液晶模板种类。使用琼斯矩阵详细分析了光在LCOS面板中的调制过程,介绍了改进的FDTD算法的主要过程,并运用此算法模拟了光在LCOS中的传播过程。此外,通过具体实验测量了three five systems公司生产的最新LCOS面板的相位调制范围及反射效率。使用两块不同类型的LCOS面板为核心搭建了视频全息显示系统,以纯相位编码的方式产生全息图,可以得到很好的结果。最后对两系统显示的全息图结果进行分析比较,得出那种类型的LCOS面板交适合用于视频全息显示。

【Abstract】 3D Display plays a important role in the current social life, while the holographic display will be the most promising technology to achieve true 3D display。Holographic display provides all the information of the object wave, with excellent depth and parallax and all implicative details which are physically and psychologically needed for 3D understanding.In 1947, Dr. Dennis Gabor introduced the holography and he opening up a new area of optical so fundamental that he eventually won, in 1971, the Nobel Prize in Physics. In 1966, Brown and Lohmann, who propose computer-generated holography, made a calculation of the world’s first hologram. The generation of computational hologram is completed in computer, which overcame the defects of optical holography which can not realize real time display, display the objects that do not physically exist and needs strict restricted condition. Therefore holographic display based on computational holography is considered as the popular 3-D display technology in the future. In recent years,1994, MIT Media Lab’s use AOM achieve the first dynamic three-dimensional holographic display system in the world,2007, based on LCOS TechnologiesGmbH developed a three-dimensional video holographic display system.Spatial light modulator is a crucial device for holographic display, which can modulate incident light according to the input signal. Due to its high efficiency of light use and diffraction in phase-only modulation, SLM has gained great interests. Liquid crystal spatial light modulator especially the liquid crystal on silicon technology-LCOS that has developed in recent years, has so many advantages, high diffraction efficiency, high fill factor, high resolution, and near phase-only modulation is achievable. Liquid crystal spatial light modulator, especially the liquid crystal on silicon technology-LCOS that has developed in recent years, has merits such as high diffraction efficiency, high fill factor, high resolution, and making near phase-only modulation achievable.In this paper, we introduce the classification of SLM first and emphasize the development and current situation.The liquid crystal panel that is made into LCOS panel has been researched, and we use the Jones Matrix to analyze the process of light modulation in the LCOS panel. An improved FDTD algorithm is introduced, to simulate the propagation of light through LCOS. In addition, the phase modulate range and reflex reflectivity of the three five systems company’s latest LCOS panel were measured by specific experiment. Based on two different LCOS panels, we built holographic video display systems, and holographs were generated with phase-only encoding,and resulted well. Finally, the results of two holographic video display systems were compared, and, we will give the result that which kind of LCOS panel is suitable for holographic video display systems.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 安徽大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2010年 11期