

A Web Log Based University Library Users’ Information Behavior

【作者】 翁畅平

【导师】 谢阳群;

【作者基本信息】 安徽大学 , 图书馆学, 2010, 硕士


【摘要】 用户研究是图书馆学研究的永恒主题。随着时代的进步和信息技术的长足发展,用户研究在经历“以文献为中心”向“以系统为中心”的重点转移之后,于上个世纪80年代,进入了“以用户为中心”的研究时期,并突出体现在信息行为的研究上本文着眼于图书馆服务器端Web日志的分析,结合安徽大学图书馆实例,对高校图书馆用户信息行为进行实证研究。首先,解决论文研究的基础性问题,阐述研究的背景和意义,梳理国内外研究现状。其次,阐述了高校图书馆用户信息行为的主要研究内容,包括高校图书馆用户信息行为的主体、客体、类型、特征及影响因素五大部分。高校图书馆用户主体包括教师用户群体和学生用户群体,二者之间存在明显的信息行为异同。高校图书馆用户信息行为的客体由信息资源和信息服务构成,信息资源具有学术性、专业性、系统性等特征,高校信息服务时空具有跨越性、服务内容具有增值性、服务手段具有交互性。高校图书馆用户信息行为的类型主要有信息需求行为、信息查寻行为、信息交互行为、信息选择行为。高校图书馆用户还表现出一定的信息行为特征,主要表现为自主性、目的性、选择性、持久性、可改变性。接着从高校图书馆用户的角度出发,从主客观两个层面分析了高校图书馆用户行为的影响因素,高校图书馆用户信息行为在主观上受用户信息需求、知识结构与知识水平、信息技能等因素的影响,在客观上受图书馆提供的信息资源、信息服务、网络设施等因素的影响。再次,提出了基于Web日志高校图书馆用户信息行为研究方法、研究工具与研究程序。基于Web日志高校图书馆用户信息行为研究方法主要采用日志分析法和统计分析法,对图书馆服务器端日志进行统计分析得出用户信息行为。其中涉及到的研究工具包括两类:一类是日志统计工具,如WebTrends、AWStatS、Webalizer;类是数据统计工具,如SPSS、SAS等。基于Web日志高校图书馆用户信息行为研究程序包括Web日志的收集、预处理、用户信息行为的提取与用户信息行为分析。第四,结合安徽大学图书馆具体实例研究高校图书馆用户信息行为,利用Web日志分析软件AWStats和统计软件SPSS对安徽大学图书馆用户信息行为进行描述性分析和推断性分析。通过Web日志分析得出了安徽大学图书馆用户信息行为分布、信息行为的时间分布、信息行为持续时间分布、用户行为方式比较和用户行为路径偏好,并进一步对用户信息行为进行了相关分析、线性回归分析和参数统计分析。第五,根据数据分析结果找出安徽大学图书馆信息服务过程中存在的问题,如图书馆网站日访问量较小、部分数据库访问率较低、服务模式单一、数据库更新时间不合理等问题。提出了基于上述问题的解决对策,一是强化图书馆宣传,开展用户培训;二是加强图书馆信息资源建设,实现其优化配置;三是运用信息处理技术,丰富图书馆服务方式;五是根据用户信息行为,合理设置图书馆数据库更新时间。最后是论文结术语部分,总结本文所做的工作和不足,并对高校图书馆用户信息行为研究的发展趋势做了展望。

【Abstract】 User study is the eternal theme of library science. Along with the advance of era and the rapid development of information technology, In the 80’s of the last century, the focus of user study is highlighting on user information behavior, having experienced transition from "Literature-centered" to "System-centered"Focused on analysis of Web Log from library server, combined with the example of the Anhui University Library, the thesis conducts empirical research on university library users’ information behavior. Firstly, it summarizes the foundation of the thesis, that is, background, signification and current research. Secondly, it introduces the main contents of university library users’ information behavior, concluding subject, object, type, characteristics and influencing factors. The subject of university library information behavior includes teachers and students, which are greatly different on information features. The object of university library information behavior consist of information resources with the characteristics of academic, professional, systematic, and information services, which across time and space, providing value-added contents with interactive means. The type of university library uses’ information behavior in possess of information demands behavior, information seeking behavior, information interactive behavior, and information selection behavior. University library uses’ information behavior is full of autonomy, purpose, selectivity, persistence and alternative. From the views of library users, the thesis divides influencing factors of university library uses’ information behavior into subjective factors and objective ones. The subjective aspects refer to information demands, knowledge structure and knowledge level, information skills. The objective ones refer to information resources, information service and network facilities. Thirdly, it proposes methods, tools and steps of university library users’ information behavior. A web log based on university library users’ information behavior method, which is utilized log analysis and statistical analysis to handle with logs from the library server and acquire users’ information behavior. In the process, two kinds of research tools are required. One type is the log statistical tool, such as WebTrends, AWStats, Webalizer. The other is statistical tool, such as SPSS, SAS and so on. The steps of university library users’ information behavior consist of Web log collecting, preprocessing, users’information behavior extraction and users’information behavior analysis. Fourthly, it studies university library users’information behavior, taking the Anhui University Library user as the example and taking advantage of Web log analysis software, AWStats and statistical software SPSS. Descriptive and inferential analysis of Anhui University Library users’data are conducted. Through Web log analysis, Anhui University Library users’information behavior distribution, time distribution of information behavior, information continued time distribution, uses’behavior pattern and users’ behavior preferences path, are obtained. The correlation statistical analysis, the simple linear regression analysis and the parameters estimation statistical analysis are achieved. Fifthly, the thesis finds out problems in the process of information service of Anhui University Library and puts forward reasonable suggestions to improve services. The problems are a relatively small part of number of day visit, low rate of database visit, single service model, the unreasonable database update time. Solutions to the problem based on the above mentioned problems are proposed. Anhui University Library should enhance library publicity, conduct users training, strengthen the building of library information resource; strive to achieve the optimal allocation of information resources, use information processing technology to enrich information service mode, and set up the reasonable time for library database updating. Finally, the thesis summarizes work and lack of the thesis, and puts forwards the research direction of university library users information behavior.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 安徽大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2010年 11期