

A Research on the Foreign Wars at the End of the Jin Dynasty

【作者】 孙建权

【导师】 周怀宇;

【作者基本信息】 安徽大学 , 中国古代史, 2010, 硕士

【摘要】 13世纪初,蒙古统一了漠北高原鞑靼诸部。不久,蒙古开始向金朝进攻。蒙古的崛起,打破了金、宋、夏三方长期以来的均势,北部中国顿时陷入激荡回旋的战争洪流中。金朝先后与蒙古、西夏、南宋开战,三边烽火燃起,与此同时,辽东出现了耶律留哥的叛金降蒙以及蒲鲜万奴的大真(东夏)政权,山东的农民起义此起彼伏,河北的地主武装在抗蒙与降蒙之间举棋不定,金朝西南吐蕃木波部不时对金朝发动攻击,金朝面临着巨大的战争压力,并且已处于四面楚歌的艰困境地。本文旨在补正前人对金末对外战争中一些研究的空白和不足,主要表现在四个方面。一,从战马不足角度分析金朝的抗蒙战争。金初未能彻底降服鞑靼诸部,导致金朝较辽朝失去了蒙古高原这一牧马良地,只能在东北地区一带设置群牧所牧马。金末,蒙古军占领了金朝的诸多群牧所。中都陷落后,金都南迁,辽东混乱不已,金朝已完全丧失了传统牧马地,不得不在土狭地薄的河南地牧马,而这一地区并不适合养马,金朝的骑兵数量因此剧减。为拯救危机,金朝采取了多种措施,但收效甚微,于是不得不在辽阔的黄淮海平原上以步兵为主力抗击蒙古骑兵。步骑对阵,金朝明显处于不利境地。此外,金军主将在某些关键战役的战术运用上也欠缺考虑,不能弥补己方骑兵不足的劣势,反而给对方造成优势,如移剌蒲阿放任拖雷全部骑兵安全渡过汉水,致使对方大胆抛开对面金军而偷袭汴京,金军由主动转入被动,教训十分深刻。二,探讨金末金夏战争的和战情况及历史原因。金末,金朝在对夏战争的态度上,经历了两个阶段:妥协忍让和转守为攻。由于转变的出发点是为了维护本国边境的安全,因此,它是符合时宜的。文章分析了双方在战争中的议和情况,认为虽然彼此共有五次议和意向,但前四次都未能如愿。究其原因,彼此之间长期的互不信任推迟了和平的到来。双方长期以来的互不信任和各种纠纷导致了金末金夏战争的爆发,也使得金夏议和进展缓慢。三,详细分析并重新评价金宣宗南伐。首先重新确定金宣宗南伐的开始时间。考虑到此前金朝南伐的出动均是全线同时出击,因此,宣宗南伐的开始时间应定为兴定元年十一月,因为直至那时金朝才开始对南宋发动全线进攻。而兴定元年四月金对宋的军事行动只能算是一次“突袭”,其目的在于迫宋遵守旧约。宣宗南伐实际上是“四月突袭”的延续,其目的仍在于迫宋遵守嘉定和议,而非扩地掠土。最后重新审视了金宣宗南伐,首先分析了金朝在宣宗南伐期间的不利因素,证明了金朝无力拓土,而宣宗南伐的发生实因为南宋违约,南伐的发生也有一定的必然性。四,对金末对外战争和金朝灭亡进行评析。重点从金朝未能处理好民族关系、对外方针错误、战马不足等三个方面评析了金末对外战争窘困的原因。首先,金朝自立国伊始就为自己树立了两大仇敌:南宋和西夏,而对北方的蒙古部无力控制,导致在自身国力衰退之后,遭遇了多方打击。其次,金朝从建国到灭亡,几乎一直固守着“北守南进”的对外方针,未能事变而备变,导致了不分主次威胁的严重后果。再次,从对内民族关系分析金朝灭亡,指出金朝的民族歧视政策破坏了金朝上下团结抗敌的局面,加速了金朝灭亡。最后,深入探寻金末战马不足的原因,指出由于女真族并非擅于养马的民族,同时又没能找到一条适合本民族的养马之路,对群牧所的重视程度不够,最终在金末出现了战马急缺的情况,促使金朝走向灭亡。

【Abstract】 In the early 13th century, Tatar tribes in the Mongolian plateau were unified by Mongolia. Soon, Mongolia began to attack the Jin dynasty. With Mongolia’s rising, the three long-standing balance of Jin, Song, Xia kingdoms was broken, those kingdoms swang in the northern China. The Jin dynasty made war at Mongolia, Western Xia dynasty and Southern Song dynasty one by one. At the same time, Yelv Liuge and Puxian Wannu rebelled in the Liaodong area in succession, the peasant uprising in Shandong started one after another, Hebei landlords armed to resist Mongolia and the drop were in the indecisive between Mongolia, Mubo, located in southwestern of the Jin dynasty, attacked Jin from time to time, the Jin dynasty faced enormous pressure of war, and had the difficult situation in the embattled.This article aims to rectify the predecessors’ideas about some of the problems of foreign war at the end of the Jin dynasty,and Fill some blanks in this realm, mainly in four areas.Firstly, study the Jin-Mongolia war from the lack of horses. Jin’s failing to completely surrender the Tartar tribes at the beginning, resulted in a lack of the Mongolian Plateau which Liao Dynasty owned, so that it could only set the group in the northeast area grazing by Wrangler. At the end of Jin, the Mongols captured the Jin group of animal husbandry. After the fall of Zhong Du, the capital of Jin moving to Kaifeng, Liaodong endless chaos, Jin has completely lost the traditional Wrangler, they had to make use of the thin soil of Henan to Wrangler, and this area was not suitable for horses, Jin was in a dramatic reduction from the number of cavalry. To save the crisis, Jin had taken various measures, but little success, so had the vast North China Plain in the infantry as the main fight on the Mongolian cavalry. There is no doubt that this was extremely unfavorable. In addition, some Jin Army chief commander in the battle using tactics was also lack of consideration, could not compensate for the disadvantages of his own lack of cavalry, but to each other causing advantages, such as YiLa pu’e let TuoLei move all the cavalry to ride the Han River without blocking,leading to the other boldly casting aside the army and attacking the Bian Jing, Jin Army turned from the active into the passive. The lessons are very profound.Secondly, study the situation of peace or war during the Jin-Xia War,then search for the Jin-Xia historical reasons for the war at the end of Jin. At the end of Jin, Jin’s attitude to Jin-Xia war, had experienced two phases:a tolerant and accommodating, and turn defense into offense. This is correct,because its aim was to guard Jin from danger. This article also analyzes the peace negotiations the two sides during the war, that the long-term mutual distrust delayed onset of peace. Finally, explain the reasons for the outbreak of war. There is no doubt that both the long-standing dispute and mistrust led to the war,which had also slowed the pace of peace.Thirdly, detailed analyse and re-evaluate Jin Xuanzong South Fire. First, textual research the start time of Jin Xuan Zong South Fire. Since the Jin Dynasty south fire had been usually across the board at the same time, the article points out, the start time of Xuan Zong South Fire should be designated on the November in the first year of Xing Ding, because until then, Jin began to launch full-scale assault on the Southern Song Dynasty. While, the battle occurred in April was just a "raid",whose purpose was to force Southern Song dynsty to comply with former contract. The re-establishing of South Fire start time entails a new understanding about the purpose of South Fire. In fact, Jin Xuan Zong South Fire aimed to force Song to comply with Jia Ding Contract, rather than expanding to grazing land. Xuanzong South Fire is actually the extension of "April Raid",naturally, its aim is the aim of "April Raid",too.Finally,re-evaluate the Jin Xuan Zong South Fire. First analyzes the disadvantage of Jin during the war, which proved that Jin was unable to expand territories.The actual reason of the war is due to Southern Song’s breach of contract, while the war is a certain inevitability.Fourthly, comment on the foreign war at the end of the Jin Dynasty and the reasons why Jin was destroyed.First, at the beginning the Jin Dynasty, it established his two enemies:the Southern Song Dynasty and Western Xia, and Mongolia on the north beyond the control of the Department and, ultimately, with its own national decline, it suffered a multi-combat. Second, From the founding to destruction, Jin almost always sticked to the "North Defend and South Attack" foreign policy, and hadn’t been prepared to change. This led to the threat of serious consequences of misplaced priorities. Again, from the demise of internal ethnic relations of Jin, it is easy to see that the policy of ethnic discrimination against the enemy destroyed the unity of Jin and down the situation, and accelerated the demise of Jin. Finally, explore in depth the reasons for lack of war-horses. Jurchen Nationality (女真族) are not good at horses, and also was not any to find a horse system for the national road, on the degree of attention by the group of animal husbandry, led to the lack of war-horse at the end of the Jin Dynsty, and promote the Jin’s destruction.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 安徽大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2010年 11期