

The Studay on the Tang Bohu Images of Drama at Ming and Qing Dynasty

【作者】 李悦眉

【导师】 朱万曙;

【作者基本信息】 安徽大学 , 戏剧戏曲学, 2010, 硕士

【摘要】 唐伯虎题材戏曲作品研究是浩若烟海的唐伯虎研究中较为鲜见的一类。本文试图在把握明清唐伯虎题材戏曲作品的基础上,将明清戏曲作品中的唐伯虎造型作一系统的研究,并分四个章节对此展开论述。本文的引言部分是对唐伯虎题材研究现状的总体概述。笔者在大量分析前人研究资料的前提下,把唐伯虎研究现状归为五大类,并指出明清戏曲作品中唐伯虎造型研究的价值所在。本文的第一章是对明清戏曲作品中唐伯虎题材作品的概括和归纳,笔者在查阅文献的基础上,对明清戏曲作品中的唐伯虎题材作了统一的分类和整理,并以列表的形式予以直观的展现。第二章重点叙述明清戏曲作品中的唐伯虎多面造型,同时,将这种多面造型与历史人物唐伯虎的传奇经历联系起来,依托作品,分析得出,戏曲作品中的唐伯虎形象表现出狂傲才子、风流情痴、侠义智勇、避世隐士等四个方面的特征,并论证得出,这些形象特征虽多有附会和夸张,但与历史人物唐伯虎在精神特质上是相通的。第三章是本文论述的另一个重点。唐伯虎的造型成因比较复杂。既有作者主观原因,又有着历史的客观原因。主观原因是作者的人生经历和创作心态造就了作品中唐伯虎的独特风貌。而客观原因则是指作者在特定的时代背景下,其创作必定会受到社会风气、民俗心理、以及人文思潮的影响,其作品也就必然会打上时代的烙印。在第四章中,本文主要论述明清戏曲作品中唐伯虎造型对后世艺术创作的影响,并以地方戏和影视艺术为例加以论述说明。综上所述,本文是从唐伯虎题材作品的概念入手,在前人研究的基础上,得出自已几点新的看法:首先,梳理明清唐伯虎题材戏曲作品,在纵向研究的基础上,总结出戏曲作品中唐伯虎造型的丰富性和多样性,同时,作一横向比较,得出这些多面造型与历史人物唐伯虎的联系。其次,对明清戏曲作品中唐伯虎造型生成的原因和动机作一分析,得出多面造型的生成是主客观因素双重作用的结果,并将侧重点放在造型背后的文人心态、社会风气和民俗传统上。这些正是本文的创新和独到之处。

【Abstract】 Tang Bohu subject of opera research work is if the vast research is the rare one. this paper tries to the ming and qing works, operas Tang Bohu on the basis of the ming and qing works, operas in their Tang Bohu a system of research, and fall into four sections of the discussion.The instructions in this article is part of the study of the overall themes Tang Bohu. i outlined in the analysis of data by study and research on the status quo for the Tang Bohu five categories, and points out ming and qing works Tang Bohu opera in the shape of the research value.This is the first chapter of the ming and qing works, operas Tang Bohu subject of work and reduced access to documents, i was on the basis of the ming and qing works, operas Tang Bohu subject of a uniform classification and tidy, and in the intuitive be opened.The second chapter to focus on account of the ming and qing works, operas Tang Bohu many sides, also, the more surface form and historical personage Tang Bohu the legendary linked., Analysis, rely on to the image of a proud, talented Tang Bohu romantic feeling ignorance and chivalric, the hermit four parts of the features. The image feature is a story and exaggeration, but with historical figures in that spirit is Tang Bohu interlinked.Chapter iii of this paper is another priority. Tang Bohu the causes are more complicated. both the subjective reasons, and has a history of objective reasons. subjective reasons is the author’s life experience and creative attitude has its unique style of writing Tang Bohu. And objective reasons in particular, the author refers to the era of the background, it create must be social conduct and folk psychological and cultural currents, the works are bound to make the harbor.In the fourth chapter, this article mainly discusses the ming and qing works, operas in their art works Tang Bohu on later, and with a loud and television, cinema arts as an example to follow instructions.Overall, this is the concept of the subject from Tang Bohu works, study on the basis of their predecessors, their own some new ideas:First, to tease the ming and qing works, operas Tang Bohu subject in the longitudinal study and review on the basis of the opera in Tang Bohu the richness and diversity, at the same time, a lateral comparison, the more surface form and historical personage Tang Bohu ties.Next to the ming and qing works, operas Tang Bohu shape the reasons and motives to make an analysis, the more surface generated by side and inside factors shape a dual role as a result, and will focus on the shape of the literati, the meaning and cultural connotations. these are the features of the innovation and terence.

【关键词】 唐伯虎造型成因影响
【Key words】 TangBohushapecauseseffects
  • 【网络出版投稿人】 安徽大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2010年 11期