

The Research of Scientific Support in Economic Development in Higher Education of Shanxi Province

【作者】 刘明

【导师】 秦志敏;

【作者基本信息】 太原理工大学 , 马克思主义基本原理, 2010, 硕士

【摘要】 面对国内外经济科技的深刻变化和激烈竞争,山西科技与经济脱节的问题依然严重,科技、教育对经济的支撑作用尚未充分发挥出来。为实现山西中部崛起,必须充分发挥高校这支重要的科技生力军的作用,加快高校的科技成果向现实生产力的转化,从而服务于区域经济和社会发展。文章共分为三个部分。第一部分:文章对近年来山西经济社会发展的基本特征、产业基础、劣势短板作了较为全面的概述,同时文章以教育部科学技术司主编的《高等学校科技统计资料汇编》(2004-2008年)为基础,运用了纵向比较与横向比较的方法,从高校科技投入能力、产出能力和转化能力三个方面,对山西省高校科技支撑能力进行了全面分析。本文通过收集整理山西省各高校近年来在科学研究、技术创新及产学研合作等领域所取得的成绩,从而清楚地看到科学技术在山西地方经济发展建设中起到的支撑作用。第二部分:文章探究了阻碍山西省高校科技对经济发展支撑的原因,并在此基础上归纳出七大主要问题:一、高校科技运行体制陈旧;二、高端人才不足,人力资源配置不当;三、选题价值导向偏差,科技与经济“两张皮”;四、高校科技成果转化率低;五、科技经费投入不足,导向不明、比例失衡;六,科技中介服务体系尚未形成;七、科技立法建设滞后,法律保障覆盖面少。第三部分:针对前面分析山西高校科技支撑中存在的一系列问题,结合我省现实状况,借鉴国内外高校推动经济发展的成功经验,文章着重从体制政策、人才引进与培养、科研团队建设、资金投融资渠道等多个方面提出发展山西高校科技支撑能力的对策。由此,山西高校应当顺应知识经济时代的历史要求,调整高等教育价值取向,树立以服务求支持、以贡献求发展的办学理念,以知识和人才优势参与到我省经济建设中,成为推进山西经济发展的科技核心支撑力量。

【Abstract】 Facing with the profound changes as well as fierce competition in domestic and international economic technology, the gap between science and technology and economy remains a serious problem in Shanxi Province. Moreover, the ability to innovate and transfer technology is weak, so is the support for economy. To achieve the goal of prosperity in Shanxi Province---the central area of China, universities must give full play to science and technology, accelerate the process of transferring its scientific and technological achievements into practical productive forces so that it can better serve regional economy and social development.This paper is composed of three parts.The first part gives a comprehensive overview of the basic characteristics of economic and social development, industrial base and disadvantages of economic development in Shanxi in recent years. Meanwhile,《The collected materials of statistics data about university and college science and technology》published by Science technique department of Ministry of Education is the paper’s foundation. The statistics data between 2004 and 2008 is the paper’s basis. The paper makes use of vertical and horizontal comparison to research Shanxi higher education’s scientific and technological ability from three aspects: technical investment, technical innovation production and technical innovation transformation. By collecting and analyzing the data on the achievements in science and technology made by colleges and universities in Shanxi Province in recent years, we can easily find science and technology plays a supporting role in the construction of local economic development in Shanxi.The second part explores the reasons which hinder the economic development and support in Shanxi higher education from the perspective of internal and social dimensions. And on this basis, seven main problems are generalized:First, the system of science and technology in higher education is rather old; Second, lack of high talents is obvious and the distribution of human resources is unbalanced; Third, the value of selection is misleading, and technology and economy "mismatch"; Fourth, the rate of technical transformation in universities is low; Fifth, the shortage of investment in science and technology is severe, displaying an unbalanced tendency; Sixth, the intermediary service system has not been formed; Seventh, science and technology lags behind legislation, and legal protection covers less areas..In the third part, by analyzing a successive of problems existing in science and technology of universities in Shanxi, combining with the actual situation in our province and learning from the experience in domestic and overseas universities to promote economic development, Shanxi universities should meet the demands in the era of Knowledge-based Age, adjust the value of higher education orientation and foster service for support. Furthermore, they should attract more intellectuals to promote economic development in Shanxi on the basis of prominent features of economic and social development of Shanxi. The paper mainly proposes the solutions to the problems in the development of scientific and technological support ability from several aspects, such as institutional policy, introduction and training of talents, the establishment of research groups, capital investment and financial channels, construction of science and technology intermediary service system and so on.

  • 【分类号】F127;G649.2
  • 【被引频次】1
  • 【下载频次】289
  • 攻读期成果