

The Research on Hydraulic Characteristics of Migration of Piped Carriage under Different Placed Length

【作者】 张乐元

【导师】 孙西欢;

【作者基本信息】 太原理工大学 , 水力学及河流动力学, 2010, 硕士

【摘要】 进入21世纪以来,随着我国经济规模进一步扩大,工业化不断推进,城市化步伐加快,消费结构逐步升级,资源供需矛盾越来越大,人们对交通运输的速度和质量都提出了更高的要求。筒装料管道水力输送作为一项新型的物料管道输送技术,是一种洁净环保高效的水力输送方式,具有纯料输送、没有脱水工序而占地少和无污染、能耗小、固体和液体物料均可输送、用水少等优点。该输送方式不同于传统的浆体管道水力输送,又和普通的型料平直流管道水力输送有很大区别,是一种新兴的极有前途的科学技术,具有广阔的应用前景,因此对筒装料管道水力输送的研究具有重大的理论价值和实际意义。本论文由国家自然科学基金项目“筒装料管道水力输送的水力特性研究”(50579044)资助,采用模型试验与理论研究相结合的技术路线,分析了管道车在不同导流条长度条件下运移的水力特性,研究的主要内容及成果如下:1.分析管道车运动过程中管道车导流条长度与管道车平均速度的关系。分析了在同一荷载,同一流量下,导流条长度对管道车平均速度的影响现象及原因。从总体上看,随着导流条长度的增加,管道车的轴向运行速度呈现逐渐增大的趋势。2.分析了不同导流条长度、相同荷载、相同流量情况下,管道沿程压力分布情况。从整体来看,测压管分布曲线沿程降低,只是变化幅度不同。测压管水头随着离进水口的距离的增加而减小,即离进水口的距离越远,压力值越小。3.分析了不同导流条长度、相同荷载、相同流量情况下,管道车运行时的局部压力分布情况。清水时,该局部管道内壁面压力是沿程均匀下降的;初时刻,该断面附近压力较清水时有一轻微的上升;车至时,附近压力又有所增大,但在该断面处,压力明显下降,下降影响范围和车身长度相一致;末时刻,该断面附近压力又有进一步上升。4.分析了不同导流条长度、相同荷载、相同流量情况下管道车能耗情况及导流条长度对管道车能耗的影响。在不同的导流条长度下管道车的能耗都存在相同的变化趋势,即随着导流条长度的增大,能耗减小的变化规律。5.分析了不同导流条长度下管道车输送效率情况及导流条长度对管道车输送效率的影响。在不同的导流条长度下管道车的能耗都存在相同的变化趋势,即随着导流条长度的增大,输送效率提高的变化规律。6.在一定的假设前提下,建立了管道车在平直管段平稳运行时的简易数学模型,推导出管道车轴向运行速度的公式,并与试验数据进行对比验证。本文研究结果对管道水力输送理论的进一步研究具有一定的参考价值,对于改进管道运输技术具有重要的现实意义,同时也为以后工业化应用提供了参考。

【Abstract】 In the 21st centry, with the further expansion of the scale of economy, industrialization progresses, the progress of urbanization accelerating, the upgrading of consumption structure, the growing resources contradiction between supply and demand, people have put forward higher requirements for the speed and quality of transportation.The hydraulic transportation of tube-contained raw material (“TRM”for short) by hydraulic pipe is a clean and high efficient method, which can transport both solid material and liquid material and which has the merits of transporting pure material, taking less room ,no pollution ,no dehydrating procedure with less energy and less water. This method of hydraulic transportation is different with traditional slurry pipeline transportation and common material-log pipeline transportation. The TRM by hydraulic pipe is a rising technology which will be applied widely to industry in the future,the research has great theoretical and practical significance.The thesis, which was based on national science fund project“The Research on Hydraulic Characteristics Transported by Tube Charging Pipes”(50579044), adopted the research method of combining theoretical analyses and model experiments and conducted experimental research on hydraulic characteristics of migration of piped carriage under different placed length . The research findings were as follows:1. Analysis of the relations of the guide vanes with different placed length and the vehicle speed. Under the same load and current capacity,the guide vanes placed length is an important factor that affects the pipeline vehicle average velocity. In general,under the the same load and current capacity,the speed of pipe vehicle is increasing with the guide vanes placed length increased.2. Analysis of the pressure distribution along the pipeline with different placed length under the same load and current capacity. As a whole, the distribution curves of the piezometric tubes decreased along the path and the change range was different. The water leads of the pizometric tubes decreased as its distance to the intake increased.3. Analysis of the partial pressure distribution with different placed length under the same load and current capacity.when there was only clean water in the pipeline, the pressure at local pipeline declined evenly along the way;when the vehicle began to move, there was a slight increase of the pressure in the vicinity of that section, compared with when there was only clean water in the pipeline; When the vehicle arrived at that cross-section,pressure in the vicinity increased as well, but at the section office, the pressure decreased, the affected areas is consistent with the length of the vehicle. When the vehicle was about to pass out the pipe, the pressure near that cross-section increased further again.4. Analysis of the relations of the guide vanes with different placed length and the vehicle’s energy consumption under the same load and current capacity. The vehicle’s energy consumption exist the same trend under the guide vanes with different placed length, with the placed length increases, the energy consumption appeared in decreasing variation.5. Analysis of the relations of the guide vanes with different placed length and the vehicle’s transport efficiency. The vehicle’s transport efficiency exist the same trend under the guide vanes with different placed length, with the placed length increases, the transport efficiency increased.6. In certain assumptions, simple mathematical model has been established when the vehicle was running smoothly in straight pipeline, obtaining the expression of average speed of the pipe vehicle and compared with the experimental data.This thesis was of great value to the further research of hydraulic permeability pipe transport and of practical significance to the improving of pipe transportation technique. The study also will offer reference for industrial applications in the future.
