

Study on Delineation of Drinking Water Wellhead Protection Zone in Sediment-laden River

【作者】 徐晓艳

【导师】 崔建国;

【作者基本信息】 太原理工大学 , 环境工程, 2010, 硕士

【摘要】 当前水污染问题尤为严重,保护饮用水水源刻不容缓。建立水源保护区是有效保护集中式供水水源地,保障持续供水的有效手段。对于饮用水地表水源保护区划分方法以及划分范围的确定,《饮用水源保护区划分技术规范》(HJ/T338-2007)仅仅是定性、定量地提出了分级、分块保护河流型水源地的划分方法,以及对保护区的划分范围和对保护区的沿岸两侧工农业污染源分布和支流汇入情况进行了原则性的说明。然而,要使水源水质真正得到保护,不能仅仅局限于此,应该将此规范中规定的基本模型根据实际河流进行细化,并选择适合所研究河流的划分方法进行计算。本研究通过分析河流—泥沙—污染物系统中污染物主要物理化学及生物过程对水体污染物迁移的影响,基于污染物对流扩散方程,将河流的自然属性、泥沙对污染物吸附的影响进行合理概化,推导出描述溶解态污染物的源汇项,建立了多泥沙河流污染物的迁移模型。以该模型为基础,依据《饮用水源保护区划分技术规范》(HJ/T338-2007),运用环境规划多目标函数的原理和方法,综合考虑社会、环境、经济因素,建立环境经济费用效果分析的目标函数,考虑水源保护区边界控制浓度、污染物转换关系等构建出多泥沙河流型水源地保护区的最优化划分模型。通过模型求解,得到保护区的水域范围与河流中典型污染物浓度之间的最佳关系。结合《地表水环境质量标准》(GB3838 -2002)的水质标准,反推求得水源地保护区的水域范围边界。此外,通过对保护区陆域划分的分析,提出陆域范围划分的方法。研究表明:多泥沙河流饮用水源地保护区划分时要重视泥沙对污染物迁移的影响;以污染物迁移理论为基础形成的相对简约的多泥沙河流污染物迁移模型更符合实际;以此模型为基础,运用最优化原理,考虑整个保护区区域环境经济发展和环境代价,建立的最优化保护区划分模型,有较好的优越性;通过实例的分析,对模型进行了验证,结果基本符合实际,体现出了较好的科学性和经济性。本研究综合应用环境科学、水资源环境规划学、环境经济学,不仅夯实了理论基础,而且所提出的方法具有很好的科学合理性和实际操作性。

【Abstract】 The current water pollution problem is particularly serious, so it is urgent to protect drinking water sources. The establishment of effective of water source protection areas is centralized water supply sources to ensure an effective mean of continuous water supply. Regarding determining drinking water and ground water protection zones division and demarcation, HJ/T338-2007 was merely quota qualitative and quantitative classification of river-type water block piecemeal protect the land classification methods, and principled explain the demarcation of protected areas and coastal protected areas on both sides of the distribution of industrial and agricultural pollution sources and tributaries. However, it is not just limited to this to truly protect the water quality, this specification should be provided for the basic model refinement based on actual rivers. Choose the suitable method of the division of river researched to calculate.This study was to analyze the river - sediment - the main pollutants of pollutant system processes the physical chemical and biological contaminants and migration of water, based on pollutant transfers diffusion equations, the natural attributes of rivers and sediment pollutant adsorption are reasonable generalized, describing the source of dissolved contaminants is derived, a number of pollutants in the river sediment transport model is established .Based on the model, according to (HJ/T338-2007), using multi-objective function of environmental planning principles and methods, considering the social, environmental and economic factors, establishing the economic costs of environmental effects analysis of the objective function, considering the boundary control of the concentration of water conservation and pollutant transformation relations to construct sediment-laden river water source protection areas classified model optimization. By solving the model, obtain the protectorate water scope and the rivers between the typical pollutant density best relations combination of GB3838 -2002 water quality standards, obtain inverse wellhead protection area boundary waters. In addition, divided by the analysis of terrestrial protected areas, then methods of delineating land area were proposed.The study showed the impact of sediment on the transport of pollutants must be paid attention to when sediment-laden rivers and drinking water source protection zoning timeshare; it was more match with actual that multi-silt rivers pollutant transport model relatively brief which formatted by taking the pollutant transport theory as the foundation; then under the foundation of this model, we used the most optimized principle as well as considering the entire protectorate region environment economic development and the environment price, so optimized protectorate division model was established which has strong superiority; perfect scientific nature and the efficiency was manifested according to anglicizing actual example and confirmation models which result tallied with the reality basically.The research synthesized application environmental science, study of environmental water resources project and econology which was not only having rammed the rationale, but also the methods stated having strong scientific rationality and actual operation.
