

Research and Application of Key Technologies on Coal Spontaneous Combustion in Small Coal Mines

【作者】 闫凯

【导师】 邬剑明;

【作者基本信息】 太原理工大学 , 安全技术及工程, 2010, 硕士

【摘要】 煤炭自燃是自然界的一种客观现象,也是煤矿最为严重的自然灾害之一。小煤窑采用房柱式或以掘代采的开采方式,回采率低、遗煤多,巷道相互沟通、地表塌陷严重,长期漏风供氧而产生了多处大面积的煤层自燃火区,严重威胁着矿井安全生产。据统计,由于小窑开采造成的矿井火灾占自燃火灾的95%以上。要保证大矿的安全生产,解决周边小窑煤层自燃火灾危害就成了安全生产工作必须解决的一个问题。本文针对潞安集团王庄煤矿周边小窑自燃火区的特点,提出了以火区信息检测技术为主的综合防灭火技术方案。通过对煤炭自燃机理和影响煤炭自燃发火因素的研究,得出小窑煤层自燃火区具有地质和开采资料缺乏,开采范围不明,火区位置、范围、发展趋势难以确定,漏风通道复杂导致的灭火周期长,难度大,易复燃的特点。在对火区钻孔灌浆过程中采用了太原理工大学自主研发,先进的钻孔信息检测技术和气体信息检测技术及装备,适时监测钻孔施工效果,并及时调整灌注浆参数;采用变比例的动态混合浆液,对火区钻孔进行充填封堵并加固,改变了传统单一黄泥灌浆封堵效果差的状况;应用了粉煤灰,既处理了废料,又有利于环保,为绿色施工且符合国家有关政策。实践表明采用以火区信息检测为主的防灭火技术成功治理了小窑自燃火区,彻底消除火区对王庄煤矿的影响,确保了矿井的安全生产,节约了大量的防灭火资金,取得了良好的社会效益。本文研究成果还可在国内外自燃火区严重的类似矿区进行推广应用。

【Abstract】 The coal spontaneous combustion is an objective phenomenon of nature and one of the most severe natural disasters in coal mine. Small coal mines usually adopt room and pillar mining recovery method, with the problems of low recovery rate , more residual coal, laneway connecting with each other, severe ground subsidence, and oxygen supplying due to the long-term air leakage resulting in coal spontaneous combustion, seriously threatening to mine production safety. According to statistics, because fire disaster caused by small coal mines accounts for more than 95% of coal spontaneous combustion, , solvinging the coal spontaneous combustion in small coal mines has become a key to ensure the safety of the mine. According to the spontaneous combustion characteristics of the s small coal mines urrounding WangZhuang mine in Lu’an coal group, a project of fire prevention based on the fire area information detection techneque was bringed forward.Through the research on the coal spontaneous combustion mechanism and the coal spontaneous combustion influencing factor’s,the small coal mines lack of geological and mining data and unidentified mining area, fire location, fire range, as well as fire trends determined difficulties. Air-leaking passage leads to long fire extinguishment time, hard fight and easy resurgence.In the process of drilling and grouting, using detection technology and equipment which is developed from Taiyuan University independently, monitoring the construction effect timely, adjusting infusion plasma parameters, using the changeable ratio of mixed slurry, filling and reinforcing the drilling hole changed the traditional weak situation of yellow-mud grouting. In order to suit the relevant state policies, the application of fly ash not only dealed with the waste, but also was conducive to environmental protection.The practice showed that it could control the spontaneous combustion in the small coal mines around WangZhuang coal mine based on fire area information detection technology, eliminating the influence of fire to WangZhuang coal mine, ensuring the production safety, saving lots of moneyand creating tremendous social benefits. This research is also useful to the domestic and international mine with similar situation.
