

Research on the Selection of Ground-Source Heat Pump System for Chengdu Area under Typical Sandy Gravel Geological Condition

【作者】 谭祈燕

【导师】 杨坤丽;

【作者基本信息】 西南交通大学 , 建筑技术科学, 2010, 硕士

【摘要】 当今世界,由于经济的高速发展和人民生活水平的大幅度提高,人类对能源的依赖正与日俱增,而目前的主体能源化石能源却正日渐枯竭,从而产生尖锐矛盾。建筑耗能在能源消耗中占了很大一个比例。近年来,随着国家对节能减排以及对建筑节能技术开发与应用的重视,我国的建筑节能正在迅速地发展。地源热泵技术是建筑节能的重要技术之一,地源热泵供热(供冷)系统通过吸收大地的能量,包括土壤、井水、湖泊等天然能源,再由热泵机组向建筑物供热供冷,是一种利用可再生能源的高效节能、无污染的既可供热又可制冷的新型空调系统。成都属夏热冬冷地区,其特有的气候和地质水文条件决定了非常适宜于利用地源热泵空调系统。但所采用的地源热泵系统形式,应根据具体建筑的负荷特点及地下水环境、地质环境、生态环境来确定。目前针对成都地质水文条件下的地源热泵系统宏观选型研究还是空白,基础资料少,无法用于实际工程的选型参考;再者,在不同的地点要采取什么样的热泵形式,在没有全面把握当地地质水文情况和设计点土壤换热能力的情况下,仅依靠临时地质勘察而进行设计,将使得所选择和设计的地源热泵系统不能达到最佳的综合节能效果,甚至使得所选择的地源热泵形式不合理。本文针对地源热泵系统特性,研究成都地区地质水文状况,建立地质水文数据库;并重点研究成都片区砂卵石地质条件的地下换热情况;对在成都9区10县所打的实验井采用ANSYS有限元法进行换热模拟,确定地源热泵形式,从而对在成都片区大规模采用地源热泵技术提供参考。

【Abstract】 In today’s world, rapid economic development and the sharp improvement of people’s living standards which trigger human depending on energy increasing,and in the other side,present main energy Tossil fuels being drained,the two opposite sites result in sharp contradiction.Building energy consumption accounts for a significant proportion in all energy consumption.Mainly due to the previous building energy-saving technologies are not taken seriously,China’s building energy consumption is much higher than any other developed country,but in recent years,our country has gradually put emphasis on energy-saving technology development and applications.Ground-Source heat pump system is one of the key building energy-saving technology,by absorbing the energy from the earth, including soil, wells, lakes and other natural energy,and by using Ground-Source heat pump system units, Ground-Source heat pump heating (cooling) system supplies heating or cooling to buildings.This is a efficient energy-saving and pollution-free system which can supply heating and cooling through the using of renewable energy.Chengdu is a city which is hot in summer and cold in winter,so it is very suitable for the use of the underground soil heat storage.But using Ground-Source heat pump system should be based on the load of specific architectural characteristics and groundwater environment, the geological environment, ecological environment.And now research on macroscopic choose of chengdu Ground-Source heat pump system under the geology and hydrology is blank.Little basic materials,reference works can not be used to actual project,moreover,in different locations to take the selection of what kind of Ground-Source heat pump system,in no grasp the local geology hydrological conditions and design,rely on temporary geological rospecting and design, which will make the selection and design of Ground-Source heat pump system can not achieve the best effect of energy saving and even make choice of it is not reasonable.According to characteristics of Ground-Source heat pump system, in this paper,1 studies the geology hydrology condition in Chengdu,establish the geology and hydrology database and put focus on underground heat transfer situation under the geology and hydrology in Chengdu Area,moreover, in order to determine the selection of Ground-Source heat pump system,and give a technology reference to large-scale adoption of Ground-Source heat pump,I use ANSYS finite element method studying heat transfer simulation over experimental wells in 19 sections in Chengdu.
